Upcoming Surgery

I'm sorry to say this guys, but I'm not going to be very active for the next couple of weeks or so. I'm having a surgical operation soon and I'm going to be resting. If you're a reader, I'll try my best to get back to writing as soon as I can! I'm sorry if this causes you any inconvenience. The operation is relatively small, the surgeons will be removing a schist from my ovaries. A schist is a balloon of fluid and it could possibly expand and explode, so they want to remove it before it explodes. Again, I'm sorry that I won't be inactive these following weks, but I'll try to come back as soon as possible! I'll still log in and check every once in a while, but I won't be able to do much, I'm sorry! 


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kennocha #1
NO NO It's totally alright. Your health is first and foremost, you know that right? The only time I'll be expecting an apology from you is when you don't take care of yourself.
I hope the surgery is a total success and doesn't give you a hard time after.
On another note, I'M GOING TO FREAKING MISS YOU *Cries Han river*
Please take care and rest a lot too!
I hope it won't be too painful. Stay safe~
I'll be waiting patiently until you have fully recovered! \( o u o)/
Thankfully Tao's album will be released so you can totally chill to that while you're gone 8'D
Good luck~!
Good luck with your surgery :)
I hope you have a nice and not-too-painful recovery <3

I hope you recover very well and nicely~!

I pray that nothing serious happenes during your surgery~ *hugs*
Taoris95 #5
*hugs* take care of yourself sweetie, stay safe!