Plagiarism be erre'whurr

So I recently discovered something on YT...

An American kid band Just Seconds Apart recently (May 15) came out with a song called Unbelievable.

Now, the lyrics aren't the issue. Its the music itself.

The music is practically identical to SJ's Walkin' that came out 4 years prior.



Here's the song Unbelievable:


And here's SJ's Walkin' :


Its already been commented on in the Unbelievable MV, but I just thought I'd share this info.


I know it really pissed me off when I realized it, so how about y'all?



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Wow... It does sound similar. LOL Well, that's how everything works nowadays.
It could be that SM/whoever the hell got the song for these dudes sampled the same thing and bought the rights, like SM and Jedward did way back when with TVXQ's Superstar. HOWEVER. I'm reading comments and I guess this band is claiming they wrote it, and sold a license to SM? Gah. Won't pretend I know how the ding dang this works, but odds are they're in the clear via some loophole.
Yeah they are very alike...maybe samr beat?