Sorry for slow updates (or lack of them)

So, this is a quick update regarding my fics for you waiting for updates….

First of all, I’m so sorry for taking so freaking long! There are good reasons (and not so good reasons) behind this. in the not-so-good section you can find ‘lack of Elseop/Eli’, ‘midterms’ and ‘finals’ (finals the life out of me!), and also a mild case of depression that thankfully was avoided in the end (woohoo for me!)and many more RL , but okay, this is normal…xD
and in the good section it’s just that good things finally started happening to me and my family after sooo many years and also I’ve been avoiding staying home for too long cause internet is eating me up and I can’t do anything productive…che! Also, it’s finally summer!! (only if the weather got the memo too -_- ffs it’s been raining for most of June!) and somehow my program for this summer is quite full (how did this happen?! XoX)

Second of all, I haven’t been in the mood for writing with the absence of one half of my beautyful, amazing, kawaii-to-death OTP and seeing Kiseop sad and melancholic didn’t work good for my feels/mind/shipper-heart

and lastly but not least, I wanted to let you know that updates will be a slooooow process as I can’t find the time to write (or write a good amount of words)…I’m so sorry :/

Side note: 
No, I’m not leaving the fandom
No, I won’t stop writing 
and Elseop are awesome lovely little s! Oh! And married! ♥

Byebyebee lovelies~ <3


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