eternity — ahn yerim.

ahn yerim — quinn
username — kiyouni
what can i call you? — imma
activity rate — 8.5/10
full name — ahn yerim
                   + quinn : english name
nicknames, if any —
+ mimi : a personal nickname for yerim, only her special love calls her this // jaehwan
+ keopishin : she was called coffee goddess because of her fondness in coffee // fans, members
+ yurishin : she was called glass goddess because she always wear her eyeglasses when going out // fans
+ armadillo : they see her as an armadillo who immediately goes inside of his home when frightened, yerim on the other hands gets shy and all quiet meeting new people // members
birthday — 11 / 27 / 1992
ethnicity — korean
nationality — korea : korean
hometown + birthplace — seoul, south korea
language(s) —
+ korean : fluent // been in korea for all her life
english : semi-fluent // took english class since school days, currently taking for future purposes
face claim — baek sumin : gall. gall. 
backup — yoon suna : gall. gall.
appearance — 
                  Yerim is born with beautiful face, a kind of face that looks like a queen or a goddess. She has the looks of a strong and cold lady but soon after you'll see the radiant and innocent face hiding beneath it. She's born with a pair of almond-shaped brown eyes and double eyelid. She has light brown hair since birth, and a milky white skin color. She has a toned-model type, not too skinny nor y yet she has the curves. She also has a crown birthmark on her right arm. Lastly, she has delicate long fingers showing that she has a hands of a pianist. Her bloodtype is AB. Yerim stands at 167 cm with the weight of 48 kg.
style —
                  Yerim's fashion style is a mixture of feminine and hiphop because she's the mix-and-match type. She likes to wear comfortable clothes, winter clothes, laced clothes, oversized shirts or plain cardigans that she can match with her variety of shorts, jeans and skirts. She wears dresses that are laced, plain colored or with minimal designs topped with coats, cardigans or knitted shirts. Whenever there is a need to wear attires in formal occassion such as gala, awarding ceremonies and such,Yerim makes sure it's simple yet elegant. She would likely go with laced-designed gowns in one-to-two color that matched for example black and white or pink and other pastel colors, or she will go plain color with elegant designs and pair it witch matching high heels. Her choice of footwear are always flat doll shoes and sneaker-type shoes, she seldom wears high heels unless she needed to. She often wears snapback caps where she can hide her hair inside it. Whenever she's going out, expect her to always have a red Jansport knapsack on her back with black headphones around her neck. Lastly, Yerim always keep her hair tied or in a bun whenever she's in studios/practice room otherwise her hair is always laid down.

personality — 
positive traits : caring, understanding, transparent
+ negative traits : standoffish, straightforward, quiet

        Yerim displays a scary aura around her whenever she walks because of the straight face she usually wear, but whenever she's with her friends that scary face disappears. She tends to be very quiet, reserved and stand-offish. She seems very sweet and kind-hearted that it's just her image that is very mysterious. She's the type where once you get to know her, she'll go all crazy on you and show you her weird side. Yerim is also a soft-spoken, slow to snap but quick to react. If she's not aimlessly wandering around, she's probably just silently sticking to your side whenever you go.
        With her demeanor, she's a person that does not speak unless spoken to, and the type of person who follows orders with no complaints. When she speaks, she has a habit of sounding quite rude, witty and straightforward, but her expressions and actions usually give away her real emotions. She can be childlike sometimes, enjoying simple things, having happy times with her friends and making special person happy. Despite this, Yerim is a girl that is quick to learn and is a good listener. She smiles when she's being yelled at, or simply returns to someone's smile politely, but she was never the type of person to actually respond to someone verbally. 

