Chicago Temple Stay(1 Week Hiatus)

I've been forced by my family to go to a Chicago temple stay,so I'll be gone for a week. Please tell me someone, atleast one person on this website is going to the Chicago Temple Stay at the Bultasa Buddhist Temple. I don't want to go, I'll be alone because I'm such a socially awkward person. I don't speak unless spoken to, to make friends. I just hope my Attack on Titan Shirt

Infinite Shirt(I mad with L's name on the back)

Homestuck Virgo Shirt(I also made) 

and My Infinite necklace 

will help me make friends. Hopefully I'll make friends because I'm so anti social. I'm just really shy and quiet unless people approach me. I'm going to die without my fanfics. -Cue dramatic Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!- I also have to volunteer and study, but since I'm such an awkward potato, how am I supposed to ask one of the monks a question?!?!?!? Also I have to do a certain thing where we clean our rice bowls with water, and then drink the water, and if it isn't clean the monks punish you by making you drink everyone else's water(gross, and my oldest cousin, my oppa apparently got sick so....) Don't even get me started with the 108 bows, two years ago when I first went(this is my 2nd time), my legs were sore, looks like they'll get sore again...On the schedule there's one hour of sharing, sharing what exactly?!?!? because I don't like to speak because I'm so self consious about being overweight, and at Korean... I cry everytim

Anyways I hope I can make friends, or unless someone on Asianfanfics is going(fingers crossed that someone from here will go, but highly unlikely). I'm going to die. It's actaully supposed to start officialy this Thursday ,but no....My aunts made me go tomorrow morning(I hate them so much), and I'm supposed to leave next Sunday, but no next Monday. If I don't make it back, I'm sorry guys for letting you guys down. Cheer on for me, I'll need it....



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