♕ WOH! ♕ Kim Sumin ♕ Sumin ♕ Yeah, I've Gotten Hurt ♕

Kim Sumin
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( ❝ Some people rain in your parade because they are Jealous of your sun and tired of their shade. Just forgot their hate and march to your fate~❞ )
Loveforever77 // MIn // 7 out of 10 // No it isn't~


+ short description :

"I may have normal looks but only I pull it off as classy and pretty"

Her dark brown hair drops down to somewhere above her waist by few centimeters. She often leaves it just hanging there and not tied. It's only when she practices dancing that she prefers to tie it to a high pony tail or a messy bun. Her eyes are the usual dark brown eyes but what makes them stand out is her long eyelashes. She has dimples. "My right cheek dimple is more visible that I seem to have no dimple in my left cheeck, but it does exist!" Her  body figure is not that notable as that of a model but it could be impressive once people know how much weight she lost. She stands at 162 cm with a weight of 49 kg.

+ face claim : Kim YooJung. 1 2 3 
+ backup : Sonamoo's Nahyun
+ style 
"I dress to show who I am"
When it comes to what clothes she usually wears you can say she is a bit different. No not that type of 'unique' different but as in different as out of the stereotype. She is not at all your image of a stereotypical girly girl that would wear dresses, skirts, or whatever that could show her feminine side. Despite her more girly look, her style just shows herself. Not that extravagant or messy, she likes keeping it casual and simple. Her closet is all filled with all kind hoodies, t-shirts, jeans, sweatpants, jackets, and sweaters. It is just after she joined the company that she started wearing shorts reasoning that it just gets too hot practicing a lot. For dresses, it is maybe only once or twice that she ever wore one and it was for formal reasons such as weddings an it wouldn't be that flashy just something simple. (1) When it comes to skirts, it all depends on her mood whether she wears one or not. Skirts can be seen on her more than dresses but it is also once in a blue when she decides to wear one and she usually make it feel as 'not so girly' but more like 'classy' or 'her style'  on her. (1, )  She loves to keep it clean as the only kind of accessory that she likes to wear beside earrings, are rings and watches. She likes to tuck in shirts in the jeans because she reason "It adds a bold appeal and makes things more fashionable". The only thing that she wears that may appeal as 'girly' are crop tops (but she only wear those if she is wearing a high waist jeans) and chiffon shirts or shirts with collars. For shoes she prefers to keep it casual with sneakers or just converse. It is just from time to time that she wears heels and she prefers to wear boots that have heals. Her hair is in a messy bun or tied in a ponytail when she practices. Other than that, she always lets it down or just keeps it in place by wearing a beanie or snapback. When it comes to makeup, she prefers to not overdo it or just never applies it. She puts a faint line of eyeliner along with a lip tint sometimes to add liveliness to her looks.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
full name : Kim Soomin
+ nickname(s) :
— Minsu; Her brother and most her friends prefer calling her that. He often reasons that it doesn't feel like he is having a sister but a close younger brother and switching the two last syllabus of her name so it changed to a name more suitable for a boy made it feel more realistic to have someone like a brother to him!
— Precious Princess; Her parents didn't use to neither give her motivation nor appreciate her but as she grew they started thinking of her as a precious gift to them. Precious also comes from the 'Su' in her name. She often gets teased because the name is to cringe worthy but it's her parents sense of nicknames! 

— Soo; It's more like a shortened form of her name and it doesn't hold that much of a meaning but it indeed is the thing she gets called by the most. Many people within the company and friends call her that as a quick way and also because it sounds like an endearment. 