background — 
               Yerim is an only child, her parents own a music shop. This is where she learn how to sing and play various music instruments such as violin, piano, guitar, drums, flute and saxophone. She was already interested in music at a very young age, she induced herself to music lesson whereas she compose her own melody through different instrument. A reason why she hopes to become a musician or artist one day.
               She was raised as a good and obedient child but when her parents started to become busy and rarely spends time with her, she grew distant and aloof. She felt neglected by them even though her parents only worked hard for her to have a better future.
               Her life turned upside down when she met Lee Jaehwan. He was her sunbae at the music club and the first male friend she had in high school. He brought light to her dark life, he made her feel accompanied and appreciated. Soon, they fell in love with each other which made Yerim come out of her shell. He's the only one who can take the craziness out of her and feel like the happiest person alive. Their relationship was legal because her family approved him when Jaehwan became bridge to reconcile Yerim and her parents.
               Everything was going on smoothly as they planned their future together until one day when her parents suddenly wanted her to take business course instead of taking music course. In addition to that, Jaehwan broke up with her because the label company who admitted him made a deal that he will only get into the company if he doesn't have a girlfriend. This broke her heart that it made her come back to her cold and aloof self.
               A year later, she decided to continue her dream of becoming an artist. Her parents let her do what she wanted after seeing her devastated. Her parents thought that if they will let her do what she wants, she will get herself healed. Yerim then focused into being an artist to show Jaehwan and her parents that she will succeed.

family — 
+  ahn junghoon / father /  43 / music shop owner 
+ yoo hyemi / mother / 39 / music shop owner, musician
friends — 

+  kang minyeo / 23 / best friend / pastry chef
+ jang hyesoo / 23 / best friend /  theater actress
+ chosen applicant / chosen applicant / closest member / idol-trainee 


likes — 
+ coffee, apple and bulgogi
+ photography, books and music
+ winter
+ travel and high places
+ water (like pool, sea, ocean, bathtub) 
dislikes — 

+ arrogant and lazy people
+ enclosed places, thunder and lightning, disgusting skin holes
+ too much makeup
+ interrupting her when she speaks
+ touching/using her stuff without her permission
habits — 

+ she murmurs if she's so done with anyone/anything
+ she sends curious look to everyone whenever she's confused at something
+ she pulls someone's clothe or poke them to get his/her attention
trivia — 

+ she has coffee obsession (she loves everything related to coffee and can drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day) and bulgogi obsession (she loves bulgogi so much she can survive a day with only bulgogi as her food stock).
+ she is fond of fanservice.
+ she is a fan of Running Man and desperately want to be a guest.
+ she is a fan of Big Bang, Girls' Generation and Epik High.
+ she loves to eat sweet foods.
+ her favorite color is black, red and plum.
+ she can watch horror movies alone.
+ she knows how to play piano, guitar, drums, violin, saxophone and flute.
+ according to members, yerim loves to dance to boygroup dances.
+ the only aegyo she mastered is the 'bbuing bbuing'.
+ she owns a music charm bracelet, a treasured item given by her father during her 18th birthday.
+ she owns black iphone 6 and canon dslr.
+ she can sleep anywhere, it means she can sleep wherever she finds a comfortable spot.
+ she has for plush toys especially white bunnies.
+ she always order caramel frappe in coffee shops.
+ she always had her headphones on wherever she goes.
she is the unofficial photographer of the group as she always takes picture of her members.
+ she always bring her phone, lip tint, pressed powder, disinfectant alcohol, earphones and snapback with her wherever she goes.
+ she has a huge white teddy bear named jaerim, she said it was her son.
+ she's okay with eating alone, watching movies alone or doing things all by herself.
+ she's huge fan of Harry Potter.
+ she was called exo chanyeol's lost twin sister because they share the same birthdate  and the tallest members of their own groups.
+ she is one the shikshins of the group but she doesn't get fat easily.
+ her english name is Quinn Ahn, it came from her stage name and her fans sees it as "Queen Ann" when pronounced as a whole.
+ her hobbies are playing music instruments, drinking coffee while reading books, sleeping, listening to music or watching variety shows and korean dramas, bicycling or taking random photos.
+ she has twitter ( @ayr_quinn ) and instagram ( @quincess ).
+ according to the members, Yerim is cutest in the morning when someone wakes up her and she murmurs with her cute soft morning voice saying "I don't want to get up yet.."

