2nd School of the Supernaturally Gifted Application





1. Account Name// Kimjade


2. Character Name//
Korean name: Kim Da Bin
English name: Corbin Kim

3. Ethnicity// Korean American


4. Picture//


5. DOB: June 18, 1993 // 18


6. Power // Aquamarine adaptation

He can communicate with any aquatic life form and have them follow his commands. He can breathe underwater and if submerged into salt water he develops fins and a shark-like skin that fuses his legs together. (He basically looks like a merman). He can see underwater and has echo location in the front lobe of his brain. He is also able to mimic any whale or dolphin song and speak with them. His lungs take on water and thin gills appear on his sides to allow him to breathe underwater and this also allows him to dive deeper than any human is able.

7. How you got to the school

His family placed him in the school after noticing that he was withdrawing from any human contact. They didn’t want him to become a recluse, and wanted him to make friends.


8. Biography
He was born in Donghae, a city in Gangwon Province, South Korea and sometimes still speaks in the Gangwon dialect he grew up around. He moved to America when he was ten to study abroad while living with an uncle in California. At fourteen he hit puberty and developed some strange attributes and his uncle sent him back to Korea. He lived with his mom, dad, and little sister, helping his father in the summer to fish and work the docks to help bring in more money. He always knew he was strange from the day he started school back in America and discovered he was gay while living there. He had a few boyfriends but never felt a strong connection with anyone. After his powers showed themselves he hardly spent any time with other people, preferring to be alone and work out his oddities on his own.



-Water (the only thing he drinks)
-Skin ship with a close person
-Vampire lore and anime/movies
 -Pepero candy
-Dolphins & whales


10. Dislikes

-Oil (due to oil slicks in the ocean)
-Ice cream
-Cars (riding in them makes him sick)
-Being dirty
-animal abuse


11. Family//
Mother – Han Jin Ju – They are very close and she is real protective.
Father – Kim In Dae – They are ok with each other but his father doesn’t like that his son is gay.
Sister – Kim Su Bin – They are close as two siblings that are five years apart can be.


12. Orientation // Gay


13. Your ideal type // A nice person who can accept all of him. He is submissive so the guy would have to take the lead in the relationship.


14. What you are majoring in
Marine Biology


15. Specific major


16: Link of you doing your major
Marine Biology Class


17. Why you came to the school
To make friends


18. Trivia stuff

Height: 174 cm
Weight: 54 kg
Blood Type: A
Can speak fluent English
Has a fear of heights
Doesn’t like flying
Can’t stand screamo/death metal music
Doesn’t like super cold or hot foods
Has to drink water throughout the day or he becomes dehydrated to the point of death
Once when he went to a large walk-in aquarium the marine life all followed his progress through the tube and around the tanks.
If he runs his fingers along the glass of an aquarium the fish inside all follow it.
He can swim faster than any other person alive
He can sense things in the water like motion or sound or if someone needs help.
He doesn’t talk much and stays at the edge of the crowd
He is very sweet and sensitive but can become as dangerous as a great white shark if provoked
He cannot swim in chlorinated water
He will become sick if exposed to too many chemicals or pollutants on his skin
He absorbs oils and nutrients through his skin like many sea mammals
He can burst someone’s eardrums with his high pitch dolphin squeaks, or glass if he gets the pitch right
His one vice is cigarettes which he picked up while living in America
His hair became white when he was struck by lightning while in the ocean during a thunderstorm
He has to dye it if he wants to blend in 



19. Code name


20. Persona
The observer


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