+ birthday&age : 12/06 (17) 
+ hometown : South Korea, Seoul
+ birthplace : South Korea, Suncheon
+ ethnicity : Korean
+ height&weight : 162 cm & 49 kg
+ bloodtype : B+
+ spoken languages :
— Korean; Native
— English; Semi-fluent
— Japanese; Conversational
+ personality traits 
positive; Independent, Creative, Confident
neutralBold/Honest, Hyper Active
negativeShort Tempered/Cold, Stubborn, Socially Awkward
+ personality :
One word to describe her personality, cold. She is so hot-tempered and not that friendly with people due to her nature. She often picks up fights from simple thing or whenever someone has an opinion opposing her she gets too stubborn to the point that she must proof that person wrong. Her quick nature and lack of patience and the fact that she can find replies that are so smart to keep the person she is talking against in loss of words may have even added to why people dislike her personality. Accept someone's opinion... no, that just pretty hard for her. For her, whether you like it or not she is always right even if she is aware deep inside that it is wrong. But since it is her opinion, she won't ever change it. Her confidence has no limit as she has been training herself for so much time these few past years into becoming a person with a strong and confident personality. Whether it is judgmental stares people give her because of her attitude, personality, or way of dressing or was it strong and bashful words they aim toward her she doesn't really care much about it. "I am who I am" She often claims. The fact that people sometimes lie when complementing or the fact that they consider that 'lying' as being polite; she just hates that. "If someone is confident with themselves then it is okay if people use constructive criticism". She just completely dislikes that fact that bashing some people comes as being okay and the same people who are bashing some people are blindly complimenting some others. Compliments don't come from her lips easily and she prefers to keep being honest and not lie when commenting on anyone. "I am not ever going to change my personality to fit someone's liking". She hates it when people act as if they are made of gold and are so perfect to the point that every single person around them must like them. “Like hey, you may look perfect but that doesn’t mean I should like or literally worship you”. Fake people are another thing that she hates being existing... Like why do they act something they aren't just because they want the other person to like them... She founds it pretty funny and hilarious that people my bash her because they don't like her attitude or her as a person. "If I don't like someone I rather say it in a well-mannered way. I laugh when I see people cursing at me or bashing. Say it in my face instead of hiding behind a keyboard" “People hate at me for being honest... At least I am not a fake girl who acts like she is perfect to gain people’s love. If I gained love I would love it to be for who I real am” Cyber-bulling and people who talk around someone's back are her biggest pet peeve as they are complete haters who have no absolute and single manner in them.
Despite her cold and stubborn side, she is pretty much the opposite in front of people that she is really close to. Her hyper activeness may leave some people at state of just feeling like face palming themselves. She can turn into a complete state of dorkiness. Back when she was younger she used to be so shy and always hide in her room and not really have any kind of confidence which is why she always seemed to be picked at by people so she started practicing being confident and that was what changed her personality but it did come to emphasize how she can be different on the outside and inside. Her outside personality can show her into a cold and tough person but deep inside she is just a plain dork that can be so playful and active. Her cute side can rarely be openly acted out as her reason, "My aegyo is really cringe-worthy". But even though she doesn't realize it she can be naturally cute. She rarely smiles brightly as it is only small smiles that can be seen from her but one she widely smiles her crescent eyes and dimples would just make someone to pinch her cheeks. Although she has worked on building a strong confident new self, she still thinks that she is not that pretty but tries to hide that by her strong personality. "I may not have the best visuals but my confidence is what makes me pretty". She is most confident on-stage as she reasons that rapping is what makes her gain confidence. In photoshoots, she really gets unconfident and tries to hide behind her team members and not show herself as she doesn't have confidence in posing for pictures and thinks she really looks awful in them.
Her ruthless and cold personality can be supported by the fact that when some close to her is upset over something she would be like “Hey, you are not going to stay like that all the time" "Quiet the sulking and smile". Even her cheering techniques can come off as rude but she can just turn into the type who will shed the cold personality and smile non-stop to make the person stop being upset. She is really optimistic on the inside and hates seeing people being negative so might as well stop them from being sad. She can be the person who gives the most hugs ever. It is pretty true that skinship may not be her friend but hugging is her weak point. She doesn't show that side to everyone but toward few certain people she can hug at the most surprising times and just gives free hugs without any reason. She is really playful sometimes to the point that once she positioned a bucket of water above her room’s door when her brother came to visit her and her aunt just with the bucket falling all over his head. She would just pull on pranks around people she is close to from time to timeso she can find the joy of laughing. "I find joy in annoying people whether it is pranking them or annoying them to hell; it is just hilarious for me" One thing she can't keep to  herself is her laughs. Even she may be the coldest person toward you once people start laughing she automatically starts laughing whether she knows the reason or not she breaks into laughter. What makes things even funnier is that whenever she laughs even if it was the simplest thing ever tears would flow on her cheeks.
