Inspiration Help

Hey you guys! I've been conjuring up a new plot for a story I plan to write around winter 2015. I've been working on the idea since December 2014, however, I've recently revised it to make it more closely related to the Pathcode concept, and now I am having major writer's block. The plot is so thick it's literally frying my brain.

The story will be of the scifi/action genre. It involves elements of hacking, parkour, weaponry, EXO powers, a corrupt government ruling over a society immersed in technology, politics, and all that cool stuff.

So I was wondering if anyone had any dramas/movies/songs to recommend that are related (even loosely related is fine) to the list above. It doesn't have to be a Korean making either.

Please and thank you!


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Aeon Flux is good I would list more but the others have already listed but good luck with the story! ^_^
i saw your story too! it's so interesting xD
well, you know what, i'll just share a bit of my thoughts in here if you don't mind.
above all powers, the one can mess things up is actually 'Time'. What i have in my head is that a time controller can do everything he wants, but of course there will be consequences. But most consequences are really really bad or unexpected. If you know the phenomenon known as 'Butterfly Effect', i think you'll know what i mean.

about movies, i could only think about these:
1. Kingsman - all that weaponry, parkour and fighting scenes are quite interesting.
2. Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy - i believe you've seen this. the movie has dark atmosphere so.
3. Looper - more likely a time-travel movie. There's sci-fi stuff going on of course.
4. Predestination - another time-travel movie but it's kinda drama-ish and there's no hacking/parkour stuff.
5. Mad Max: Fury Road - a recommended one. The post-apocalyptic/sci-fi plot is thick.
6. Live Free or Die Hard - more to an action movie, but the plot is good. It also has that hacking subject in it.
7. The Matrix - I only liked the first one though. Maybe this is too (dark) sci-fi? but idk. This is also a mind- movie.
8. The Road - it's about a journey in a post-apocalyptic world. Not into that 'advanced' sci-fi though.
9. Equilibrium - 100% sci-fi too. A really thick plot including the government but not political stuffs.
10. Snowpiercer - a sci-fi movie too, including a corrupt government system.

if you want to, you should watch several cut-scenes of games on Youtube. there are so many games which have this kind of plot and are so good. One of them that i can remember are Deus Ex: Human Revolution, halo, metal gear solid, borderlands, Fallout, mass effect trilogy, and there are so much more :D

i think you've watched more stuffs though! idk if these helps.
here's some!!
1) hackers
2) ghost in shell
3) darker than black (it's an anime but i think it can help!)
4) gattaca
5) prometheus
6) kill bill
7) ultraviolet
8) matrix trilogy
9) wanted
10) the fifth element
11) the zero theorem
12) heroes (it's a verrrry long tv series but worth watching in the background while doing other thigs!)
13) misfits (it's another tv show but i really really recommend it)
*these are in no particular order just saying :')
I hope this helps!!
I started writing a ff (here actually, but I've stopped writing it) that is about EXO's powers. I don't know whether I'll continue writing it or save it in my PC and complete it in the future. Anyways, my point is that I have tons of ideas related to their powers (which I tried to mix with the whole Tree of Life thing and the 12 forces) and maybe I could give you some, at least related to that matter. Also, you could tell me a bit about what you want your story to be like so I can be more accurate (just if you please). Of course that in case you take any of those ideas I won't use them, and I'll suggest only fresh ones which I have never written about.

Yada yada, I'm elaborating too much. Just DM me if you'd like to see my suggestions, since I cannot really recommend a movie/drama/song to help.

Lastly, good luck!! I'm sure you'll get rid of your writer's block in no time, it happens^^
Have you watched "Edge of Tomorrow"? Maybe that can help :D
And the drama "Who are You" not the school kind one, but the supernatural one kind of relates to those elements you mentioned (corruption, betrayal, etc :)
For songs, the ones that seem like action are..hmm..ahh this one I don't know! :( good luck!