Before it may seems

Everything starts for a reason

Before I had faith

Before I believe

Before I used to say it's alright

Before I say you had me

Before I used to say things will change

Before I wanted to give what must be given

Before I pray to be neither a peasant nor a Queen

Before I used no power to address

Before I had you. I had my own

Before I never felt so much pain.

Before life was easy

Before so many things worth nothing.

But all of this change that b4 had a present and a furture.

Which is undeliverable for it only means one.

That one is presence.

Presence that will never last for hours, days and nights.

A dream that became a nightmare.

An untold story a fairytale nor a myth.

Neither is one.

Neither is false.

Neither is unreasonable.

Until sorrow runs deep and attack your unguarded heart.

This is your faith.

This is your profound truth.

This is whom I wanted the profound love.

That creeps to my soul untangle the veins and repulse that of beating heart.

As it ends I feel solemnly betrayed.

Misfortune and misleading.

Hurt, forsaken, forgotten and soulless I envy thy whom was love and thy whom celebrating.


The wound that was healed and wounded over and over again will leave a scar that will remind us.

Our mishaps is a sign of a new bound happiness waiting to reveal it's faith next in line, if we summon the truth.


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eds1023 #1
Lovely :-)
Wow thumbs up :)