Moving with her aunt and away from her parents she gained independence. She started to realize that in life there will not always be someone to lean on and if hard times come it is really unreasonable for a 'prince charming' to pop up and solve your problems. So she prefers to keep it clear and clean by being responsible over her own self. "I feel like I owe someone if I keep depending on them; it annoys me". So whenever she was told to be easy and tell someone why she is annoyed over something for example she would brush it off with an "I'm okay" in order to not make someone not worried over her. Her independence came off to be useful as without it she wouldn't have survived the trainee life. Not only did she have to totally depend on herself but had to have courage to deal with whomever is surrounding her. Whenever the bad comment around her came, the hardworking came with it. "Haters are my fuel" She always reasons that she likes it when people criticize her as she will only work harder to make herself perfect on that thing. Even though it annoys her so much when that criticism comes off as bashing, it still serves as encouragement for her. Whether it was working herself to death or just staying overnight in the practice room to master something she would still do it. Just like that one time the company instructor told her "If your dancing doesn't get better you will get cut of even if your rapping is the best". That day she started training after everyone leaves just to master her dancing. "I will stop training so hard when I am convinced that all criticism stops. But that's not going to happen which what makes me more happier since I will have encouragement to practice" Her competitiveness is really high to the point that if it comes to debuting she would literally do anything to cut off her opponent out of her way. She is the type to criticize herself. "Criticism and self-reflection is what built the current me" "I am the type to record a song one day and listen to it the next day and get the feeling 'what the f*** is this rubbish', it serves as a motivation to just improve what I made". "People may howl and say whatever they want but I fall into this 'practice makes perfect’, stick my headphones and try to work on more stuff"
What mostly contradicts her tough personality and optimism is that when she is hurt she is deeply broken. She will hide alone and refuse to talk to anyone. She will try to think over on what hurt her and why did it serve as a reason she is hurt and what she can do to overcome that hurt. She would try hard to not cry but would give up in the end. Shouts and cries fill the room and that is her way for venting. The only way to get all her emotions out will be by writing everything in a piece of paper and just rapping her soul out. "Composing comes off as a piece of cake when I am upset; that way I have a reason and inspiration to write". She posts everything in a personal blog she has that just contains random raps with her true life and emotions out into every single word she raps out. Most of the pre-debut stuff she has put tells about her old self. "I am glad I was able to reinvent my personality and come off as someone new that I like" She was a shy girl when she was younger. Maybe it was because of her overweightness or over kindness but she seemed to be an easy aim to everyone. Somebody everyone can attack when they are bored. She reasoned before in a track "A piece of chess on chess board". That creative comparison what she found portrait her personality… "I came off as an outcast that way and no one seemed to approach me to make friends" She finds it extremely hard to open conversations with people and was really awkward but after she had some reflecting and changed her self she still doesn't really appears as friendly... "I guess it is just me". Her parents pressured her over studying after failing into getting into SM along with her brother. "I understand their point of seeing me as not able to do anything but studying" She submitted herself to the fact and studied so much but it didn't seem like herself. It didn't seem like her real self so that thus make her seek rapping as an escape. "Studying didn't seem to show my true self, it was just something that pleased my parents" "I went to rapping to let my real-self get out and I am glad I did and that my parents understand why I did it now"
+ background&life now :
Sumin was born on the 6th of Demember 1997, third child to an average family and raised in Seoul. Stuff was normal for her. She wasn't the extremely rich snobby type or the extremely poor fall for a rich prince charming type. Her mother works as a teacher and her father holds a quiet high position in a company. Her parents were more into the strict type and tried to raise her and her sister and brother, Kim Jungah and Kim Jongin, with discipline and strictness. They expected them to always bring in great marks and just be the stereotypical good students that every parent wished for. They cared about status more than the fact that their children were young and they should do what they like. Her father made them all attend self-defense classes when they were young, which being when they were ready to enter elementary school causing them master Taekwondo. Her mother on the other side even if a little bit, had interest in what they like so she let them do what they wanted for some time. She sang whenever she had free time and that was what she liked other than that she was confused on what she really wanted to be in the future. It wasn't until 2005 when she and her brother decided to go audition in SM.ent. Their father was opposing at first but later on said it was okay as long as they excelled on what they will be doing in the audition. Jongin's passion and talent in dancing was not at all questionable and it was really like pre-confirmed that he will surely get in with that talent. Not to really mention that he got the looks SM could easily pick him without much worries... For her things weren't that good. She was so shy, her looks well... weren't the best; she was so overweight to the point that her face looks so swollen. Her singing skills weren't the best and she wasn't sure if it was really what she wanted to do. But with her brother's encouragement she went. As she expected, she ended up failing. Her brother passed. She was told things along the line of, 'you aren't that pretty', 'your vocals are pretty weak', 'singing isn't the thing for you' and 'if you were pretty that could have at least put a faint shadow on your bad skills'. That only left her upset and even more lost, what is she even good at...?
