A website that may help you protect your works

mitsurinaxHIKARU , on of our own, has been plagairized.  One of her gems has been stolen and placed on another site.  The thief is claiming the work as her own and being very unresponsive to negotiation.  Our lovely mitsurinaHikaru has therefore gone to a website that I feel we ALL should take advantage of.


This website provides an html to link up to and is FREE!   This is a good start to protecting your babies as it gives you another place to register your little ones.  PLEASE!!  Don't let yourself get screwed over by some jealous wanna be who has to steal cause they cannot write their way out of a wet paper bag!!  Take a look and see if it suits your needs.  There seems to be several options for usage depending on desired features. 

Authors, Artists, and everyone else who creates on your comp.  PROTECT YOURSELF!  Please!! Reblog this on other sites. Tweet it, tumblr it, wattpad it..ANYPLACE you can spread the word.

Thanks and all my love to each and every one of you whether you write or just visit to read.


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Nifty. I'll check this out thank you.
gosh i really really hate people who plagiarize other peoples work >_< they don't realize how much time people spend on their works and when they get called out on it they refuse to take it down or respond to messages? ew. thank you for the link, i'll bookmark it~
Once again, I'm so thankful to you unnie for broadcasting this and helping other people so they won't have to deal with thieves.

To everyone who are reposting this across platforms, thank you so much in helping spread the word about this and giving your favorite authors a legal license to their gems.

To fellow authors, we now have a base protection for our stories and I really hope this would help curb the plagiarism even though there will be some who wouldn't care about it.
tokyotaehyung #4
I just found out that someone plagiarized one of my fics and I am beyond pissed. glad that I found this.
Unnie, what is this? How can I make it work?
Now I'm worried about my stories .. . =="
That's so . I cannot believe that.
I had issues with plagiarism a few years back on a different site, and it pissed me off to no end. The two people who stole my work were also highly uncooperative.
People are terrible!
This is so great though, this site.
May I link to this post on my tumblr?
No freaking way unnie, like for real?? thats so freaking unfair... we bust our asses writing for someone go and take all the credit?
I truly hope the other party gets what it deserves for stealing intellectual property