❛ twenty & married // hwang minhee



•••••••••• chubby_bacon_cheeks    Steph    5    english is my first language ••••••••••


hey, whatever! 

Akward is not a word to describe their marriage. It was weird and uncalled for, but the two enjoyed each others company and didn't mind at all. But feelings are like a fire, it can either get bigger or die out very quickly. And this done doesn't seem as thought it will be dying out anytime soon. 

full name — hwang minhee.
nickname — Ddeok, Min or Minnie
date of birth / age — 20/06 - 20
ethnicity — Full Korean
birthplace / hometown — Gwangmyeong-si, Gyeoggi-do, South Korea
languages — Korean




ulzzang #01 — Bae Jae Hui
    » pictures — Gallery

ulzzang #02 — Song Ah Ri
    » pictures — Gallery

appearance — Minhee is a small and petite girl, but despite her size (164cm and 50kg), her strength says otherwise. Underneath her large eyes, she has eyes bags which she has been teased about many times before. She has thin, rosy pink lips that curve up naturally into an innocent smile. Paired with her large eyes, she has a baby face and gives off an innocent and pure aura. Her bangs also adds to her innocent looking, making her look even younger.

fashion style — Her style is usually fashionable yet casual. She dislikes wearing clothes that are too revealing and tight because 1. They're uncomfortable, 2. She hates the cold and 3. It defies her innocent look. Minhee enjoys wearing oversized sweaters/hoodies during the winter so she can wear as many layers as she likes underneath. She also loves wearing her wedged sneakers everywhere or her classic Timberlands as they are most comfortable for her and presents from her mother and grandparents before she moved to Seoul for university. Minhee also disikes wearing rings but has a huge obsession for necklaces and bracelets. She also has a tattoo on her left wrist that is her star sign, Gemini. 




character traits — short-tempered, stubborn, sassy, impatient, funny, derpy, selfless, advice giver, loud, straight forward,


Minhee is not an easy girl to handle. She has an attitude and can be really sassy towards people. It may seem rude and obnoxious to people who may not be close to her, but it's actually her way of expressing that she is comfortable towards them. Minhee does not take critical criticism well as she is hot headed and can become very easily affected. She also dislikes it when people "challenge" her opinon because she is set on what she believes in.

Despite her short-tempered personality, she is usually very cheerful and a mood creator. She lives by Charlie Chaplin's quote, "A day without laughter is a day wasted". She hates it when people don't smile or laugh for a long time and she uses any means possible to bring a smile to their face; even when it means she'll be making a fool out of herself... even in public. She starts off with making weird faces, then adding sound effects and when those don't work, she incorporates her entire body by making weird noises, facial expressions and "dance" moves, as she calls them. If those don't work, then she asks the person to tell her what is wrong before giving them advice. She can easily turn from being silly to a serious advice giver.

Other than her cheerful, happy self, Minhee can also be very self-sacrificing and unselfish. She tends to always go out of her way to help others even when there is something important that she has to finish/do. Once you say the word that you need help or assistance, she would find ways to push aside what she's doing and rush to yours to assist you. Once, in high school, she helped her friends study for exams rather than studying for her own, which had indeed affected her marks, but all she had to say was "At least I passed" before walking away from her fuming parents.

A lot of the time, Minhee has found that her friends may sugar coat the truth or exaggerate advice to make it sound better - which she finds really annoying. Minhee is the type of person that will straightforwardly tell you the truth and her opinion. She isn't trying to be rude, but that's how she is because what is the point of sugar coating things? It doesn't cause any good to the receiver when they find out that the result isn't as dandy as she said it would be and it wouldn't do herself any good as it makes her come across as a liar.


