# paper lace。yang hyoju — lead vocal, lead rap!

yang hyoju
username. strawberxy
nickname. chanmi
activity level. 10
character name. yang hyoju
  • Hyogi: She acts like a total baby + Her members calls her this
  • Soju: It's a Korean beer and because her name 'Hyoju' sounds relatively similar to it, Bohye calls her this to piss her off, "Ya, at least I'm not named after a beer, Soju~"
birthday. november 16th, 1997
birthplace. south korea, busan
hometown. south korea, seoul
ethnicity. full korean
nationality. korean
  • Korean (Busan Accent): It's her native language, and afterall she has been staying in Busan for 12 years, 10
  • Korean (Seoul Accent): Having moved to Seoul when she's 12, she ought to pick up the Korean language, but in Seoul accent instead, 8
  • English: It's a compulsory subject in school, 7
face claim. jang yeeun
back up. oh seunghee
height. 170cm
weight. 54kg
Hyoju is a very hardworking and talented girl. Always burning the midnight oil and sneaking into the practice room so as to be able to gain 'extra knowledge'. To her, putting effort and taking the initiative to learn new things is considered a hobby and also a privilege. If you happen to defeat her in certain monthly evaluation for trainees, mark my words; Hyoju will be in the pratice room and she will get very little sleep. She's supposed to be a smart girl and no one was going to change that fact. Besides being an obssessed hardworking person, Hyoju is also very alert. She can definitely spot if there is something unwanted in the room. However, she's not as brave as she depicts herself to be. Rather, she's a scaredy-cat dressed in a wolf form to pretend that she's strong and that she's brave. I mean what do you expect from the daughter of parents' whom loved her to death? That being said, she would be the first to volunteer going into a haunted house. Yes, she's scared. heck, she would even take her luggage and fly herself to another country just so to escape if it weren't for her pride. She believes that she has a natural leadership which would make people follow her footsteps – but we all know it's not that case. in fact nobody would follow the path she paved. Nobody would trust a girl who does something without thinking about its consequences

She's a very possessive person and doesn't likes to share what's hers; be it friends or things. She wouldn't express her disapproval if you got close to her friends. Instead she would curse you to death in her diary. To add on, her possessiveness always lead to obssessiveness. No, not obssessed over some stupid animes. instead she would obssess over her crush. As sickening and creepy as it sounds, Hyoju is somewhat like a stalker. "But a cute stalker... have you ever seen such a cute stalker?" she would always say. Let's not forget that human all have their sentimental sides as well. Hyoju tends to get very violent and rash when she's angry. Often she would try to resolve her anger by challenging the person (who caused her anger) to a cat fight. Of course, she's not that capable. she would definitely lose, for the record she has never won at all

She's rash, she wouldn't think of the consequences and she doesn't have anything prepared to answer the CEO and manager when she gets into trouble. So much for her pride and rashness. A rather quiet yet outgoing person actually, she tends to be really clingy towards the people she likes; a sign of obssessing, which often drives people away from her. Let's not forget that even the brightest people has its lowest point, when she's sad, she tends to distant herself from everyone and would always leave the dorm without permission. She says it's because she wants some space, but it's just another excuse for, 'i can't face my problems because i'm scared and i wanna runaway.' For a person like Hyoju, it's not a surprise that she has plenty of aegyos. She loves acting cute, "I want people to like me more.." Of course, acting cute isn't really a big deal for girls; in fact she uses it for good purposes - to get things that she wants. It's to the point where she would keep being disgusting with her aegyo (however you look it, cute or disgusting) and you can't keep up with it anymore, thus giving in to her

Yang Hyoju was born on September 1st, 1997 in South Korea, Busan. Both her parents are owners of a Korean BBQ restaurant namingly, 'Min Gook'; which means best country. She was spoiled and loved as a child, since she was the only kid; which explains why she's very obssessive and gets angry when the attention isn't on her. She attended kindergarten and elementary school, and graduated when she was 12. When Hyoju turned 13, her family moved to South Korea, Seoul because her mother wanted a change in environment. Hyoju then attended Anyang Art High School and enrolled herself into a dance group, 'Freak Out' in school
Being a very diligent and intelligent pupil, she had topped her level multiple times. In 2011 when Hyoju was 14, she met Jenny (Jennie) Kim who was a transfer student from America, which is why she repeatedly says that Jenny isn't a bad or rude girl. A few months later, still in 2011, Hyoju had auditioned for YG Entertainment together with Jenny and she was rejected; with Jenny being accepted. Though she was a little sad, she didn't really held it against her friend. Afterwards as Jenny was busy with her training and only turned up to school for the main subjects, Hyoju was basically left alone. She wasn't a popular kid in school, and her old friends found her too much of a bother since she was too clingy and disliked it when they had other friends

