  you must be Kevin kangdae Park。
   LoveDonghae ♡ Panda ♡ 10/10
— Panda-chan / Ethan, Pyper, and Minjun / Ethan and Pyper are the only people who are close to Kevin. They call him panda because he's cute most of the time to the point where he's even cute when he's being serious. Minjun picked up the habit of callimg him Panda-chan after hearing Ethan and Pyper calling him that.

AGE  25
BIRTHDAY ♡ January 16, 1990

BIRTH PLACE Daegu, South Korea
HOMETOWN  Los Angeles, California, USA

ETHNICITY Korean-American
— English/ fluent/ lived most of his life in America
— Korean/ fluent/ his parents insisted on him speaking Korean to them at home or to the family so he grew up in a dual-language household
— Chinese/ basic/conversational/ his high school made him take a language and he decided Chinese because he thought knowing how to speak three languages would make him a more sought after candidate in college and when applying for a job
we may not be the same, but that doesn't mean we can't understand each other ♡
  physical authentication。
   you must be...

WEIGHT ♡ 167lbs
HEIGHT ♡ 6ft


— tattoos / he currently has five tattoos: 1. he has a small snake tattoo on his right hand ring finger; 2. he has a wing on the outside of both his ankles; 3. he has a crocodile tattoo on the back of his neck - it looks like it is climbing up his neck; 4. he has a shark tattoo along his spine in the middle of his back; 5. he has a small dinosaur tattoo right above the waistand of where his pants are (his first tattoo); they are usually covered up by his clothes


— work / x x x / he wears clothing that is realistic for the kind of things he has to do during the day; this generally consists of tank topscombat bootscargo shorts, denim, etc. He almost always wears gloves

— casual / x x x x / his casual clothing is similar to his work clothing but with the addition of sweaters, sandals, and jackets

— business&date / x x x / he cleans up very nicely when it comes to meetings, dates, etc.; he generally wears button-ups, polos, or nice jackets

— other/accessories / he generally always wears watches but makes sure that he wears heavy-duty ones when he is working; he is almost always wearing gloves when working or around other people but alternates between what type of glove is deemed appropriate for what he is doing - i.e. he will wear nice gloves if he is out to eat or leather glooves while working, etc.

  further information about Kevin。
   so, tell me about yourself...
 positive: humble, hard working, smart, easygoing, friendly, accepting, practical, loyal
negative: quiet, shy, germaphobe/ocd, insecure
 neutral: introverted, willing to take risks


 positive: Kangdae is a very humble person. He enjoys when he is praised by his superiors as well as others but will rarely, if ever, praise himself and his own abilities. When he puts his mind on something, he makes sure to work using 100% of his energy and abilities. These hardworking tendencies make him a good choice for any work project because he makes sure to fulfill his duties by giving it his all. On top of his serious work attitude, in the field Kevin becomes super serious - making sure to take allnecessary precautions to protect himself,, the public, and his co-workers. He is a very logical person who thinks through every situation and considers all the details before making an important decision. Most of his decision are smart and practicdal but once in a while he will take risks based off of his emotions, but this is rare. Despite his hard working attitude, when he's at home he is very easygoing. He likes to relax when he's on his own. Because of his cute outwards appearance, he comes across as friendly and always seeks to please. Despite this, he doesn't really have that many close friends. He is widelty accepting of other people, their quirks, and their way of thought andwill rarely speak out against others. His loyalty to those he loves is one of his most endeering qualities. He regards loyalty as one of the most important qualities in a person. The only time he will talk out against someone is when they are betraying someone else - being disloyal.


 negative: Kevin is very quiet and shy, especially around people he doesn't know particularly well. It is hard for him to really get close to people even though he seems very welcoming on the outside. He doesn't like sharing his feelings with most people becauswe he is afraid they will be disloyal. His shyness makes him awkward in social situations such as parties where he keeps to himself. He also has slight ocd and has grmaphobic tendencies. In his current place of residence at Jurassic World, all of his things are neatly sorted and everythig has its own specific place. His mysophobia/germaphobia varies depending on his stress level and his surroundings. When he is under a lot of stress, it tends to be more severe. Those close to him can tell if he is under a lot of stress by the amount of times he goes to the bathroom to wash his hands and how often he uses hand sanitizer. He always makes sure to wear a face mask when in heavily populated enclosed spaces and generally tends to avoid places like busses. He wears gloves to avoid touching things that may be touched by a lot of other people such as hand rails. When his mysophobia is really bad, his hands tend to bleed and sometimes it stains his gloves. When it comes to working with dinosaurs or his own pet lizard, he is generally more laid back when it comes to germs. He understands that he needs to wash up after working with them but he isn't as afraid of their germs compared to germs carried by people. Because of this, he actually feels very comfortable working with them over co-workers. All of his flaws make him feel very insecure so he is constantly trying to please other people with his work. His insecurities also make him question relationships - especially romantic ones.


 neutral: His introversion helps him cope with his insecuritiesAlthough being introverted can be negative, for Kevin it is more of a neutral trait because it helps him avoid external conflicts that could possibly harm him. He is a very logical person but will ocassionally make decisions based off of his supressed emotions and wants. He is willing to take risks when risks are necessary.

