What the hell have I been doing?


I went ahead and read(deleted) my past blogs because what the hell was I thinking? I've been laughing so hard as I went through each and every one of them. I was so childish and quirky and things that I am (hopefully) not today.

If anyone is confused, I was u-karu/-Karu- or just plainly, Karu. I've changed this username, but I do miss the old one—like...really miss it. Unfortunately, I can't change it back anymore. I was wondering how my past friends were, and what have you guys been doing lately. I've become a social pariah that I've forgotten a lot of things, but every time I log into this account, I can see the past things I've written by myself, and written with you guys. 

What have I been doing the past who knows what?

It says I've been a member since 2010, so it has been almost five years for me since then. 

I studied again, and now, I'm in my third year and my major is Psychology. I don't know if I've told anyone this, though. Haha. Anyways, I've been so busy with studying and stuff, I've written a few pieces, but I've never finished anything because of life. I've been trying really hard to stay grounded to reality, and now I've become really tired of it, so from time to time, I do like to visit the past. 

So, how is everyone?


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I've been here since 09 xD