
I just flagged a really rude commenter, but I feel so bad because its my first time doing so, and usually I don't report people, but then it was offending and rude, not only to the writer whom that rude commented left that post on, but also to me as well..

I know that other unique writers might be getting bashed by haters as well, but lately I've been seeing SeKai writers get bashed or hated on for just simply wanting to share their Sekai stories and why is that? I'm sure that as a sekai writer myself, all of us sekai authors aren't competing for fame, popularity, but are simply writing our sekai stories for the love of it. Yes, we thank our readers, subbers, upvoters, commenters, but its because we are so happy, so fluttered and touched that other readers are liking and supporting our hard work that put into the fics.

I'm not just simply saying don't leave rude comments and post on sekai writers walls but please don't go hating on all authors in general, we put in our time and effort for the people who like to read, so just because some stories are not to your taste, just simply leave quietly and nicely without dropping any rudeness and let others enjoy

My rant of the day

Thank you,




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Yupp i really agree with you. If they dont like it they dont need to read it. Why they need to read it n then post a rude comment. Ughh i srsly dont understand with those haters -.-