family background

Minhee lived with her mother and grandparents most of her life. She was born in Gwangmyeong-si at the local hospital. Living with only her mother and grandparents, she was always teased that she did not have a father while growing up. Despite this, she continues living her life positively and not paying attention to the negative comments she received. She was also able to push through the negativity with her best friend and neighbour, Lee Jinki. He was the older brother she never had and always wanted as he was always there to push away anyone that tried to bully Minhee. Most of her childhood, her grandparents looked after her as her mother worked several jobs throughout the day to feed the family. Minhee saw how tired her mother would look at the end of each night and began working as soon as she was of age. In the beginning she did shifts at the supermarket after school and then did an hours cleaning at the convenience store at the end of her street. With those jobs, her mother was able to quit one of her several jobs as the money was enough to pay for the food and half the electricity bill. After finishing high school, Minhee tried out for the most prestigious university in Seoul, despite doubting herself a lot; to only find out that she had win half a scholarship there. Minhee's mother was overjoyed with the news and told Minhee that she had waited for this day for a long long time and had saved up money to pay for her college tuition. She also told Minhee that all she had to worry about is earning money for her everyday life as she could move in with Jinki; who had moved to Seoul for university as well. Minhee never questioned where her father was. Whether or not he ran away after he had impregnated her mother or he had passed away. Till this day, Minhee is not entirely sure where her father is. 



Currently, Minhee is working at a cafe near her shared apartment with Jinki. She works there as a barista but is also the pastry chef after the cafe closes. This job helps her earn enough money to pay half of the electricity bill, water bill, rent and the gas bill with a little extra for her to put aside her for her mother and grandparents. Jinki, obviously, pays for the other half. Despite not owning many valuable belongings, Minhee believes more in intellectual things more than materialistic things. She's currently studying Psychology and Language in a double major at uni and wanting to also take up photography (is in the university photography club) after she graduates. 


trivias —


- interacting with people

- even strangers

- bubblegum flavoured things

- bubble tea

- chocolate (she's an addict)

- coffee

- men's cologne

- baking


- flowers

- well more like she is allergic to flowers...

- pink

- mosquitoes (bites)

- dirt

- strong smells

- being disrespectful

- even to people younger than her


- mid-night walks by herself

- photography

- reading

- usually on her phone

- playing the piano while singing along

- photography


- cracking fingers, neck and back

- biting her lips when nervous

- scaring at things/people when deep in thought

- avoiding eye contact when shy

- hitting/slapping anyone nearby when laughing hard


never leaves the house without her necklace

- has a Samoyed puppy named Cheonsa (Angel)




family members (only list down the important ones for the story, idol siblings are okay; replace 'relation' with father / mother / brother / sister / anything you can think of; copy+paste if needed)

» mother — hwang taehee : 38 : waitress, supermarket cashier and childcare assistant : soft-hearted, caring, laid back, cheerful : Minhee really respects her mother as she was very young when she gave birth to Minhee but also was able to take care of her, and also her grandparents. She also feels bad as she was the one who stopped her mother from being a carefree teenager like everyone else that is 18. This is why Minhee was also a mummy's girl, listening to whatever she always wants and doing it immediately. They also always joke around and have been mistaken to be sisters rather than mother and daughter. 


friends and colleagues 

» Best friend — Lee Jinki : 21 : Idol : childish, whiny, derpy, troll, tease : Minhee and Jinki have known each other since they were young. Despite that there is a 1 year difference in their age, Jinki was always like an older brother to Minhee. 

From a young age, Jinki had always been the whinier one between the two - complaining about nearly everything while Minhee would listen closely and agree, even when she didn't. "Agreeing with him will help shut him up quicker" she would explain to others who receive his complaints. At one point in Minhee's teenage years (around 14 or so), she had developed a crush on Jinki despite their closeness, in which he somehow found out. He still teases her about it till this day and Minhee usually turns bright red when it is mentioned. Minhee calls Jinki "Tofu" while he is the creator of "Ddeok" as Minhee's nickname. 


other relationships 

» (most recent) ex-boyfriend — Lee Chi Hoon : 20 : student : charming, teasing, self-centred, playboy and stubborn : Despite them being university sweet hearts, their relationship took a very sharp and sour turn. In the beginning, they were the most "shipped" couple throughout the whole campus, but as charming as Chi Hoon is, many girls fall head over heels for him. Chi Hoon is a playboy at heart, no matter how much he says he is loyal and truthful to Minhee. One day, Minhee was walking to the carpark located at the back of the school to only catch Chi Hoon in a heated make out session with a girl from her Language lecture. Minhee was surprised and even calmly walked over to the unaware pair, tapped Chi Hoon on the shoulder and told him that he was a douchebag and broke up with him. Chi Hoon was unphased, agreed and continued his make out session. With that response, Minhee couldn't believe that she heard her heart shatter and she began to make her way to a nearby park and sat underneath the playground slide. 




