✕ : THE SWEG CREW / 강설리



the sweg crew registration
kang, Seolli
drama club

001 : basic information
full name 〉 kang seolli ( 강설리 ) 
nicknames 〉
Y-CUTIE SEOLLI / mostly used by herself okay. seolli is the prettiest princess in her mind, the perfect combination of y and cute.
SSEOL / the sweg crew / it's just a general shortening of her name.
date of birth 〉061195 / 19
birthplace 〉pacific ocean, a few hundred miles off the coast of kauai hawaii
hometown 〉cheongdam-dong, gangnam-gu, seoul, south korea
ethnicity 〉korean
languages 〉
Korean :: korean is her native language and she knows a lot of idioms, old words, and academic words. sometimes, she has an odd way of pronouncing words for no particular reason. she speaks in her native seoul dialect and yet there are just words she has no clue how to pronounce.
ENGLISH :: for a high school student, seolli's english is rather advanced. near flawless pronunciation, a firm grip on the grammar mechanics, a vast vocabulary that assists her. seolli can carry on an entire conversation in english with her teacher and when her english teacher conducts a lesson in complete english she has no problem following along. it's very clear that she spends extra time outside of class with a tutor.

faceclaim 〉eunha
backup faceclaim 〉joy

appearance 〉


the first thing one notices about kang seolli is her hair. silky and smooth with a healthy sheen, and a healthy black. the second thing one notices about seolli is her general prettiness. large double lidded eyes, a small yet tall nose, thin pink lips with straight white teeth; she's very conventionally pretty. her eyes are a nice honey brown that compliments her full, dark lashes. her identifying feature is her chubby cheeks that all the old people love to squish.

other than her face and her hair, not much else about seolli kang is special. she stands at 155 cm and weighs in at 45 kg, just barely over the healthy bmi mark. seolli doesn't have any amazing age going on, in fact it's quite the opposite, she's a full fledged member of the itty bitty titty comittee jungkook likes to say she's the founder. she has little curves, but she has a flat stomach and killer collar bones and her hip bones jut out ever so slightly. her honestly breaks her heart like she's a flapjack no whatsoever it makes her cry.

style 〉
kang seolli's style is best described as thrift store aesthetic at department store prices. her favorite stores are american apparel and stylenanda. clothes that are trendy but ugly chic really resonate with her. 

american apparel heaux
002 : digging a little deeper
catchphrase  〉"GREEK TRAGEDY!" ―  kang seolli, 1996-present and beyond
about me  〉the cutest, most talented leading lady this side of seoul, her comfy life in gangnam has made her a bit spoiled and accustomed to getting her way with little effort. she's a very strict hedonist, living to be happy, and tends to overindulge in things she enjoys such as bugs and singing and dacing. a bit off beat by our standards, seolli simply marches to the beat of her own drum and refuses to change for anyone.

personality traits 〉 

( P O S ) whimsical, honest, observant, intelligent, confident, charismatic, industrious.
n e u ) obsessive, witty, effeminate, emotional.
n e g ) hedonist, credulous, pampered, dramatic, vain, shameless, competetive.
P E r s o n a ) the girl who came from outer space, the drama queen.

elaboration 〉

trivia 〉
― whenever she's scared, she grabs her s. her s are really soft and squishy and they just?? calm her down so much.

― seolli wears sweatpants under her uniform skirt crayon pop aesthetic.

― can never get namjoon's nickname right. she's always calling him things like rapmons, tapmonster, ratman, ramen, and ramon.

― seolli is strongly against homework, it seriously cramps her hedonist attitude so she just doesn't do it. her family's wealth really seems to come into play here, as her grades hardly seem to suffer from it at all because her parents bribed the teachers to go easy on her. however, seolli knows it is unfair and wrong but she doesn't really care because she hates homework.

― kang seolli loves bugs. all kinds of bugs. if she sees a bug she will pick it up, name it, and talk to it for hours on end. she'll make it a nice little habitat and keep it in her room. she currently has two pet bugs, a giant african land snail named booger and a jewel caterpillar named napoleon borntaparte.

― hates soda. it's so gross and sugary and the bubbles hurt and it makes her teeth feel weird. kang seolli refuses to drink soda

― her favorite feature on a person are their nostrils. she just loves nostrils so much, especially big ones they're so cute?? her second favorite feature on a person is their booty. she loves loves loves booty.

