
alright alright after my last blog post which was like 5 minutes ago i thought a little and thought i might be over reacting and all (well ye i mean like, i think i am because i know what i was thinking about in my mind before which i did not put in the post) so i took note of some weird things about myself i noticed and wrote them down. then i searched up if it might meant something.


​symptoms of aniexty:

  • Problems sleeping
  • Cold or sweaty hands and/or feet
  • Shortness of breath
  • Palpitations
  • An inability to be still and calm
  • Dry mouth
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
  • Nausea
  • Muscle tension (one way this presents itself is making you feel like you are shivering when you aren't cold)
  • Dizziness
    • You don't have to be exhibiting all of the symptoms to be having an anxiety attack. Everyone is different.
    • Be aware that you could also have symptoms that are specific to you and not on a list somewhere.

literally ALL of them. im not joking, im not kidding im not trying to be an attention i am bloody serious when i say i get all those things regularly.


  • i havent slept well for months, just tonight i had a dream where i witnessed THREE murder scenes. THREE.
  • my feet are always stone cold, my mom always tells me the same about my feet and she even told me to see a doctor about it because she was worried my blood wouldnt flow well.
  • shortness of breath comes along with my astma.
  • palpitations is new to me. i didnt even know it could be seen as a symptom because i thought it was normal.
  • i never stay still and thats just the way i am. either my leg is always shaking or my fingers are tapping. i didnt know this wasnt normal, either.
  • dry mouth speaks for itseld.
  • okay the numbness and tingling thing i had figured out long ago it wasnt normal. i also went to the doctor about it a couple months ago and they told me theres a muscle in my leg that is shorter than its supposed to be considering my height (168cm) and that it sometimes feels numb because of that. however i really do notice how my legs and fingers suddenly feel numb or tingly. and i always knew it wasnt something to shrug off. i went to the physiotherapist for like 4 months for this.
  • nausea is something i felt the last two weeks. especially after i gave a thought about how my former close friend really dislikes me a lot now to the point they dont care if our friendship gets broken off in any way. also when i think of how awkward i suddenly am in roleplays, i used to be really bubbly and talkative and could befriend people quickly but these last few weeks i am so nervous about approaching people because i dont think they would like me. and because im nervous i say stupid stuff and i keep thinking they hate me because of it. im not likeable.
  • dizziness, i would blame on the lack of sleep. or when about to do something or say something that all of sudden makes me nervous.


im actually a really straight forward person and i always have strong opinions and the fact that im feeling all things above makes me panic even more and it creeps the living hell out of me.

i dont even know what to do with this.


also, you guys might not care about it but im glad i wrote this post because if i decide to see the doctor, i can just show them this. because side fact: i just completely shut up when im in front of someone who's willing to help me. it started when i first began speaking to me therapist.


ugh. i just want to cry.


and i just want to have normal dreams again.



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I just saw your post, oh no... Are you sleeping well these days? I thought you are having holidays. You know you can talk to memif you have any anxieties ok.
If it really makes you uneasy, then I think you should talk to your doctor about it. I had an anxiety attack once, and it was one of the scariest things that ever happened to me.
mashisuh #3
please go see a doctor;;
I think you should really see a doctor, maybe it'll make you at ease~