BAE... as in Bea's Awkward Explanation

*peaks around warily*

Soooo... hello guys! Um... yes this is awkward. I didn't come up with the title of this blogpost for fun (at least not that is the main purpose khm) I seriously feel embarrassed for making this explanation, sorry-for-leaving-you-hanging-for-a-month-or-so blogspot but I have to do this. You deserve to know what happened and what will happen in the future.

First of all, before any of you would bring flowers to my Wall, I'm alive and continue writing on AFF, on LiveJournal, and basically. I didn't give up or anything.

As many of you already know, though I'm finished with my exams I still had some school stuff going on. For example, last week I was on a school trip (IT WAS AWESOME I saw and learnt so many interesting things for example I've met a Rosalia longicorn and it was so magnificent asdfghjkl) without internet (for five long days... SJ released the Special Album on Thursday and I came home on Friday which means I HAD TO ENDURE THE PAIN OF NOT LISTENING TO THE ALBUM) so yeah, I couldn't concentrate on writing or anything else.



BUT now I'm back to catch up and to give you some news about updating.



I'm so sorry guys! A lot of you subscribed and upvoted and I feel for not being able to update for so long. TT^TT I'll finish it, don't worry. I'll post the next chapter next week.



The main reason which keeps me away from FFABCCTY *sigh* The story just got stuck in my head... I'm almost finished with its 2nd part so you can expect the update tomorrow.



What should I say about this? I'm late with so many hints it's ridiculous. *facepalm* This story's reveal depends on how I manage to write FFABCCTY because I want to finish that before I publish this... though I can't say I won't reveal it earlier, on 29th July as I've announced way back. It depends on my free-time (I'm living on the countryside, field work is no joke orz) and writing muse. What I CAN say is that I'll put up all of the hints soon so you can have your guesses.



I'm planning to enjoy my summer by writing more so in-between you can expect oneshots AND if I finish FFABCCTY and starts the mysterious project, I might write some short stories as well. (baekchen not baekchen? *whispers* both)

Also I'm participating in a fic fest (you can guess but I won't tell a thing haha) which is really important for me so please, consider that.

AND last but not least, please, accept my apology. Being a writer requires lot of strength, responsibility and creativity and though you always try to give your best, there are days which things don't go as you plan on. The point is you get up and continue. That's what I'm going to do now. ^^

On a happy note, thank you for your support by subscribing, commenting, upvoting, befriending, etc. You never fail to remind me why I've started to write in the first place and that there is a community which I can find fun and lean on.

Thank you for your attentoin. :)

xoxo, bea


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you should join the baekchen fic fest on lj too!! in fall :)
I've had lots of school work too (although I haven't even started my GCSE's yet XD) but it's great how you think about others and respect writing very much and work hard at it, yet show that you have an outside life too that's very important, it's very inspirational ⌒.⌒