In 2012 she auditioned for Cube Entertainment alone. Originally, she rapped and sang GN.A's 'I'll Back Off So You Can Live Better', but they eventually told her to dance. She got in for her dancing skills and started training the same year when she was 15. It was also that year when Kpop Star Hunt Winner, Sorn entered the company. The both of them trained together after they were confirmed to debut together (since they entered the company at the same time). However, in 2014 they notified Hyoju that she was dropped out of the lineup for upcoming new girl group, 'CLC' and was replaced by Jang Yeeun. 
Together with a few other trainees from Cube Entertainment, Hyoju was selected to undergo the trainee exchange programme with Pledis Entertainment. She wasn't a definite pick for their new girl group project, but she eventually got chosen after showing signs that she was determined to debut. After training for another 1 year, Hyoju eventually debuted

  • She dreams to become a cat in her next life; if that is even possible
  • She's a dreamer
  • She's closest to Bohye in the group
  • She's the tallest member; standing at 170cm
  • She dislikes taking full body photo with Anna because it makes her look like a giant beside the midget
  • She's not a very popular student in school
  • Prior to popular belief that jennie kim is a rude girl, Hyoju says otherwise
  • She has a birthmark on her right ankle
  • Her natural hair color is black
  • She's very annoying
  • Her favorite song is 'Twinkle' by Taetiseo, and she always sing in when she's doing something
  • Her favorite food is ice cream
  • She has a sweet tooth - but she'll control it
  • She has a white book, a dairy which says "touch me not" on the cover​
  • She had hoped to be a soloist at first
  • She's the main dancer of the group, and she's proud of it
  • She has once cut her hair short and she cried for the whole day and demanded that Sorn had short hair as well; well, she eventually did
  • She's close to BTOB's Minhyuk despite the 7 years in age difference
  • She appeared in Mad Clown's 'Fire' and Boyfriend's 'Janus' MV
  • She recently just graduated from Anyang Art High School and is not attending University due to debut
  • At times, she would return to her old school with Bohye (who doesn't attend that school) for fun
  • She saves Seokmin's name as 'seobang<3' in her phone, it means hubby
  • her rival is park jisoo, an oc
  • She has a tattoo that says, '0312'; 3rd of December, on her left hand's forth finger; it's her Mother's birthday
  • On her birthday, she loves to celebrate with her close friends
  • She hates watching horror movie, but would do so to accompany Bohye
  • She finds Anna irritaiting at times, even if she's the more irritaiting one
  • Hyoju's was originally named 'Chorim', but they eventually changed it to 'Hyoju' because it meant something like precious
  • She does not have many friends, in fact she has less than 10 friends of the same age as her
  • She gets along with older people better
Father » Yang Dohyung : 50 : Affectionate, Caring, Patient : Owner of Korean BBQ Restaurant : Hyoju is what Dohyung would call, 'the apple of his eye'. Whenever he sees her, he would greet her with a hug and would always demand to hold her hand, like how he always did when Hyoju was younger. It's embarassing but Hyoju doesn't mind, afterall he's her father

Mother » Lee Hyuna : 49 : Protective, Caring, Outgoing : Owner of Korean BBQ Restaurant : Like how Dohyung is, Hyuna loves Hyoju as much. Being her only child, Hyuna is often worried about Hyoju; she would constantly text her and send her pictures of what she's doing, so as to not feel like she has drifted away from her daughter. Although it's bothersome, considering Hyoju is always busy. Hyoju always do the same as well, not only that - she would confess that she likes someone if Hyuna asked

