I'm so tempted

I'm so tempted to write HISTORY fanfiction ಠ_ಠ

I mean, I've been listening to them recently, well, more like discovered them recently, but details! Anyways, and yeah, I like their music so far. It's so catchy and different somehow...? 

Anyways, I decided to casually scroll around here and check if there were any fanfictions about to them and there were hardly any. It doesn't surprise me since it seems that group isn't so well known (correct me if I am wrong). I mean, maybe just because people I know don't know them doesn't necessairly mean that they aren't known. 

I probbly shouldn't tho because I have too many fics I should be updating now  ಥ⌣ಥ maybe when I'm not so busy writing MarkJae and ChanBaek stories, I can contribute to the fandom just a bit...

If there's anyone that likes them, let's fangirl! (✿◠‿◠) If I had to say who's my bias, then I guess it's Kyung IL and Jae Ho~ but if it's like a ship or something, I like Kyung IL with the maknae, Yi Jeong~ they have this thing and they tease each other a little bit too much I swear there's like a mini love triangle between those two and Jae Ho AHAHA

And I guess, Do Kyung and Si Hyeong look good together too (◕‿◕✿)








Thanks for taking the time to read this! 

Hope you have/had a lovely day/night! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


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omg Psycho was my jam for the LONGEST time, until obv when Might Just Die came out god bless
but yeah, I guess they're one of the nugu groups (like Boys Republic or JJCC). They're definitely not getting enough spotlight :c
Sihyeong is my baaaaeeeee ヽ(^。^)丿

Just got into them when Just Might Die came out and fell sooo hard. He's like Chanyeol likein some ways. The voice and the dorkiness. O(≧∇≦)O