She got even more criticized by her father who said that not only is she struggling in her studies (although she got a pretty high average but failed to top the class and came off as second) but also failed the audition. She only got to study, study, and study after that. Her sister wasn't even living with them as she was 17 at that time and would start attending University in Daejeon in around a year and had to start moving to the campus. That left Sumin alone at home. She was in a state of confusion on what exactly did she want to do. What was really her interest? Family life itself was hard for her. Not to mention that school was just another stress with all the awkwardness she feels around everyone on how out-casted she sometimes got. Around two years after the audition she asked her parents to move to her aunt's house reasoning that by that she could get more independent. Her father really liked the idea as he thought that independence could give a child motivation and change to bring him into being a better person. She moved not long after that with her Aunt who was unmarried. Things didn't dramatically get better at that time as a stereotypical drama would say but at least it improved. Her grades got a bit higher and she could focus on her studies more now without being pressurized. She started reflection at herself as why did she get rejected in her audition and what can she do to change herself. She started off by undergoing a diet plan with her aunt's supervision and succeeded in dropping 40 kg from being around 90kg dropping to 50 kg. She befriended a transfer student who opened easily to her. She started opening more to the outside world as she didn't feel like being in her prison under her parents' supervision 24 hours a day. Hongdae streets at weekend nights literally stole her eyes and mind. People were performing everywhere from singing to rapping and even dancing; everyone seemed to do stuff with ease. Her teacher told her one day that her writing abilities were so good and that she could perfectly use creativeness to bring the reader to live whatever she is writing. "It seems as if you are there telling me what is written; it doesn't feel like I am reading and once it ends I just feel like I want to read and hear more". She felt even if it was for once that she was appreciated for something she did herself.
She came off to think of writing as a venting method later on. Whatever thoughts she had that can't express by words, she wrote them and ironically everything was written in the perfect sense even though she found it hard to say them. With her continuing street night walks she took with her friends she noticed how confident everyone seemed and how it felt like it was why they were so happy. She tried that. She tried boosting her confidence. Even though it seemed like the hardest thing to do she just did. With keeping on reflecting on her-self and trying to improve all her qualities, she surprisingly did it in the end. What seemed like an impossible thing to do was done. Things didn't get any better at school as students thought of her new self as 'too rude'. But the bright side that came up with that is that no one talked bad about her in front of her face now; they would only start a never ending cycle of fighting with words with her winning at the end. She started adding beats to whatever she wrote of random lines. Tried to read them out with flow whatever beat she did. Things surprisingly came out at least pleasant to hear. She now found a hobby, something to do outside books and studying. "I started music as a hobby but in a moment is changed my path". She started performing with a group of guys she became acquainted with due to her frequent visits to Hongdae night streets. She started that out of fun, something to do as a hobby and a break out of studying. In a while she found herself performing on stages, doing random rap battles and freestyles. She became famous for her ruthless replies in rap battle. She didn't neglect school though as she still focused on studies but it became harder balancing that with performances. Not to mention keeping it a secret from her parents. She later on decided to drop the bomb to her parents that she knew what she is going to do. They though it was little absurd of a girl to do rap... But her mother saw how much of stable but small fan base their daughter built and gave her the consent. But it took forever for her father to agree but with the condition that she completes studying. "Being able to do what I like with ease; studying won't be a worry". Around 2011 she started performing with DNH from time to time. They considered her to be a part of them although she didn't perform much with them. Around that year she got to do a track with i11evn one of DNH's members and also a potential member for Bangtan Boys. The amount of performance guesting requests she got from that time increased. By 2012 she got to perform into a big year-end hiphop concert which wasn't as big as ones with senior rappers but was surely big for someone considered a 'rookie' in the hiphop scene. It was like her dream getting true in front of her. It wasn't until few months after that concert that she started being called as a pretty female rapper who only is popular because of being pretty. Invitations to performances stopped coming to her as her reputation got worse in the hiphop scene. Many hiphop fans seemed to suddenly think she is talentless when once they were praising her. “I honestly don’t know who started talking bad about me at first… But I guess fans can just criticize you if someone in the scene itself started hating on you”. She still released tracks on her SoundCloud but reviews and comments weren’t good anymore. Sure she had some fans but more than half started hating on her. She was talked down at in a diss track around female rappers. Rappers that have shown interest in working with her don’t even talk to her now. Rapmonster, which was pretty close to her due to her activities with his crew (DNH) have argued her along with Suga to audition in BigHit which they are training in. She auditioned and the CEO showed great interest in her and turn out Suga and Rapmon even showed him some of her videos! A talk here and there and she got accepted!  "A few lines I rapped here and there are what made me where I am now; it is pretty funny honestly". That started the beginning of her journey which seemed so unrealistic. "I may seem like being exaggerating, but it felt like I am in a dream I don’t want to wake up from."