― she's a viner and she vines about bugs and drama club. one of her most popular signs is #dramakidsbelike and it features junkook. jk: oh are you guys working on macbeth! drama club: *gasps and immeditaely hits the desk* another one of her popular vines is of her giant african land snail booger eating leaves.

― seolli is almost always breaking out in song and dance when she feels the moment is right. she improvises her own songs and beats to fit the mood.

― she's always assigning people nickname. gayeon is "bba sae babygirl" because of her infamous bba sae video and the fact that they're unofficial gfs. jimin is "the busan booty" because he's from busan and has a nice booty. yoongi is "frank ocean" because like frank ocean, yoongi will never drop his album. jungkook is "tiger jk" because jungkook, jk, tiger jk. namjoon is "tuxedo mask" becaus of that one time he dressed up as sailor moon plus he doesnt really do anything just talk about who aint got no jams and breaks things. hoseok is "jesse mccartney's beautiful soul" because seolli thinks his beautiful smile is a reflection of his beautiful soul.

― she loves asking yoongi when he's gonna drop his mixtape because his reaction is the greatest. every time she asks he, he sprints in the other direction.

― seolli takes great interest in how a person's socioeconomic situation can limit they opprotunities and they way it can affect how people see and percieve use. she's always musing about this.

― she loves broadway showtunes and hyukoh. gayeon reminds her a lot of the song 'popular' from wicked.

― seolli says words really strangely. she most definitely doesn't have an accent, she just butchers the pronunciation of certain words a lot. "academy-ah" instead of "aca-demia", "a-neck-dote" instead of "an-ecdote", "oh may gots" instead of "oh my god", "pho-ee-nix" instead of "fee-nix". she insists that she doesn't mispronounce things on purpose but everyone can't help but wonder. she also uses text speak in every day life like she's always telling jungkook to "s-t-f-u" and "square t-f up" and "fight me r-n"

― she can turn any y dance into a cute one.

― seolli always wakes up at three am with a random thought on her mind. it could be something like "tis i, the frenchiest fry" or "akon's lighting up africa project will do nothing more than further enforce chinese imperialist rule in africa".

― when something shatters seolli's sense of self by making her sad ( because she likes to guide herself by strictly hedonist principals ) she tends to leap into existentialism. nothing has meaning and there is no reason for what we do and life is not on a set path and we are all alone in the universe and life is fleeting and time is sparce because pretty soon the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have. when she gets like this, it's almost like an entire mood switch. she's somber and serious and almost all her thoughts are things like "america's gnp was really just a form of neo-colonialism used to enslave latin american countries through their economies". all she really does when she's going through a wav of existential angst is stare at the ceiling and feel dead inside.

― when she's having existential angst, she likes to get drunk and listen to frank ocean because it helps her "cope" with the harsh reality of life that nothing ever matters.

― her favorite time period is edwardian era london.

― seolli has a habit of introducing herself in a "western" way. she doesn't say "my name is kang seolli." she says "my name is seolli kang."

― her english name that she uses in english class is "sistine". she came up with the name after reading an english book called the tiger rising by kate dicamillo which had a girl named sistine in it. obviously, the name is also taken from the sistine chapel.

― the marching band hates seolli because she called them nerds and they often threaten to shove her into a tuba. she legitimately fears tubas now like she has nightmares about them and everything.


003 : history and relationships
background  〉kang seolli was born to celebrity parents, both actors. about a wekk before she was born, her parents decided to take a luxurious vacation to kaui, hawaii. they wanted to be surrounded by beauty and the serenity of nature to de-stress seolli's mom who, at the time, was under a lot of criticism from the media for not handling her pregnancy like a glowing goddess. her doctor suggested the vacation, so baby seolli wouldn't be too affected by her mom's high level of stress. and on november 5th, in the middle of what was supposed to be a very soothing and romantic sail, seolli's mom went into labour. her dad had to call the coast guard and they tried taking seolli's mom to a hospital by helicoptor but she was like "no i am giving birth right. here." and on november 6th at 10:50 am after almost 18 hours of labor, kang seolli was born! they later had another at sea birth with seolli's younger sister, seolhee.

oddly enough, seolli didn't start speaking until she was 3, no matter how hard her parents tried to engage her into speaking. they were actually very concerned something was wrong with her, even her pediatrician was worried. seolli would simply shake her head, nod, and point. then one day, after seolli was being forced to quit picking her nose cold turkey—after an incident where seolli and seolhee were napping with their mom and seolli picked her nose and got a good, fat booger and shoved it up her mom's nose—she was staring at the wall when her dad walked by. he asked hey kiddo what're you thinking about? "i really miss my boogers dad what if i never see them again" and her dad screamed like a little girl.

