Crafts #50 - #51: Takoyaki (octopus dumplings) and Totoro

Here's another post featuring my polymer clay charms :3


I wanted to practice making faces and at the same time, I was craving for takoyaki. The ones sold at Hana (Little Tokyo, Makati) are so delicious! Yum!

I searched for recipes and found tutorials in youtube. Hehe. As soon as I find the ingredients and the takoyaki pan, I'll make them! 

In the meantime, I'll just enjoy the takoyaki polymer charms I made. I followed Etsuko Mayumi's tutorial.



The Smiling Takoyaki


(top view: the takoyaki sauce and some green onions ^^)


The Winking Takoyaki


The Angry Takoyaki

(I should have made the eyes and mouth smaller. I'll make another one and use shorter sticks.)


I have a totoro bag and a totoro pouch, might as well add in a totoro polymer clay charm/bracelet. I watched several tutorials but the one that helped me the most is The Little Mew.





Here's Totoro with Pikachu and Molang. The only charms I have that can stand, haha!


I'll be making Jigglypuff next, Raichu, the minions and some rings. Still terrified of white clay >_< But I'll definitely make that mokona! And other white charms >.>

My dad collects coins and bells and he loves plants. I'm still stuck on what charm to make >.>

That's all from me.

Have a productive day!!!



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you should try making a togepi charm! i think it would look cute in charm-form :3
Thats so cute :) What kind of clay do you use ?
Are you selling all of them?