husband — Byun Baekhyun : 21 : student, part-time model : sassy, arrogant, nosey, bright, smiley, huggable, over-protective, tease, puppy-like, understanding, considerate


Sassy is Baekhyun's middle name. Even though his "talking back" is deemed rude by many people, it's just his way of expressing his ideas and emotion across. He has a comeback for anything you throw at him that he might think is a challenge, so it's not a very good idea to challenge him. With sassiness comes arrogance. He can sometimes seem egotistic but he truly isn't like that unless you say something to piss him off. Many people have called him a diva and he is totally fine with that.

Baekhyun can be very "up-in-your-personal-space". He tends to continue asking questions until he is satisfied with the response you give him. He tends to zoom into your face when he is worried and pushing you to tell him what is wrong. Sometimes he will tease you and poke your sides/tickle you if you are ticklish till you tell him. He doesn't do it purposely to be annoying, but he just genuinely worries about you and wants to help. Despite that, he gives great advice and is able to keep people calm and collected during usually "panicky" situations.

Not only is Baekhyun able to give great advice, he loves initiating skinship - especially hugs. He loves the feeling of wrapping his arms around someone smaller than him and making them feel protected from whatever is hurting them. This can make him seem over-protective but once again, he is just truly worried and wanting to help the person feel better.

His form of trying to cheer someone up is teasing them and trying to make jokes out of everything that is around them. Baekhyun loves to tease them especially after they cry and have red swollen eyes. He pokes fun of it but in the end laughs it off and makes other jokes. He also tries to give them his best smile (including his infamous eye smile) to cheer them up and if that doesn't work, he'll once again tickle them till they laugh. Sometimes, he will snuggle up to your side like a puppy and even whine like one to bring a smile to your face. But he only shoes this side of himself to people he's close to or he considers close to him.

Baekhyun is a good listener and from his many experiences, are able to tell you what you should and could do to help the situation you may be stuck in. He is also very empathetic and immerses himself into putting himself in your shoes if you are having a problem. He is very level headed and this helps him empathise with people even more.


relationship prior to the marriage

Baekhyun and Minhee met each other through Jinki and also once again at the photography club. When Minhee first moved to Jinki's apartment, Baekhyun was also his roommate but Baekhyun soon moved next door, which was a smaller apartment, made especially for people living alone. Minhee was always the shy and relatively quiet girl when Baekhyun first met her while Minhee thought Baekhyun was hilarious, caring and absolutely adorable. Not long after they met, the two got a long very well and Baekhyun found out that Minhee is the total opposite of what he perceived her to be. 

They met again when Minhee was supposed to do a project for the photography club. Baekhyun was called by the club leader as they needed some people to model for a photoshoot for their project. Upon seeing Minhee, Baekhyun immediately said that he would do the photoshoot with Minhee as they already knew each other, can work well together and live near each other which is convenient. After doing a really good job with the project, the school decided to frame some of the pictures around the office and adminstration area for all the parents to see. 

Jinki, Baekhyun and Minhee became a trio group after that and have been inseparable until Minhee got a boyfriend. Both Jinki and Baekhyun knew that Chi Hoon was a bad choice from the very beginning but Minhee would not listen. Guess she's never heard that "You're best friends see the douche in your boyfriend before you do." Baekhyun was really worried for Minhee despite himself being in a relationship with his high school crush. Not too long after Minhee got into a relationship, Baekhyuns girlfriend had to move to America as her father wanted her to take over the business branch there - which is why they broke up. 

Jinki had warned Minhee about the dangers of dating Chi Hoon but Minhee didn't listen. And when Minhee broke down underneath the playground after the break up, she knew she couldn't call Jinki as he would rub it in her face telling her "I told you so." The only rational thought she had was to call Baekhyun. In a matter of 10 minutes, Baekhyun had arrived to the park and saw Minhee's dejected body frame in thin clothes shivering as the cold winter breeze blew. Walking over quietly and carefully, he wrapped his jacket around her small frame and took a sit next to her, wrapping a comforting arm around her. Minhee leaned against him as she let her tears fall, telling him everything that happened while hiccuping from the crying. She cried and talked until she fell asleep in Baekhyun's arms, exhausted from crying so much. Baekhyun ended up piggybacking her to his apartment and let her stay the night, telling Jinki they had a photography project due the next day and will be working through the night. Half unconcious and half awake, Minhee managed to mumble to Baekhyun, "We'll marry each other if we're single when we're 40 ok?" before falling back into a deep slumber. He hummed softly in response, agreeing because he knew she wouldn't remember by the morning. 