kang seolli has been interested in theatre and acting ever since she was young, coming from a family of actors. and her parents gave her little acting workshops ever since she could speak. she attended an arts primary school and an arts middle school, but decided it was stupid how they don't only study the arts but have to study every other subject too, so she figured she would just rather go to a regular school if she was gonna learn math and science anyway. in her earlier school years, seolli had a lot of friends who were only her friends because of her economic status. they stopped being her friend once she stopped showering them in gifts, and that was something that really hurt her. so now, she makes an effort to not let too many people know that she lives in a luxurious part of gangnam and has actor parents.

after high school, seolli plans on attending juilliard art college in new york city and participate in the acting workshops. this is the main reason why she studies english a lot and has a private english tutor. she's still unsure if she's going to go to juilliard right after high school or attend college in korea first, but she will probably go to america directly after she graduates. she wants to be an actress, obviously, but she also wants to write tv series.

lifestyle  〉
Outside of school kang seolli's life outside of school is very eventful. she particiaptes in the national theater of korea's kb haneul youth theater, putting on plays and doing things like a 24-hour charity event where they do nothing but put on plays for 24 hours and they write their own one act plays to perform. she meets with her vocal coach every monday, wednesday, and friday, her acting coach on tuesday and thursday, and her private english tutor on sundays. 

inside school seolli doesn't care about her class ranking, she actually doesn't even know what her ranking is. she's very chatty in class and is always super duper nice to all her teachers, always saying please and thank you, always greeting them in the halls, always taking time out of her day to talk to them. they think she's a good kid, very sweet, she just doesn't do homework. they always tell her that her grades would be so much better if she just did her homework because all her tests and essays and other projects are always very well done. they always ask her if she's fine with being simply average with all her c's and she looks at them and says "yeh". seolli's best subject is literature, which she has an A in because the homework is just reading that's so easy and she struggles with math but she always makes jungkook help her. even though literature is her best subject, her favorite is history ( both world and korean ) because it's so interesting. her favorite historical event is the great emu war.

drama club ah drama club, is there a rose by any other name? drama club is seolli's livelihood. she actually contemplated joining the choir and the dance crew on top of her drama club activities, but they would interfere with her schedule. in almost every play the drama club puts on, seolli gets casted as the leading lady or as one of the lead roles which is great for her because she gets all the attention but annoying to literally every other member in drama club because to them she's so overrated with her stupid acting coach. seolli likes musicals more than regular plays but she auditions for everything because she loves theatre so much. drama club rehersals are about four hours long, starting at around 3 and ending at around 7.

other characters

Bba sae babygirl / han gayeon / shameless, vibrant, quirky.

you're only real friends after you start getting confused for a lesbian couple. seolli has so much to say about gayeon she absolutely loves her. to seolli, gayeon is cute and pretty and beautiful and perfect girlfriend material. seolli is always looking for an excuse to touch gayeon's really cute , she fawns over gayeon like an overly-proud boyfriend. she's always tagging gayeon in ugly vines and sharing her stash of dank memes with the cheerleader.

LIMP SHRIMP / jeon jungkook / sarcastic, little , mature.  

"tiger jk what's 20 times 12?" noona please don't start thiscall me oppa "no stfu you're a baby". the two have sparked up a friendly rivalry, or rather seolli has sparked up a friendly rivalry with jungkook who is constantly busy with his crazy hyungs. he drives her crazy because he's so much better than her at literally everything, it isn't fair. and he's always smirking she wants to fight him. the two are constantly teasing each other like i'm 18 i know all i need to know about girls "stfu you're like twelve. and yesterday you said grapes were better than girls stop lying". noona, tell me about the a-neck-dote about pho-ee-nix "jUNGKOOK YOU TROLL". "tiger jk will you please do aegyo for me?" um no "please i'll give you food?" ...alright. "remember that time you called sailor moon y? you've ruined sailor moon for me," sseol noona remember that time you said you wanted junhyuk to spank you like a bottle of ketchup? you've ruined ketchup for me now i only get ketchup out with a knife.

leading man / choi junhyuk / talented, tolerant, charismatic.

