adventures w sam pt.2 ft. guest appearance of keyhyun

[2:43:03] Samantha: i am melign
[2:43:03] smol bean: asdfghjkl;'
[2:43:05] Samantha: melting
[2:43:10] smol bean: turning into human soup as we speak
[2:43:15] Samantha: tru
[2:43:30] Samantha: we r all just soup, we're just in skin bags
[2:43:36] smol bean: #sambeingdeep
[2:43:50] Samantha: deeper than the pacific ocean
[2:44:02] smol bean: deeper than kim fake deep jonghyun
[2:44:04] smol bean: not that deep
[2:44:25] Samantha: deeper than Kibum in jonghyuns
[2:44:35] smol bean: u have problems
[2:44:40] smol bean: we both do


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Rellamellow #1
Lmao you both havin so much fun and I'm glad my hotel has some kinda wifi. It's ty tho.