I got sidetracked....


JUNE 18th


For the last few days....I have been occupied with entirely something than what I intended. I was supposed to write my stories, but instead I got caught up on designing stuff, posters and then inspired again by something else and then another thing follows, which leads to more.......And as result I have designed about 14 posters......So....yeah....they kinda ate up my time. Well, here are some of the posters I have made. xD

Some of the stories, such as the hybrid series "Chasing Mr X" is something I'd really like to work on as well, but knowing that I can't makes me want to cry. There's just too many unfinished stories hanging around, waiting to be finished or some even waiting to be started that I can't even possibly write all of the story ideas which I have in store. This is just so sad....all these ideas, but knowing my snail like speed at writing, it's never gonna happen. I'll just have to be happy with just making these posters and writing up notes to myself about the plot. Anyway, I'm back to working on the new side project I took on, Angel's Touch. I'm hoping to get the update done, but how fast I am, I can't really say.


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Wow! Your posters are amazing!!! Do u have a shop? Id love for you to make a poster for me one day :D
They're so flipping nice omg!!!
WOW, nice posters. Hey, you might have written again, but at least you were productive.
Virtuosos #4
But it was enjoyable, wasn't it? I like your style.