Father : Kim Myunjae ; 53; Tech Head In A Company ; 6
Mother : Kim Soohee; 50 ; Elementary Teacher ; 7
+ BrotherKim Jongin ; 21 ; Idol (Group - EXO) ; 10
Sister Kim Jungah ; 26 ; Coffee Shop Owner ; 9

Best Friend : Oh HiJin ; 18 ; University Student; 10 ; Transfter students at her school who happened to sit next to her in class and naturally both of them got close

Best Friend :Choi IkJae aka. i11evn ; 28 ; Underground Rapper/ Former BTS Member ; 10 ; He saw her performing at stage and thought it would be great adition to have a girl perform with their crew. With that thay naturally grew close despite thier huge . 

Best Friend Kim NamJoon aka. Rapmonster ; 20 ; Idol (Group-BTS) ; 9 ; After joining the crew after knowing i11evn she started performing and got close to most of the crew's members including rapmonster after few hangouts. At first she found him scary because of his eyes but then they clicked together well!
Friend :Min Yoongi aka. Suga ; 22 ; Idol (Group - BTS); 8 ; They got to meet due to common connection both of them had to Rapmonster. It was in the worst scenario ever by Suga confusing Rapmon and Sumin as a couple since he found that where Rapmon spends the night is always with Sumin at the recording studio but then ith her and Rapmon's quick denial in defense Suga realized that it mustn't be the case. They got to know eachother and because of common interest became a bit closer. 
Friend Baek Taehyun ; 18 ; BigHit Trainee; 8 ; BigHit's rapping supervisor decides to keep things real and competetive by placing both female and male trainees together to emphasis that it doesn't depend whether you are a female or male for you to rap. Those two got placed in the same class and paired up to do the monthly assessment togther. Their personalities were polar opposites but by working and bickering together they started learning from each other and enjoying what they do. "I like how he treats me well but his personality is so childish and clingy but it is always fun when he suddenly comes hen I am practicing alone and lifts up the mood... I believe that the CEO could have decided to debut us a duo if I didn't get placed in a girlgroup". 


Role Model : Woo Jiho aka. Zico ; 22; Underground Rapper/ Idol (Group-Block B) ; -- (By soul she is close to him by 10/10 XD ); "I never really met him to be honest..." Sumin looks up to him a lot and would really want to meet him. "It's not like he is entitled as the best rapper out there but his lyrics are what makes him standout". She often says that he has been her inspiration in writing raw, honest lyrics. "For me it would be enought if he just hears one verse I rap..."
+ likes 
Hiphop - It was how she got to know what she wanted to do and it was the very reason how she started doing something she actually likes and not just being forced to do something. "For me Hiphop isn't all the music or how much skills the rapper got, or even how much handsome/pretty he/she was. HipHop is all about feelings and emotions. Once you have succeeded in applying those you can gain instant success."
- Chocolate, Sweets in general - It can make her escape her darkest moods and just be in dreamland, as clihe as it sounds. She doesn't ever get sick of the taste. 
- Rain - She has a love-hate feeling towards it. It is anoying when it falls at a sudden time but it washes out the city and makes thing feel like new again. Especially on hot summers the best way to wash out the heat is when it rains. The misty scent that is left after rain has fell is in an addiction to her.
Song JoongKi (Actor) - She literally fell in love with him  his acting after she has saw him in the drama 'WereWolf' and 'Nice Guy'. She had a countdown for how much days he had until he is released from military. 
Spring-She is not a summer person as she hates the melting weather but she is not a winter person either as too much cloth layers annoy her so spring seems like the perfect weather for her. It is like you can wear whatever is comfortable and still not get too hot or cold!
-Anime and Manga- She has been an avid fan of Detective Conan since she was younger and her recent addiction is Attack Of the Titan. It is also the reason as to why her Japanese base is good.
Skateboarding- The only thing she does aside from skipping rope that seems like a kind of physical activity. It helps you travel faster from place to place without getting annoyed by traffic. It gets fun sometimes and can make you get to know more people! (1)
+ dislikes 
- Dancing: She dislikes it because she is not good at it. Her dancing used to be very bad before she joined BigHit. After she joined, it wasn't set that she will be in a girlgroup but then she had to undergo intense dance training just for her level to be like the other trainees’
Being proved wrong - For her, her opinion is always right. Even if deep inside she believes it is wrong she still doesn't show that she have been proved wrong by someone. 
- Sound of the pen clicking - It annoys her and she just cannot focus. 
-Being seen in her weakest state - She hates it when people see her upset or crying because she thinks that will lower from her value in front of them.
Receiving help from people - She thinks it makes her look weak and afterward she will only have a feeling like she owes them something. 
+ habits 
- Playing with her finger when the atmosphere is awkward
-Hugging people out of the blue when they tell her something good. (Even though she dislikes skinship)
- Sharply replying to whoever say somethng against her.
-Laughing when people laugh and tearing in the process.
+ hobbies 
- Writing and Composing stuff: It is a way to vent eotions. 
- Collecting caps.
-Street Performing - For everyone around her streets may be a place to take a walk or just shop or buy tasty street food. "But for me, streets are more like a museum. Like a measuem that has amazing stuff displayed, streets offer a great range of talents that even though you can look at them again and again you won't get sick of looking." Once she is performing in streets she feels at ease the most.
Making people argue or just annoy them; What she likes the most about rapping is that she can battle using words with people. What makes things even more fun for her is when she watches people fighting together. "I feel like grabbing a full bowl of popcorn and watch them like in a movie; it is a guilty pleasure for me"
Pranking - She finds joy in watching people close to her suffering extreme pranks and watching their hilarious expressions and reactions after it.


+ trivia 
- She was supposed to debut as a female solo rapper, then she worked with Baek Taehyun for some time (They thought it was for them to debut) but then she  got placed into a group later on.
She wanted to be a singer, not a rapper, as a young girl.

- Her overweight caused her to fail her audition in SM.ent 
-Her brother is so possessive of her and tend to dislike her being close to mostly guys. 
- She lost 40kg dropping from 90kg to 50kg before she started her career in rapping.
-She helped Chanyeol in composition of the song Lucky.
- One of her most outstanding tracks with strong lyrics is calld Gazes and she released it after getting dissed. 