"look at the way his ING NOSE scrunches up look at how tTAN HE IS how is even possible for someone to be sO HANDSOME? I WANT HIM TO BUSS A NUT IN MY EYE LIKE PLEASE" seolli-yah, i'm right here. seolli has the biggest crush on junhyuk ever, he's just so handsome. they're both in drama club and he's usually the leading man to her leading lady, so they get a lot of love scenes. seolli swears its part of an elaborate acting excersize to keep her in character because do you know how hard it is to keep herself from passing out when they're so close together? every time junhyuk is around, seolli just wants to curl up into a ball and die because he's just sO HANDSOME. she can never look him in his gorgeous eyes and always says really dumb things around him like, "people die when they are killed" and "my giant snail peed on me this morning!" and just in general things that are dumb. before she goes to sleep, she wonders what it'd be like to cuddle with junhyuk, would he even like cuddling? seolli thinks he wouldn't but he'd do it anyway for her. and that makes her scream and blush with embarrassment.
004 : well, there's this guy . . .

crew pair  〉park jimin aka the busan booty
backup crew pair  〉kim taehyung, jeon jungkook
birthdate  〉131095 / 19


P O S ) kind, affectionate, supportive.
N E G ) insecure, passive, doormat.
P E R S O N A ) the busan booty, beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world too pure.

elaboration  〉
to seolli kang, and most other people, park jimin has no flaws. he's simply a beautiful and delicate soul who is always willing to help out. jimin is incredibly kind, often putting the happiness of others before himself. he has a lot of compassion and truly cares about others. jimin is also very encouraging and inspiring, supporting his friends in whatever they do. however, sometimes jimin is too selfless. he puts the preferences of everyone else before himself. "i would like to do this, but if you wanna do something else, we can do that!". he tends to be very critical of himself, finding it hard to accept that people make mistakes. if he messes up a dance routine, he will push himself to the edge during rehersals to make sure he doesn't mess up again. jimin also finds it hard to see what people see in him. he puts himself down quite a lot, and it doesn't help that jungkook likes to a lot.

their story

( seolli is in a dark room with a single spotlight on her. she's sitting down on a stool looking very fancy and serious. she clears before she begins speaking. )
s : "as john green once said in his book,
the fault in our stars, 'i fell in love the way you fall asleep. slowly, and then all at once'. this is a universal truth for falling in love and can be applied to many people--"
( jungkook turns on all the lights and stares at seolli like she's a freak. )
jk : "you were just sitting in the dark like a weirdo."
jk : "like i've never heard that one before."
( taehyung also wanders into the room with a crawfish stuck to his nose. seolli and jungkook simply stare at him as he gets a broom from the corner of the room. )
jk : "taehyung-hyung? what the hell is on your face?"
th : "hmm? oh! sseol, kookie, this is my new girlfriend!" ( he gestures to the crawfish. )
s + jk : "girlfriend?"
th : "yeah we only met an hour ago when jin-hyung took me to the farmers market. we fell in love instantly and she pinched my nose and we were meant to be!"
jk : "bam. that's a better love story than whatever you were gonna tell."
( seolli lets out a defeated sigh and looks into the camera like she's in the office. )

the two met during the school musical. jimin and hoseok were the choreographers for the musical numbers and taught them to the cast. even though hoseok worked with the leads and jimin worked with the supporting cast, seolli thought he had the cutest in the world. as practice was finishing up, tiger jk showed up because he was heading home with jimin and he made fun of this beautiful and kind angel. seolli overheard and literally looked like jungkook just kicked a puppy in front of her.

jk : "ew don't call him that sseol noona"
and poor jimin is blushing because he doesn't know what to do.
j : "um i-i'm not an angel?"
and hearing someone so aggressively reinforce that they thought he was an angel made jimin smile so wide for the next weeks. it was very sweet and nice, plus she tried to fight jungkook for him! 
a few weeks later, during the annual chocolate fundraiser that the arts programs throw to recieve funding, seolli comes running into the dance practice room. she disrupts everyone's practice and they're just kinda staring at her like nani the o??
s : "i may or may not have waged war on the marching band kids over the chocolate fundraiser. and then they threatened to shove me into a tuba and they started chasing me with their brass instruments please let me hide here."