 When Kevin was in middle school, he had a najor crush on his best friend Jonghyun who happened to be the most popular boy in school. On the day of their graduation, Kevin decided to confess that he had feelings for someone of the same gender - not telling Jonghyun that it was him - and his friend shunned him, cutting all ties they had. The two ended up going to the same high school where Jonghyun - still the most popular boy - started bullying Kevin. Kevin, who was unfortunately stil in love with his friend, ended up retreating into himself and put up with the bullying by becoming more introverted. He became a 'nerd' and learned to hide his pain with a smile. Deep down he knew that his friend was wrong for betraying him but his feelings for the boy blinded his judgement. This incident is what makes it hard for him to make good friends. It also caused an escalation in his ocd.
 In college, Kevin specialized in zoology with a focus on evolution of reptiles and marine animals because of his interest in dinosaurs.
 After going to college, Kevin had a type of falling out with both of his parents. They talk to each other sometimes and occasionally see each other at important family gatherings but they don't have much in common. His parents haven't accepted his uality and when they do contact him, are often trying to set him up with a girl. The only person he really trusts in his family is his younger brother who always supported him and who he supported in return. Unlike his parents, he talks to his brother on a regular basis, at least sending a text or two every day. His brother convinced him to follow his dreams and is constantly trying to make him feel more comfortable and confident with himself.

 mint: the plant, the smell, and in food/drinks
 men: he is homoual and is 100% attracted to men but women often find it hard to resist his cute appearance
 food: mint, sweets, mochi, bananas, sushi, dumplings, tomatoes, tea, soups
 colors: baby blue, black, and white
 dominant personalities but not people who like to use their power over others
 the sound and smell of the rain
 curling up on his bed/couch and reading
 playing with his pet lizard
 his favorite animals are sharks, crocodiles, fish, and geckos
 when people abuse their authority
 people who take advantage of him/others
 foods: onion, celery, pork
 people who aren't loyal
 really cold weather
 people who make fun of his ocd
 washes hands whenever has the chance
 he flexes his right hand when he is nervous
 chews on his bottom lip without thinking about it
 he talks to his pet lizard - a bearded dragon named MJ - and his small golden ball cactus
 he gets lost in thought and tends to stare at some people *cough* Minjun *cough*
 he likes to play around with his pet lizard in his free time
 working out
 he plays basketball and draws in his free time
 he is afraid of dying alone
 being replaced
 He dreams of being able to share his life with a man who loves him and can get past his flaws; he wants to be able to curl up on a couch with anothere human being
 Has a lot of weird dreams about the dinosaurs
 is a slight germaphobe so is constantly washing his hands and applying hand sanitizer, leading them to be excessivly dry to the point where the skin will break and sometimes bleed if he doesn't take care of them with lotion
 loves cheese and dairy based foods but is somewhat lactose intolerant so has to try to avoid dairy based foods (other than yogurt) and can only eat it once in a while
 because of his intense love for sweets, he is always carrying around some kind of candy - enerally sour candies such as gummy worms or lollipops; after he fiinishes the lollipops he tends to keep the stick in his mouth afterwards
 his ideal type is a tall, muscular man with chocolate brown eyes, strong hands, and a dominant personality
 he wears antiviral face masks when in areas heavily populated by people e.g. monorail
 because of his love for working out but his hatred of human germs, he makes sure to go to the gym first thing it opens after it is cleaned up by the janitorial staff
younger brother / Jiho, Park / 20 / journalist / accepting, confident, outgoing
» Jiho always idolized his older brother and Kevin made sure to take care of him. Jiho's support for Kevin made him who he is today as their parents weren't happy with Kevin persuing biological sciences. The two talk daily - whether its texts, skype, phone calls, etc.. Kevin confides his personal feelings in his brother who is constantly chiding Kevin to get a boyfriend. 
— mother & father / Cynthia & Taejun Park / 50 & 55 / magazine editor & CEO / old fashioned, demanding, calm
» Kevin rarely speaks to his parents and when he does it is usually brief. They don't approve of his ual preferences and have told him that if he doesn't marry a woman, then they will give the magazine business to Jiho instead. Kevin doesn't really want the business anyway but doesn't trust his parents anymore because of their ultimatum.

— closest co-workers & best friends / Ethan & Pyper / ??? / Jurassic world workers / fun, open minded, etc.
» Both Ethan and Pyper could tell that Kevin was an introverted person when they first interviewed him. When he got the job, they decided that they would try to befriend him and make him more comfortable around people. They both love making Kevin smile. Ethan likes playing around with Kevin who enjoys his friendly personality. Pyper also enjoys having fun with Kevin but stops Ethan from going too far. They both try to make Kevin open up to people - especially Minjun who they can tell really likes Kevin.  They are constantly trying to set the two up by sticking them in the same place together, getting one of them to to cover a shift so as to have the two work together, etc.