-Before the contract, she insisted that it must allow her to still release tracks through her SoundCloud and complete her highschool studies.  
-Although Exo's Kai is her brother, she is not close with any of the Exo members. 

- She kept distance from BTS's members and she is not that comfortable around them. As once she joined the company, they were near debuting and she preferred to keep distant except for both of RapMon and Suga.

- Out of the numerous trainees under BigHit she is the closest to Baek Taehyun.
​- "I don't hang with my brother a lot due to his schedule but when I do it is at his practice room" It has been a habit for her brother to tell her that he has some free time by just leaving his employee card with her so she could enter the company building easily  and be able to bond with him without fans around.
- Despite performing with DNH many times, she is only close with i11evn, Kidoh, Suga, and Rapmon out of the members.
- One of the biggest reasons her dancing improved is because of the aid BTS's Jimin gave her. She didn't seek Kai for help as she didn't want to burden him.

-Even after clearing up rumors with her brother, Kai, many of his fans still think that she is not his sister but something more.
- Her favorite color is baby blue as it reminds her of the sky
- 1llionaire are her favorite artists of all-time.
She is one of the most popular trainees among her seniors despite her not socializing with anyone.

- She can play the guitar and a bit of the piano. 
-She doesn't mind having haters if there will be any since they motivate her.
For anyone who knows i11evn, Sumin may be familiar as the girl he fools around with in photos and videos he posts in his SNS accounts. He often posts random videos of the two of them or just random photos of her and take them off quickly mostly because Sumin says she looks too happy in them (1  2 ) Many fans raised rumors about the two of them once her teaser images were out. 
- She posts tracks on sound cloud by the name: K_Soo97. She goes by the same username in both of Twitter and Instagram: @K_Soo97 But she isn't active a lot.
-Her left ear has 3 piercings and the right one has 4. 

- Once she is of legal age she wants to get a tattoo of a crown on her wrist.
-She is often called a two-tongued person because of how she replies to people. (Two-tongued people are those who sharply reply to you a lot and just won't stop until they proof you wrong)
-She hates looking at the mirror as she reasons that it will make you uglier. She also hates being photographed as she reasons it doesn’t make her look good.

- She can't lie. Even when she tries to she only fails in it.

- For her even taking a vacation won't mean a lot of free time. She totally hates it when a day passes and she hasn't done something useful
-As tough as her image makes her look, someone needs to take time to know her in order for her to open up and she is a warm person inside.
She auditioned for SM.ent when she was 8 years old but sang at that time and didn't get accepted due to being 'not pretty enough' (She was overweight)
-She started performing in the underground hiphop scene in 2010 when she was only 13 and was under a crew that wasn't that famous but had a stable fan base. Sometimes she performed alongside DNH (Rapmonster's former crew).
She auditioned for SMTM3 and passed the first 3 rounds and got dropped while judges were choosing people who are going to be in their teams. 
- Mnet offered her a casting in UnPretty Rapstar but she refused claiming that the show's system doesn't appeal to her. 
-She can't swim. She tried to learn how to various times but was unable to do it.

 She got a scratch from a little monkey at a zoo when she was 4 years old and the scare mark is still there on her right thigh which is another reason that she hates to wear really short stuff since it will show the scare
-Haven't been interested in any boy and really look down on trainees who pay more attention to dating life more than training.
- A locked box lies in her room in which she hides all pictures of her overweight because she thinks it is embarrassing. "For me, my past is what made me who I am but it just gets too embarrassing..." *hides face*
- Her favorite book is 'The Five People You Meet in Heavens'. She has also completed the whole Harry Potter series and is so obsessed with Agatha Christie's novels
She got scolded by her father so much as a child
-Kai gets praised a lot by her parents and she completely hates that fact and hope that now since she is debuting she will get as much praise.
- Her parents opposed to her idea of becoming a rapper at first but now they are okay with it.
It is not normal for her to fangirl but she thinks that B1A4's Baro is extremely adorable and hopes she meets him one day
She has the largest crush on Block B’s Zico she thinks it is impossible to meet him and he is really important to her as a role model and part of how she became what she is now.
She hates attention so that's why she wanted to keep it a secret that she is Exo's Kai sister but SM.ent needed to reveal it once a lot of rumors flooded the sites when some pics got out of both of them taking some pictures. [ 1,2]

- Her closet looks plain and boring but she tends to always say, "Things may look plain but I can rock that look"
- She tends to not be comfortable in photoshoots because she thinks she is not pretty and doesn't pose confidently. Though when it comes to clothes, she is so comfortable in her body looking good with whatever she wears. (Not her facial features though)
- She got to meet both of iKon's B.I and Bobby during SMTM3. They weren't that friendly but because they were seen as 'idols' in the eye of other contestants they got to mostly sit together.