and jimin, being the beautiful and kind soul he is, lets seolli hide behind him as he approaches the angry brass instrument section of the marching band. she was right, they are ready to shove her into a tuba. but thanks to his kind words and heartmelting smile, the situation is diffused with no one getting shoved into tubas ( even though taehyung found out about this and has since been trying to get someone to shove him into a tuba ). what jimin did only strongly enforced seolli's ious claims that he is an absolute angel. jungkook would've helped them shove her into the tuba and taehyung would want to get shoved into a tuba, too. but jimin protected her. he was her prince. her precious, beautiful cinnamon roll angel prince.

and at that moment, seolli decided she would make sure nothing in the world would break jimin's spirits.

she and jimin grow close and he encourages her to confront junhyuk about her feelings after hearing, in great detail, how she feels about him. but knowing seolli that doesn't go very well so jimin hides somewhere with these big flash cards for her to read from for support.

seolli squints her eyes, having difficulty reading them.
s : "i-i'm in... lesbians with you?"
jhk : "i beg your pardon?"
jimin starts whisper screaming.
s : "lesbiansssssss?"
jimin starts waving his arms around like crazy, signaling seolli to abort mission. meanwhile, junhyuk is still incredibly confused.
s : "u-UH. what i meant to say was... is... was? is that i talked to my giant snail and caterpillar about this and they said you'd be the perfect specimen for me to reproduce and spend my life with. please marry me."
j : "slow it down a bit"
s : "go out with me?"
jimin gives a thumbs up.
jhk : "uh... actually seolli-yah, i don't want to."
s + j : "wHAT"
jhk : "you're a really nice person and a great actress but... you're a bit too... eccentric for me. and your comments about me make me feel really uncomfortable."
junhyuk quickly sees himself out and seolli immediately lays down on the floor and stares up at the ceiling.
j : "uh sseol, the floor is dirty."
s : "that doesn't matter. nothing matters anymore. i am dead inside, merely a shell of my former self."
and jimin hates hearing seolli say that because her former self is so great. he doesn't know what else to really say because she'll probably argue with him about existentialism for hours so instead he sits down on the floor next to her and places her head in his lap so her pretty hair doesn't get dirty. they stay like that in silence for a bit, with jimin raking his fingers through her hair before seolli reaches up to hold one of his hands.
and next thing he knows, seolli is trying to choke back her tears but she fails and starts crying like a studio ghibli character because everything hurt so much. and jimin quickly sits her up so he can hug her tight and not let go and seolli's snotting and crying all over his unifrom shirt but jimin doesn't care, he just wants seolli to feel better.
s : "h-he said i was wEIRD!"
and hearing that pains jimin's heart. 
in that moment, jimin promises himself that he'll do whatever he can to keep seolli from feeling this way ever again.

jimin is looking at himself in the mirror, checking out his baby face and his phat booty and thighs and his now long gone abs and sighs wistfully. seolli has noticed that he's been doing this a lot lately and she wonders if something's up.
j : "i need to work hard to get my abs back..."
s : "no you don't you're fine without abs."
j : "i'm really not..."
s : "uh yeh you are."
jimin looks at her like she's telling the most cruel lie and seolli finally catches on to what might be happening here. the fact that he doesn't believe he's fine without abs breaks her heart.
j : "you're just saying that."
s : "i'm not."
j : "yes you are! everyone only says things like that to me because i'm their friend! but everyone else tells me i'm better with abs and that i need to loose weight because my face is too chubby and my thighs are too thick. even hoseok hyung and jungkook tell me i should loose weight! i just want to make everyone happy! so that's why i need to get my abs and loose weight!"
seolli stands up and approaches jimin and the mirror.
s : "jimin, you know i think you're handsome!"
j : "not as handsome as junhyuk-ssi."
seolli grabs his chubby cheeks and makes him look into the mirror.
s : "from your head to your toes, you're the best. your chubby cheeks remind me of dumplings and make me happy. your eyesmile is so warm and makes me feel at home."
her hands move down to pat his tummy.
s : "and your tummy shows me that you're healthy. you're eating properly and not over-excercising. you don't need to be ripped to be healthy. and see your thighs? you're a dancer! those are muscles, of course they're gonna be large! and your bootay! i love this busan booty so much."
jimin is simply silent and looks down at the floor after seolli finishes speaking.
s : "still don't believe me? then i'll tell you you're handsome just the way you are every day."
and hearing someone say that so sincerely, so truthfully, as if it was plain as day made jimin's heart flutter. he wrapped his arms around seolli and in that moment everything seemed to stop. jimin could clearly smell her hair, it smelled like coconuts and hibicuses. he noticed how she stood on the tips of her toes to hug him. he noticed just how well her head fit in the crook of his neck. he noticed his heart pounding and his blood rushing, and he hoped that seolli couldn't notice how warm his body was feeling.
park jimin realized he was in love.

