Guess who's back!


For those who care...Because I feel awful for having to leave my story/ies behind for my uni exams and then just when I was able to write again my computer decided to be a and broke down...

But it's all OK now and It's fixed. So as soon as I install all the programs I had before (photoshop/ sony vegas/ daum potplayer/ photoscape, Kakaotalk for PC etc...woow a lot, aren't they) I'm gonna get to work and finish the chapters and the new one-shot I started on my phone + I'm going to start editing Dirty Innocence and write all the other stories I've put on hold because of something...

Definitely a lot of work for the summer.

But I'm happy that I finally got the chance to write again...I've missed it so much...

Here's a little something because the post feels kinda empty...without any colours....


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kimbumkeyk #1
welcome back my favorite author♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Welcome back lexieeee~~~ kekeke ^-^ hope ur exams went well babe <3 *hugzzzzzz*