Oppa Figure » Lee Minhyuk : 25 : Overprotective, Caring, Kind : BTOB's Member : Minhyuk is like Hyoju's brother. Everytime they see each other, Hyoju would shout his name affectionately before running and jumping on him. Minhyuk finds Hyoju annoying at times, but he can't help but to smile at her cuteness. While others may think that Hyoju is always faking her happiness and enthusiasm, Minhyuk finds that she's very innocent which makes him want to protect her a lot. Hyoju always find Minhyuk, whenever she's sad or happy, he's most likely the 2nd or 3rd person she would text and share her joy or sadness with, 1st person being Na Bohye
Friends » faith song : ?? : Easy-Going, Blunt, Confident :
Baby-G's Member : Not going to lie but Hyoju kind of dislike Anna at times because of how well loved she is. They have similar personalities in Hyoju's opinion, but she does not get why Anna is more loved by others compared to her. At times, she loves the girl to death because Anna cares for her a lot - and for that she's grateful. They are somewhat like buddies who love and hate each other, though it seems like it only applies to Hyoju
Rivals » Fang Wengie : 17 : Selfish, Cunning, Stubborn : Trainee : Wengie and Hyoju trained together, somewhat. Considering that Hyoju entered Pledis Entertainment in 2014, while Wengie entered in 2010 - it was kind of impossible for them to train together, but they did anyways because Wengie was lacking a lot in her singing and dancing. At the start, Wengie likes Hyoju. She found that the girl was rather cute, but after Hyoju showed sign of clinginess, she began to stay away from the older girl in fear that she's lesbian. When Hyoju debuted, Wengie started to dislike her. "Why her and not me?" A normal thought for all the trainees who had trained together with Hyoju, yet wasn't picked to be a member. However, because Hyoju liked Wengie a lot - she felt guilty and would constantly follow her around, apologizing. Wengie told Hyoju to give up the debut if she really is sorry; but Hyoju couldn't do so, she's an ambitious kid anyways. It became a mutual hate when Hyoju found out that Seokmin has interest in Wengie. After knowing that, Wengie often took advantage of his interest towards her to make Hyoju mad

love interest. lee seokmin, d.k
back up. kim mingyu
birthday. february 18th, 1997

Seokmin. Lee Seokmin. For starters, he's actually quite warm and outgoing. If you're his friend, chances are that he would lookout for you all the time. He's hardworking, yes. Seokmin loves working hard, though he would slack off at times, he just likes to see the fruit of his labor and by that I meant their music topping the charts. He's outgoing in a sense that he gets along well with everyone. You may not know him and vice versa, but the moment you just smile at him to be polite he would more or less smile back before walking to you

"Annyeong, I'm Seokmin. Also known as D.K." 

Well ladies and gentleman, there, up there, is how Seokmin is like to people who aren't that close to him. Once you get to know him, he's totally like a jerk. He's not responsible for his actions, an example would be that he wouldn't wash his dish after he eats, *I'm sure someone can do it for me...* Seokmin is not one to easily open up to people; give him time, and he will slowly open up to you, but do not force him. With that being said, he keeps everything to himself which is why he would be unusually quiet at times. It's not that he's moody or wants to kill someone, he just has a lot going in his mind and talking + thinking isn't really a good combination, right.. 

No, Seokmin does not get jealous easily. No, Seokmin does not get possessive easily. Repeat that about 10 times now. He simply is just that carefree and does not like to 'cage' people by getting jealous, he thinks that by doing so, he would come off as a burden. So go on, go talk to other guys, go hug other guys. He doesn't care. Like everyone, Seokmin has flaws. He's very ill tempered and impatient, he dislikes being annoyed constantly no matter who you are. Alright, he might make an exception if you're SNSD but you clearly aren't so case is closed. He'll warn you once, he'll warn you twice, but at the third time if you still continue annoying him, he would lash out at you

Warning the contents below is strictly PG13*


He would feel guilty afterwards, but it really isn't in his blood to apologize so you can just forget about it. If it's really serious, he would however apologize through text or writing a card. He just doesn't have that much of courage to apologize face to face because newsflash mofo, Lee Seokmin is somewhat a coward at times


Hyoju first met Seokmin in 2014, when she first joined the company. At then, she already knew who Seventeen was, and she more or less know who Seokmin was too. She was in the dance room alone, dancing to CLC's 'Pepe' - it was afterall her supposed-to-be-debut song. At that moment, Seokmin entered the pratice room without knowing that she was there and when he saw her, he immediately apologized for interupting,

"Aniyo, it's okay. You're Seokmin sunbaenim, right?" Hyoju blinked, she was kind of afraid that she got the wrong person but mentally sighed in relief when he nodded, *Thank god.* 

Seokmin stared at Hyoju, "Are you new here or..?" She nodded before doing a 90 degree bow, "Annyeonghaseyo, Yang Hyoju imida. I was transferred from Cube Entertainment." Seokmin nodded and somehow felt envious of her. Afterall Cube Entertainment was a more well known company than Pledis, "Why did you transfer here?" He asked curiously and Hyoju gulped before smiling embarassedly, "I-I got dropped out of their new girl group project, and they wouldn't launch another one until a few years later..."