jimin is getting like hardcore stalked by this underclassman who really wants his busan booty so he hides in the theater's black box under a desk. seolli's in the black box rehearsing her lines and some dance moves when jimin's intense fangirl comes in.
s : "you can't be in here."
g : "but i'm looking for jimin oppa--"
s : "i don't really care. if you're not part of the musical, you can't be in here. last time i checked neither you nor jimin are part of the musical so bye felicia."
g : "but wasn't he a choreo--"
after the girl leaves, seolli approaches jimin under the desk.
s : "you were hiding from her?"
j : "ah... she's been stalking me for a while, trying to get me to go out with her. it's been going on for like a month, i don't think i'll ever get rid of her."
s : "park jimin i will literally stab someone for you."
j : "uh. th-that's not necessary..."
s : "so, do you like someone else then?"
jimin blushes like a moe anime girl taling to senpai.
j : "w-well... yeah, of course!"
seolli screams at the top of her lungs because jimin is so cute she loves him!
she loves him.
she's hit with all her feelings and it's just like the time she got drunk and cried while listening to drake and frank ocean because she got caught up in her feelings.
s : "i bet whoever it is is like super lucky! i'm a bit jealous..."
the thought of jimin with someone else is totally cramping her hedonism. it makes her feel sad. like she has the runs only with tears and emotions.
s : "you should totally ask them out!"
only don't or else she'll have an existential crisis.
jimin turns even redder and looks down at the ground.
j : "i'll ask. okay. so... will you go out with me?"
his voice cracks as he speaks and seolli can only stare in dumbfounded awe.
j : "i mean, only if you want--"
s : "ok."
jimin stares at her blunt and emotionless response.
s : "i mean, okay! i'll date you! it's just... wow. you're in lesbians with me!"
j : "you're blushing! how cuuuuuute!"

seolli and jimin have formed a companionship based around wanting to see the other happy. jimin is kind and sweet and seolli wants to perserve that, while seolli is bright and bold and jimin wants to preserve that. the two have a deep trust between them, as they have seen each other at some of their lowest moments. they also balance each other out very well. whereas jimin is passive, seolli is assertive. while she is hedonistic and spoiled, he is kind and supportive.

jimin is a gentle soul and, unlike jungkook, is always really nice which is refreshing to be around. seolli knows she can be as open as jimin as she wants with no repercussions. she knows she can talk to him about something serious and be treated with tact instead of sarcasm. they can talk about plans on taking over the universe to great memes such as "dan nicky your bobbie s" and "wow the big milk" to how seolli feels that sm entertainment musicals are overrated. they can stargaze and have deep conversations about the universe. they go on picnics when its warm and watch musicals and cuddle when its cold. they play board games in their jammies and dance to taylor swift like idiots. they simply know each other as safe haven's. jimin knows seolli will always fight jungkook for making fun of him and seolli knows jimin will always give her amazing hugs whenever she asks.

as they grow closer, it becomes evidentally clear to even themselves that there is something more between them. they don't need to say "i like you", they say it by being able to order exactly what the other person wants in a restaurant. they say it by having philosphical discussions. they say it by linking arms and tickling each other, by listening to each other's heart beats. they do it by talking about themselves, their relationship, and the whole universe.
005 : official interview
who are you?  〉
"the school's leading lady and resident y-cutie princess, kang seolli!"

how did you join the group?  〉
"well after jimin saved me from being stuffed into a tuba, hoseok was laughing so hard at the situation because he couldn't believe something like that would happen in real life. and then jimin suggested i joined the crew and at first i thought they were talking about a gang and i said yes anyway."
"i was a bit disappointed that it wasn't a gang but here i am!"

what do you think of the group?  〉
"i think this group is something that makes me happy and they're people who i'm glad to call my friends!"

who are you the closest to in the group and why?
"so far it's jungkook and jimin and gayeon because they're nice to me. well, jimin and gayeon are nice to me tiger jk's just a limp shrimp ."

who are you the least closest to in the group and why?  〉
"jungkook because he bullies me."
"just kidding, it's really ramon. i don't really know why, i just hate how he's always making beats on the desk."

any activities that you want the group to do?
"i wanna go camping and i wanna put on a guerilla styled play in public and i wanna make everyone love bugs as much as i do and i wanna have cooking contests and impromptu dance parties and have sleepovers where we build forts and get drunk."

any activities that you don't want the group to do?  〉
"no skinny dipping because i don't want to see anyone's besides jimin's."

while in a restaurant with the others, which seat do you love the most?  〉
"i love the seat next to jimin because he looks so cute when he eats it makes me so happy."