- "At a period in my life I used to sneak into my brother's room and steal some of his stuff and sell them to some fans saying that he wore them in certain events. I sold stuff such as bracelets and necklaces; though I didn't go far to sell shirts" It was hilarious though because he kept asking about stuff and thought that some ghost stole them XD
"I am not upset that I don't have much friends". She often says that for her it is better that her friends are little but she is close to all of them as it is not as good as having many friends and not be able to keep in touch with all
Unless you try to oppose what she says or fight with her, then her attitude won't be as venomous towards you. But she will stay quiet and it may seem like she ignoring you but she is just awkward. 

- She got scolded by the company because she didn't along with her team members at first as she had that cold aura but after the scolding she had to get to start to sound more friendly (though it looked really awful and hilarious to a point). She is still not that close to everyone
"I want to be an artist who can make people cry or smile while listening to my tracks" She often says that once that goal is achieved she will know that her life wasn't wasted doing something she will never succeed in. 

- She has a cat that accompanied her during her trainee time and it is called 'Jun' (1)
- She took part in various rapbattles and known for her sharp tongue in the hiphop scene
- Her favorite variety show is 2Days 1Night 

- She would like it if her image could change through variety shows
[I at this part excuse my crappy-ness XD]
+ full name : Park Jimin
+ backup : Kim Taehyung (V)
+ group Bangtan Boys. BTS 
+ age : 19 years old
+ personality :  One of BTS's random members and is extremely smiley all the time. He is a bit clingy as he doesn't really know what does the words 'go away' mean... does it even exist in his dictionary? He is quite cheesy and likes to put on cheeky comments every now and then when they are together. He can be so annoying at times - well according to her - from getting physically close to her or just sticking around her too much. They are not that close yet for her to know him very well but for now she thinks that his personality is interesting. When he is practicing all the playful aura is shed and instead replaced by a much hardworking person that does his all just to excel. "I think he is most charismatic when he dances... That still keeps him annoying though". "I guess by time I could know him more but just by this much I am drawn into his personality..."
+ how you met Jimin was passing by one dancing room and heard random cursing and stomping from the room so he decided to take a look. It was Sumin trying to improve her dancing but looks like she gave up. He came in suddenly in order to surprise her and just make her brihgten her mood instead, he made things worse."Nothing heard and seen should go out of here or else I don't know what an I do" were the first words she said to him. It sounded like a threatning but it wasn't meant literally; her mood just made her say that. He just laughed and agreed but as soon as she started dancing again she stopped and told him to go out but he stuck in his place like glue so she had to deal with him throughout that time but then he naturally started helping her practice and telling her what things she can do to improve. 
+ interactions Their meeting didn't go really well as they didn't exchange any words maybe 3 or 4 phrases. After that day he popped up at the practice room at night to practice and to help her. Even though there were many other rooms in the building he still stayed in the same room with her. " I get too lonely in a room alone I rather come here and help you" They would secretly order delievery and just spend their time there. They She don't talk much when they are together but he often says those random things about her or about anything. "Your hair looks better when it is not tied" "We should order something else tomorrow" "You have improved much these days" and just random stuff. He also gets too physical with her sometimes and he tries to hold her waist from the back or just hold her hands when he tries to help her practice or teach her a certain move. She could just object to that but she feels like not doing "He is helping me so I decided to not shout at him though I am not that open to him yet". She started to improve much more when he started practicing with her so she decided to just keep him coming even though his comments may seem annoying and cheesy for her. Sometimes he would just walk her to the dorm that is for trainees (when it gets late) and then walk to BTS's dorm which is not that far. During their walks they would mostly not talk much but exchange few phrases but as time passed they got to talk more and more slowly. They have exchanged numbers but they don't talk much and her interactions with him aren't much. "I like how he became open to me although I didn't open much to him; I would like it if we got closer
+ status :Friends I guess. 
+ relationship Jimin likes her and that's the main reason he likes to stay around her. "It's not everyday you get to meet a girl like her. Other trainees have asked me to teach them a bit sometimes but then she decided to just stay practicing by herself trying to master things and getting upset over and over" "I am not even sure if she is like that with everyone but even if I am a guy she didn't really care to fix her hair or eat carefully like other girls may do; I like that side of her. Her quite girly features don't really match her cold and blunt attitude but that's what actually makes her special". Sumin have a slight interest in him but she doesn't really believes it is in a romantic way and keep denying it mentally. "I never really get interested in boys as in wanting to know about them more but I think his personality is interesting that's why... I am not that interested in dating as it only distracts you from practicing so I am absolute I don't have romatic feelings for him!"
( ❝ A score doesn't define who you are as a person  ❞ )
stage name : Sumin
persona : Killer Attitude
Fanclub Name and Color : FreeSouls (Okay that sound so cheesy) 
position / plotline : Main Rapper, Lead Dancer. 

