
my mother is muslim, my father and brother arent. im getting raised as one and i think i want to be one as well. so my mom fasts, i sometimes do sometimes dont. but its not my choice, my mother literally forbids me to participate sometimes because shes worried that i might get light headed or wont take my finals well. so finals ended yesterday, i did fast yesterday because it was the last day of school so i didnt have to study afterwards anymore even tho i didnt wake up during the night. see my parents arent that tight to religion. my mom is the only one who kind of is but shes also pretty loose (she does fast and pray just that she doesnt agree on everything sometimes). i told my friends that i accidentally lost grip of my ice cream and that it fell in my neighbors balcony (sorry lol) and they were all acting weird that im not fasting.. i feel kinda bad now, is it really wrong? my parents dont mind, and i still havent decided what i actually believe in (i honestly believe in a lot).


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Sorry this is late. The majority of my friends are muslim but I am not. Some wear a hijab daily while some don't. I do know they are all fasting for ramadan because they believe in Muhammed's teachings. Religion should be your choice. I am born a catholic and I decide to be a catholic because I truly belief in my faith. I have researched and asked questions, it has been great benefit to me. I recommend doing the same and finding a religion that fits your ideals.
don't adopt a religion if you just want to belong to a group, it has to be a personal faith, you have time to decide