"plus i love the seat next to yoongi because i can ask him about his mixtape and, by the laws of social convention, he can't run away from me."

while in a restaurant with the others, which seat do you hate the most?  〉
"i hate the seat next to jungkook because he'll try taking my food and it's hard to stab someone with chopsticks."

"also i hate the seat next to ramon because he's always trying to make beats on the table and trying to rap."

"also i hate the seat next to jin because he's too beautiful even when he eats and he makes me feel like a slob."

alright, thanks for your time!  〉
"bye i love you."

006 : last page of registration
alias  〉ivy
timezone  〉central, utc-06:00
activity  〉a lot tbh, 10/10 i check aff every day

comments  〉i wanna get into twice dahyun's so cute pls teach me. also no one knows how much i just want jimin to know he's loved and appreciated and that he's perfect just the way he is #protectparkjimin2k5ever
also i'd be fine with changing my love interests to one of the other members if ur tired of all us jimin stans
questions & suggestions  〉
scene suggestions  〉
"THIS IS TOO DUMB TO BE REAL" a shady guy asks seolli if he can hold her wallet, and she lets him. he then runs off with it and she doesn't even realize she got robbed until a week later
― "Guys who've never kissed a girl before" jimin and seolli are about to kiss but jimin, the loser who's never kissed a girl before, panics and shoves a finger up her nose and shouts "iDK I'VE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE"
"super rich kids with nothing but loose ends" the sweg crew getting suspicious about seolli's vagueness when it comes to her family and socioeconomic situation and being torn between "wth she's hiding something" and "this girl like never lies". but eventually some intrusive hoe spills all the beans and reveals her parents' celeb status. the secret about teachers grading her more lightly also comes to light and causes extreme friction between seolli, namjoon, and jungkook bc ramon works really really hard for his grades and actually loves expanding his mind and other nerd bull and jk becuase he works so hard and he's so earnest poor baby.
"the great puppy protests" seolli decides to organize a sit down protest in front of a pet store that sells dogs obtained from puppy mills, in an attempt to protest said puppy mills and she invites like the entire student body and the sweg crew but the only other person who showed up was jimin and that was only because seolli dragged him along with. jimin is able to see the exact moment seolli's heart breaks into tiny pieces and he takes her out for ice cream afterwards. jimin takes a pic of her while she's protesting and like sends it to everyone he knows on snapchat and all his sns with the caption "this girl will spark a revolution".
"one girl revolution" seolli attemps protesting puppy mills once again, and this time the outcome is astounding and they all get their picture in the newspaper and jimin's like "see? i told you she'd be revolutionary!"
"no, the other jagi" seolli and jimin are on a date at a fancy restaurant. and since jimin is always so nervous about being boring, he brings taehyung along. the three are looking through the menu and jimin's like "jagi, what are you gonna order?" and taehyung's like "i'll have the lobster tail"
"be our guest" jimin and seolli riding the teacups at an amusement park and seolli practically face plants after spinning too fast
"casually ruins friendships" the sweg crew all playing mario kart when someone chooses rainbow road. jungkook's the that chose it, yoongi's like "50% chance i'll loose, 50% chance i'm gonna punch you all in the mouth", hoseok is screaming at the top of his lungs the whole time and looking at the wrong screen, namjoon's like "no one in this room is my friend anymore. it's kill or be killed", gayeon is like "tIME TO GET ED NERDS", jimin is like "loving this soundtrack! wait did someone just hit me with a shell?", tae is throwing red shells and making everyone cry, and seolli's like "dO NOT PICK THIS I WILL SCREAM"
"oh my god jung hoseok" gayeon sees a roach and starts screaming and brings hoseok in to kill it, but when hoseok sees the roach he screams even louder and starts pushing gayeon towards it.

password  〉Doin' it by verbal jint and sanchez


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god i remember this too kkkkkk i wish i had my old apps :(
omg she's so qt.
elegantly #3
just wanna tell you that hoseok isn't available-