back-up position / plotline : Vocalist, Lead Rapper

singing twin : Exid's Hani
dancing twin : 2ne1's Minzy
rapping twin Cheetah
talking twin : 2ne1's CL
laughing twin : Girl's Day Hyeri
aegyo twin : f(x)'s Amber  (But she won't even show that simple aegyo in TV because it make her cringe XD )

trainee years : 2 years under BigHit (A trainee since beginning of 2013) 

She auditioned for BigHit with the support of both RapMon and Suga who have served as a great reason for her acception as both of them showed the CEO some videos of her before her audition and Supreme Boi (Who took part in composition of BTS's tracks) have also praised her. Her impressive audition got her in the company. Her cold personality that appeared to people as rude didn't really gain her that much of freandliness ith other trainees. Sure she talked to some trainees but it was the matter of fe minutes that they ould part ways and she could practice without assistance. Some (not all!) trainees accused her as having connections with the company so she got accepted. Some tried to be rude but only got that turning against them as she as even more sharp against them. Some were too scared to approach her while others just didn't want to.The only thing she had in mind in the training period was practicing and just practicing because she knew that the only reason that will make her reach the dream of debuting. She still found difficulty between mastering practice, preparing for monthly assessment, and studying and maintaining good grades. What was even more difficult was the fact that she wasn't a good dancer and had to competitively train a lot to achieve same level as other trainees. The only thing she had in mind in the training period was practicing and just practicing because she knew that the only reason that will make her reach the dream of debuting.

Her trainee years weren't that miserable but they weren't something awesome. Her lack of relatios with others is what mostly caused that because she didn't even get to meet up with Suga and Rapon that much because they got to train seperately and not in classes with others since they are confirmed to be in a group. She was also one of the trainees to get scolded the most as she would be late to practice because of staying awake through out the night either composing stuff in the studio or practicing dancing. She was supposed to debut as a female solo rapper at first since the dance instructor noticed that her dancing skills aren't good but these plans got replaced after the CEO saw her with Baek Taehyun in the monthly assessment so he said that the two of them may debut as a duo. He never really confirmed it for the but they decided to spent most of their time practicing together so she didn't really had to have direct practice with other trainees except for meeting during classes. During  that time she also participated in SMTM's third season and that being without permission from her agency which caused her even more problems... She was told that if she passed two rounds then she wouldn't get kicked out from the company. Her successful passing in the first three rounds got her to stay in the company.... Or else she will be now long back kicked out XD. After her participation she was told by the company that they would place her with seven other girls in order to debut in a girlgroup. What she was worried about the most wasn't how she will draatically increase her dance skills but how she will get along with those others...

+ question : what do you think about possibly being in WOH?
+ question : how do you think you'll react when you are told you're in WOH?
+ question : are you close with any bts members? if not bts, any idols
+ question : what concept do you want to do and what concept do you not want to do?
+ heading : what if fans don't like you?
+ question : what do you think are your charming points?
+ answer : I am really delighted that our CEO have given me such a chance. I hope people will start to change their view of me as a rapper and a member of WOH! We will be the queen of rookies!! *smiles cheeplessly after her cheesy statemeent*
+ answer : Ofcourse I would be shocked but I would keep my outer  image strong... I would probably think over the fact of how well will I get with the other members. Whether my problems in the hiphop scene would  also affected my members I am scared of that!
+ answer : I am close with both of Rapmon and Suga. I have started getting to know Jimin but for the others I haven't really got to know them... I get too awkard and may look cold around them cause they are in like a higher position.  I also slightly know Exo's Chanyeol cause he would sometimes go out with me and my brother.  Monsta X's I.M have praised me before after he saw me perform but that was before his debut... He also requested a pic with me "In case you got famous". Now that he got known I don't even know if he remember me XD
+ answer  I would like it if we had a tough hiphop debut to make a strong impact. It will be awesome if we had a track telling about how each of us got hurt *starts being excited*. Overly cute and y concepts won't really be my style but it is always great to try new stuff
+ answer : It's not like I am not used to it... It is just a fact that I am in WOH they will have to accept it sooner or later.  Dealwithithaters
+ answer : My eyes? *tries to blink cutely but fails miserably* I guess I am a strong girl which akes me stand out. 
+ answer :
+ comments / concerns :
// I had fun writing this! Also, if you are trying to use her could it be possible if her image coud change during variety shows. Like her personality is totally queit, cold, and all but I would like it to be like that at first and then get shed into her real 4D personality XD 
+ scene suggestions / requests :
// You know this little secret digging thing Sungyeol did before. (1)
// Tension between members when they first get together. 
// Jimin getting jealous seeing her so playful with i11evn.
+ questions :
// Nope!
+ password :
// 1LLIONAIRE's YGGR, BigBang's Bae Bae, MyName's Too Very So Much


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