— ex-best friend & crush / Jonghyun, Lee / 25 / unknown / adamant, strong, dominant
» Kevin's ex-best friend and crush from middle school and high school [see background, you can put him as working in the park if you want more drama!]
  so what exactly are you applying for again。
   the whole reason why you're here, kinda...

STAFF POSITION  expert and trainer 
DINOSAUR  all of them this is so hard omfg I'm stuck between velociraptor and baryonyx/suchomimus



— Hyunnie / Kevin Kevin  calls her this because it sounds like "honey" but he feels like it's cuter
RELATIONSHIP  Kevin has a real soft spot for her and he thinks she is extremely cute. She is very playful despite her large size. Generally, she responds moderately fast to somewhat slowly depending on if she's being stubborn but is rarely agressive to Kevin. Rather than acting agressively, she is more likely to ignore Kevin. To othes, however, she can be more agressive. Kevin rewards the dinosaur by using fish as treats and sometimes even pets her head.
  Kim minjun (aka jun.k)。
  Kim Yukwon, kim minseok (xiumin) 
Jun.k / his closer friends/co-workers Minjun thinks it sounds cool so he has people call him Jun.K instead but sometimes they make fun of him with it


PERSONALITY  extremely silly, tries to act cool, friendly, extroverted, prideful, loud, sincere, sweet



 likes: men, dogs, small animals, spicy foods, meat, fish, taking pics/photography, taking care of people, wearing eyeliner

 dislikes: salad, seeing other people in pain without being able to do anything

 habits/other: his lips; running his hands through his hair; touching Kevin; he doesn't really have a filter on what he says; he's 28 years old and his birthday is January 15th, one day before Kevin's; graduated from medical school; is physically fit; ideal man is someone with an engaging smile 


I only touch the people i like
  any particular close peer。
FIRST MEETING  Both Minjun and Kevin have liked each other since the first moment they met. Minjun worked at Jurassic world before Kevin did and they met the first day Kevin came to work. Kevin ended up running into Minjun and knocking both of them over on his first day working, Kevin falling on top of Minjun. Kevin blushed and smiled awkwardly at Minjun who immediately fell in love with Kevin's smile.
RELATIONSHIP Minjun is super touchy to Kevin and almost always has some kind of contact with him when they are with each other whether it's an arm around his shoulder or a hand on his back, etc. Minjun is practically incapable of not touching Kevin. Despite Kevin's germaphobic tendencies, he actually enjoys when he is in close proximity to Minjun. Kevin blushes easily around Minjun, making it obvoius to others around him that he likes Minjun. Minjun's friends can tell that he likes Kevin but are completely open to the idea of the two together. The only person who cannot seem to tell that Minjun has serious feelings for Kevin is Kevin himself. Minjun and Kevin's superiors at work are also okay with the relationship as long as they don't let it compromise the safety of the park and as long as they let them know immediately if they are in a relationship. Ethan and Pyper tease Kevin about Minjun because they know Kevin likes him and that Minjun likes him back. They scheme together to try to put Minjun and Kevin in the same places at the same time together. Minjun likes to call Kevin by his Korean name - Kangdae - because he can see a spark in Kevin's eyes when he uses that name to address him.
CONCLUSION  there can be sad moments in between but happy ending definitely please :)
  interview time。
   with pyper cause the operations manager is too busy...
SO WHAT WAS YOUR REACTION UPON HEARING THAT JURASSIC WORLD WOULD BE RE-OPENING?  My younger brother was actually the first one to tell me about Jurassic World because I was at work when the news was released. Honestly, I didn't believe him at first but when I realized he was telling the truth, I actually shrieked - please, don't tell anyone else that ahahah.

WHY EXACTLY DO YOU PLAN ON WORKING HERE AT JURASSIC WORLD?  I have always been a fan of dinosaurs so when I heard that Jurassic World was hiring, there were no second thoughts - I knew I had to work here.

ARE YOU FULLY AWARE OF THE DANGERS THAT CAN COME WITH WORKING WITH THESE UNPREDICTABLE CREATURES?  No one I have ever met would call me reckless - I am very logical and aware of the dangers I would be facing working here but... This is where I belong.

  last call。
   a pleasure reading your staff file...
ANY LAST WORDS please excuse my spelling errors T0T I recently got acrylic nails and they make typing kinda hard hahahaha. PS I am so excited for this story because JURASSIC WORLD AAA?HHHH~~~
 Stereotypical kiss scene where Kevin is sleeping and Minjun ksees him and kisses him. Kevin wakes up just as he's doing it or kisses back thinking he's dreaming.
 Minjun freaking out when he sees Kevin's hands bleeding; comforts him and his hands
 Minjun being captivated by Kevin's skills and seriousness when working with the dinosaurs after a dinosaur almost attacks Minjun; Kevin yells at Minjun because he was almost killed
 Minjun Kevin's tattoos
 Minjun using his saying to confess to Kevin

PASSWORD you should watch this :D






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