4RCE! Application

Some General Info :)




AFF Username:kpopfanlover1993


Profile Link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/40740

Let's Get Started Shall We? :)




Name:Jung Ji Yeon
Stage Name:Ji Yeon
Age: 21
Birthdate:August 5,1990
Born In:Montreal,Quebec,Canada
Hometown:Seoul,South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean,Japanese,Canadian


Let's Learn A Little More About You! :D


What's Your Personality? Can be shy at first but once she gets to know you she can be random.Likes to take adventures to different places. Behind her shyness people she her as bold,someone who takes chances and enjoys an adventure and someone who will try anything once.
She has a erted side but only lets her friends know it.Not really confindent in herself, thinks she doesnt look attractive.
Really protective over her family and animals.She will protect someone if they need to be protected.
Very straight forward and tells it like it is when something or someone is wrong. Doesn't like to see people being
bullied and and tends to be really random at times.If she sees any kind of food she will eat it if it looks good.
What Are You Known As In A Group? Why?:The Umma,because she always takes care of them before she takes care of herself
What Motivates You To Do Your Best?:Her dad had always supported her dream of becoming an idol up until the day he died and Ji Yeon wants to make him proud by showing him what she has become.
What Are Your Things You Throughly Enjoy or Like With Passion?
Being Flexible
Being Different
Dark Colors
Pole Dancing
What Are Things You Strongly Dislike With A Burning Passion? Bugs
Girly Girls
Not Getting Enough Sleep
Rude People
Crying Infront of Others
What Are Your Hobbies?
What Are Some Of Your Strengths?
Self Motivated and Determined
Team Player

What Are Some Of Your Weaknesses?
Getting Nervous around people
Sensitive person
Anger Issues
Bi-Polar Disoder
What Are 1-5 Things You Bring With You Everywhere?
Invader Zim Gir Hoody


What Do You Look Like? (I'm not a Stalker, I swear!) :D






Appearance: (http://www.google.com/imgres?q=yeon+ji+hee+ulzzang&hl=en&safe=off&biw=1360&bih=610&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=ZCMBgRveIIVf-M:&imgrefurl=http://ulzzanglovers.tumblr.com/post/4292013351/yeon-ji-hee&docid=jZXU1uVjmSQkBM&imgurl=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lj1lthybNd1qbu1tso1_400.jpg&w=400&h=533&ei=EEzLTvWKNoihiAL6qcn-Cw&zoom=1
Ulzzang Used:Yeon Ji Hee
Short Description Of Your Style: Her style is sort of a visual kei/gothic lolita style.She always wears high tops or combat boots.Her hair is sytle like visual kei hair and its red and black.

WHOOSH! Let's Talk About Family...and stuff...






Tell Me About Your Umma:She is very nice and loving,but she can be strict when needy to be.She will fight for what is right and protect her children with her life.
Tell Me About Your Appa:He was loving and spoiled his daughters very much, like when their mother would say no he would do it for them anyway.He died when they were 12 years old.
Tell Me About Your Siblings! :She has a identical twin sister and they are always together.Her sister is a bit more girly than she is,but she can be fiesty.Also she hate when people talk bad about her family.
How Was Your Childhood?
She comes from a normal family.Her mother and her dad were like any other family there was.As a child she was very smart and was always one of the top students.When she got into middle school her dad died.She took it pretty hard since her and her dad were so close but she hid it with a smile on her face and eveyone would ask her if she was ok and she would lie and say she is fine.She still hides her pain up to this day.When she got into high school she would picked on for being a nerd and not popular.They would pick on her all day until she got tired of it and started to fight back.She got expelled and had to go to an all girls school so she wouldn't have any problems.

Your Idol/Trainee Life!!!






How Long Were You A Trainee?4 years
How Were You Discovered? She was discovered on youtube dancing with her sister who is also currently a trainee.
Fan Club Name:Neo-Flies


Postion In 4RCE: Sub Rapper ; Lead Dancer***
Sub Vocal : Main Rapper
Let's Learn About Your Social Life!!! (If you don't really have one I don't know what to tell you...)






Who Are Your Friends? Heechul,CL,Taecyeon
Who Are Your Enemies? Hyuna


Ooh La La! Romance!!! <3






Lover: Chansung***
Lover's Personality:Chansung-He is very calm.He loves to eat and he also thinks he's cute.
Taeyang- he's pretty clever with his speaking skills.He likes listening to music, watching TV, and playing basketball.
T.O.P-he has a complex of looking scary/mean/cold to some people.As scary as he may appear to some people, he is truly a kid at heart.He likes to be the leader of things.
How You Two Lovebirds Met:
Chansung-Met when Taecyeon introduced them to each other.
Taeyang-Met when Ji Yeon was a trainee.
T.O.P- Met during a photoshoot when he started to flirt with her and asked her for her number.
Are You Dating? Or Are You Just Crushin'? Describe Your Relationship:Dating for 1 year and a half.They have already annouced it to the public when pictures of them hugging,holding hands, and kissing were leaked.

EXTRAS!!! ^_^




Twitter Account: JiJi21
Facebook: Jung Ji Yeon
TRIVIA TIME!!! (Optional, but it helps)
Favorite Color:Black and Neon Red
Favorite TV Show:Hello Baby
Favorite Song(s):Dir en Grey-Lotus,Kodou,Big bang-Lies,Haru Haru,Brown Eyed Girls-Sixth Sense
Anything I Missed: Likes to eat anything
Has a scar on the under side of her foot but doesn't know how she got it
Hates pink
Used to get into to fights when she was younger
She is Double Jointed


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