Not only did Minhee remember, she even asked him about it the next morning. "Remember what you promised me.. I take promises seriously" she bluntly said before giving him a thank you hug and made her way back next door to prepare for school. Despite the many blind dates they went on in the 2nd and 3rd years of uni, the relationships were never successful. One night, when Minhee and Baekhyun went out to the supermarket to buy food for their respective apartments, Baekhyun asked if it was possible to fast forward the marriage by 20 years. And Minhee agreed. 


relationship after the marriage

In the beginning of the marriage, it was quite awkward as they were so used to acting as best friends and not lovers. Jinki was also weirded out by the two as suddenly his two best friends became not only lovers but also husband and wife. He he felt like the third wheel but didn't mind as he loved spending time with his (only) best friends. Baekhyun was very sweet towards Minhee and she was extra caring with Baekhyun. Some of their classmates were shocked when they walked into school hand in hand while others said they saw it coming seeing how the two were stuck at the hip and didn't seem like normal best friends to begin with. Minhee is still very shy about showing PDA despite having boyfriends before, and she thinks it's just the lack of recent experience that is making her nervous and having butterflies in her something. 

They still acted more like best friends than lovers in the beginning, but after the first few months, Minhee realised that the feelings she had for Baekhyun was not normal between best friends. At first, she thought it was just a phase and that it was because she hadn't had a boy like her for so long that she was feeling those feelings. But she began noticing the way she would look at Baekhyun and how he was always lingering in her mind. She was even more nervous when holding hands and was even more confused when she accidentally blurted out "I love you" at him when they were eating out one night. Baekhyun only cheekily smiled back at her and told her that he had been in love with her since before he had broken up with his ex. 

The pair rarely fight. But when they do, it's usually because Minhee is being stubborn and not listening to Baekhyun and his opinion on the situation. At times like this Baekhyun would only sigh and try to get Minhee's attention back by apologising and whining cutely like a puppy as he knew she would always fall for it. If that doesn't work, Baekhyun would go make food for Minhee and even buy chocolates for her. The last resort to getting Minhee's attention back is by tickling her. Because tickling her means making her laughing and Minhee begging for him to stop and she would forget all about being "mad at him". Baekhyun isn't the type to hold grudges and quickly forgives Minhee with even just a simple peck on the cheek or if she had been clinging onto him for a very long time while looking at him with puppy-dog eyes. 

Even though they currently do not have any children (other than Jinki - as they named him their so-called love child), they are planning on it in the future. 


trivias — n/a


ending — a happy ending please!~ I really don't mind.. Maybe them having a child? 




scene requests

» before they got together, Minhee was grocery shopping when she hears a familar voice ask her, "Your hand looks heavy, can I hold it for you?" and she turns around to see Baekhyun smiling cheekily at her.
» shared their first kiss (as in as a couple) underneath the same slide that Minhee cried at... 

» umm... maybe Chi Hoon getting jealous after finding out that Minhee and Baekhyun are going out? Wanting to get revenge maybe?~~

» Baekhyun's ex comes back to only find that her first love is now married and she and Chi Hoon plan on getting back at the two?

» Instead of exchanging rings at their wedding, they exchanged bracelets as Minhee doesn't like rings? 

» their wedding was extravagant despite Minhee protesting it not to be. This is because of Baekhyun's father's status as a chairperson of the company. But Minhee goes along with it anyway just for Baekhyun and that Mr Byun promised to pick up her mother and grandparents with a limousine and drive them to Seoul. 



» anything else you want to say that you don't know where to put? 
» anything is okay, really. just anything.

» no? are you sure? /slapped. okay okay. cx
» oh and i'm so so so sorry the app is so long cries i already tried to shorten it. just don't write unnecessary things? ; - ;


why should i choose Minhee » Ermm... because I put a lot of effort and thought into this application??~~ ; _ ;


❛   go back to the story  



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