New Story Idea: Switch! Mr. Overachiever & Mr. Underachiever

Just being weird again and planning to write a story with another set of non-mainstream (non-kpop) casting.  =P  Totally fell in love with Li Yifeng & William Chan's bromance in Swords of Legends and thought that I have to write about them or else, I can't -- no, I won't stay sane!EAWF@#!!!$ @___@  Doesn't help much that they're both hotties, hot, hot~ ouch~!  I'm gonna burn myself!!  T____T

Story description:  Li Yifeng (an ordinary traffic cop) and William Chan (a rising star detective) would never imagine in their wildest dreams that they would cross path with each other, let alone in such a strange predicament  --  they've accidentally activated an ancient talisman that caused them to switch bodies.  Now, they have to live as each other for the next 24 hours.  And now, the cliché question is:  what could possibly go wrong?


Poster or here is linked to story.

Although, depending on the potential readership, this story will probably stay as a one-shot for now (since AFF is so kpop dominant at the moment T___T).  Then, maybe when I have tons of time, I will continue it as a chaptered story just to please myself.  

Oh yea, Tia Li (a Taiwanese actress) and Lee Yoobi (the cutie pie) will be in this story as well!  ^^


How can anyone not love their perfection?!?!?!






(Robo-eye) Yifeng~~




So please check out these hotties~

Pretty please~~  ^^


Oh right, please check out this story, Switch!  Mr. Overachiever & Mr. Underachiever, too~!




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