After school on Friday... PLEASE COME FASTER! ;A;

I am dying here of homework. ;A;

I have 12 pages to finish in my history INB not to mention I have to color the INB personal cover page + the Rome cover page.
I have 2 pages of damn algebra.
I have to do a short story with 20 of my spelling words + I need to categorize ALL of the spelling words into 3 sections =="

Tomorrow better be good tomorrow, OTL.
P.S. Sorry for not replying to all my wallposts. ><" YOU CAN ALL BLAME IT ON MY SCHOOL + SCHOOLWORK. ASLKDFJAKSFALJFAKS; TT^TT


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whoa! that's like how much homework i get, and i'm a grade higher than you .__.
WOW! I'm in 8th and I don't get that much!
that's a lot :o and you're only 12! ;o i don't get that much
I know what cha mean...It's so tiring. It's like school is trying to kill you with homework T.T
gbdosubdsobdsioghiodsgndsionfidshfiodsngvodsihgiosnhfgoisaho; OMFG. I KNOW RIGHT? ;A;
leHyunJae #6
Just wait until you get to high school.

Aww good luck!
pshhhh I skipped school. >:D Tomorrow's gonna be hell for me. ><"
OMG THE GIF... er... Seungri? Sorry I can't tell who that is cause his expression is invading my brain right now XD