And then afterwards, they exchanged numbers and basically talked on quite a regular basis


Hyoju loves following Seokmin around, no doubt. There's a reason for that though - she likes him, duh. There is no particular reason as to why Hyoju likes him, the moment she sees him she just though that, "Ah.. he's the one." Well of course, like the girls in movies; stupid girls. Despite being the same age as Seokmin, she enjoys calling him oppa... somehow. She knows that it's a one sided love, yet she still acts like Seokmin is hers. At the start, Seokmin didn't really mind Hyoju following him around like that. In fact, he thought that she was just following him because she was Seventeen's sister group. But as Hyoju starts declaring her love for him, he knew that the situation isn't that simple and innocent as he thought to be

Hyoju tapped on the mic that was in the cafeteria, somehow. "Ah, ah." She tested and everyone turned to look at her. What was this crazy doing... Seokmin squinted his eyes at her, being a trainee, he still didn't have the privillege to go to the idol building yet, therefore. s were looking at Hyoju as well, some thought that she looked really cute because well - she just do

Blinking, she looked around the cafeteria in search of the one and only, Lee Seokmin. Hyoju smiled when she caught sight of him before pointing to him and continuing, "Everyone.. Lee Seokmin oppa is mine okay? I like him and he likes me too. Do not disturb a happy couple because I will personally come after you, arasso? Thank you!" The whole cafeteria 'ohh'-ed at Seokmin who looked by far pissed, *What does she think she's doing?!*

To Seokmin, he used to see Hyoju like a close friend or rather a lovable girl. But ever since her nonstop clinginess, he found her to be irritating and her personality to be somewhat a turn off; which isn't surprising, I mean come on, it's 2015 already. Playing hard to get is the trend, doesn't Hyoju know anything at all? He admits that he is harsh towards Hyoju at times, but mainly because she keeps following him and buy unnecessary items for him, like what for? After hurting Hyoju's feelings, he rarely apologizes unless he feels the need to do so

statusto hyoju, they're dating. to seokmin, they're just acquaintance
stage name. song yeon
persona. the gentle giant
position. lead vocals, lead rap
back up. lead rap, dance
talent twin. seo joohyun
back up. jang yeeun
training year(s). 3 years
trainee life. Life in Pledis Entertainment was not very likable for Hyoju. She thought that she wouldn't be able to debut because they already had 'Seventeen' in mind, moreover she wasn't confident if they would succed considering that 'Afterschool' isn't that of a big deal now; only Nana. Not only that. Hyoju wasn't a popular trainee, which means she was only given very little predebut experiences for the K-Neitizens to see her face; it's the only way to ensure that you will be famous because the neitizens would wonder who you are. Fortunately things got better in early 2015, she got to star in Mad Clown's 'Fire' MV despite being from a different company and she did not even know how they knew of her existence. Before, she appeared in Boyfriend's 'Janus' MV despite not being in the same company because Cube Entertainment wanted to promote her before debuting her. Hyoju got into Pledis Entertainment after she has been dropped out of 'CLC' for member Jang Yeeun, and was then involved in a trainee exchange programme with a few other trainees from Cube Entertainment. She trained for a short period of 1 year and a half, while she trained for 2 years in Cube Entertainment
pre-debut experiences.
  • appeared in boyfriend's 'janus' mv in 2012
  • appeared in madclown's 'fire' mv in early 2015
comments. hello! the application is really simple and lovely, daebak! i love how you stick to the layouts there were used a few years back :) also, i hope you'll like hyoju!
  • hyoju following seokmin around
  • hyoju waking up at 4am in the morning after she slept at 2am, to cook for seokmin
  • after hyoju went to kbs early in the morning with faith to pass the food to seokmin, he gave it to s to eat instead
  • hyoju insulting wengie and seokmin saw; he came and scolded hyoju which caused the girl to walk away with tears
  • seokmin kissed wengie to see if he still liked her
  • hyoju saw them kissing, and taking it as the last straw that he had thrown away, she walked away and cried later in the dorm while faith tries to comfort her
  • seokmin ealizes that he does not like wengie anymore, and tries to find hyoju in order to confess to her, but she doesn't reply his messages or answer his calls 
  • seokmin goes over to their dorm in order to find hyoju, but faith chases him away
  • seokmin getting upset when hyoju ignores him and ended up stealing her away from her members
  • hyoju telling seokmin that she has given up on him, just like how he wanted and currently likes hansol (it's a lie)
password. x


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