Fangs and Fur || Shin Young Jin (Yojin)

Name:   Shin Young Jin

Age:   23 

Occupation:   Part-time bartender and part-time waiter

Family:   Shin Hyun Jae (Mother), Shin Hyun Yoo (Grandmother)

Personality:   He's a gentleman. He feels his condition/health doesn't matter compared to those close to him. Being raised in a mostly female family, he's prone to feminine gestures. He doesn't like to speak unless he knows the person. He's a quiet soft spoken person. He's quite indecisive and unable to express himself properly due to his mother's clear emotionless state. He may seem cold since he doesn't speak or express himself but in reality he's like a innocent child. He bursts into aegyo when flustered but doesn't realize what he's doing.

Face:   (I kinda forgot his name...can someone tell me?)

Ideal Vampire/Werewolf:   Someone who his grandmother will approve of. Someone who can tolerate him looking after them. Someone who can look after him in return. Gender doesn't matter in his eyes. The behavior of this person and the way they dress matters to him.


[I don't mind if users want to claim Yojin]


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