stage name — quinn : chosen as her stage name because she was once told she holds an aura of a queen.
position you desire — powerhouse; main vocalist ( seungyeon )
backup position — triple threat; main dancer, vocalist, rapper ( youngji )
trainee life + duration — 3 years ( Pledis Entertainment )
               Yerim auditioned and got rejected many times in different label companies, only Pledis Entertainment accepted her talent. She knew she didn't have that much talent, she can only sing and play instruments and she already knew she wouldn't stand a chance but she was lucky she got in Yedang. She's thankful of it already and promised to do her best to debut in a girl group.
               Yerim started from scrap. All the trainings, from singing to rapping, she was the worst but she gradually improves. She endured the pain, embarrasment and insults to succeed. She trained day and night to improve her dancing and rapping skill because that is what the company wants, a group full of talented girls.
               From scrap to one of the trainees that showed improvement, Yerim was chosen to be in the group. The company talked to her and offered her a contract that states she will be a potential member of their new girl group but she will promised to improve more and not to involve in any scandal while they are making their group attain stardom.
how'd you end up at pledis? — 
             Yerim auditioned to big label companies and got rejected many times. She also tried auditioning to small/starting label companies but they said she needs some improvements before they can accept her. She came across Pledis Entertianment which is her "sign" that if she got rejected here, she will look for a performing arts school or workshop to get the improvement they need before she can audition again. Luckily, Pledis accepted her and made her promise to do her very best to improve or she will stuck as a trainee forever.
singing — soloist iu [ aoa choa ]
dancing — soloist iu  [ aoa choa ]
rapping — [ red velvet joy ]
speaking — snsd seohyun [ f(x) krystal ]
predebut —
+  female lead, featured singer in I Love You by The Papers (music video)
future desired activities —

+  solo album
+  starring in musical
+  starring in dramas or guesting in variety shows

love interest — lee "ken" jaehwan : vixx
personality —
             Lee Jaehwan or Ken in VIXX is like a walking clown because he always make people laugh either with crappy puns, lame jokes or nonsense talking. With a face of a cold man when serious, he is the complete opposite because he's full of energy and would most to blabber all day. If you are his close friend, he will always play with you. He's very friendly because of his happy aura and being cheerful. When he's with friends or members, he's the one who will start the conversation due to his choice of words or mannerism when shocked, laughing and surprised (even when talking). He is also kind and caring especially to his dongsaeng and hyungs, he doesn't like seeing them sad or lonely and he will definitely cheer them up.
             Although he looks like a walking mascot, he's secretive of his feelings. He will never show you that his hurt or sick, not until his actions betrayed him. He's naive too that he didn't know being too friendly, kind adn sweet would make girls fall for him that even if you confessed, he will think of it as a joke. Jaehwan shows his bad side by giving you a silent treatement like he will be worst than the silent member of his group, he will never talk to you unless you're forgiven. But even though he has this bad side, his good side are pretty attractive and charming.
             He may act childish and quite annoying but he'll make you feel special by his caring action and comforting words. He is the type of person you would want to be friends with.
how you both met —
             Yerim is Jaehwan's ex girlfriend. They are high school friends turned sweethearts where both of them dreamed of becoming an idol together. But Yerim's family wants her to be an entreprenuer to handle their family's business, Jaehwan understands this as he suggested Yerim would be his number one fan. When Jaehwan finally had a label company that wants him in, the company made a deal with that he should not have a girlfriend while being a trainee to focus on his idol career. This is the reason why Jaehwan broke up with her before he proceeds on Jellyfish Entertainment.
currently —
             When this two are in public, Yerim pretends not knowing Jaehwan. Like what she always do, she doesn't talk unless her members and other people asked her to speak. She will show small actions showing respect and formality that represents a sunbae-hoobae relationship. She will most of the time distance herself to him or avoid any chance of getting near him. It's not about she's afraid of him, she's more afraid of the scandal she will face when the media found out about her being Jaehwan's ex-girlfriend.
             When they are in private or alone together, Yerim still pretends not knowing him until everything was cleared between us. They started acting like they before they parted ways. They usually talk through text messaging and calls because of their busy schedules. Whenever Jaehwan has free time (free from schedules, annoying members and nosy company staffs) to call her, he will alert her first because they have different schedules. Jaehwan initiates the conversation because he knows Yerim quite well, Yerim then will come to him and talk. Jaehwan always do funny stuffs and knowing how quiet and serious Yerim can be.
             Whenever they go out secretly, Yerim brings out that protective and manly him. He likes protecting her and always making her safe because it's his way of showing how much she means to him. He can be aggressive especially if Yerim doesn't pay attention to him, or if her mind is wandering off that Yerim may result to not paying attention at all.
             Jaehwan is quite clingy to her that he is fond of doing skinship and aegyo. He is more of a doer than a talker that Yerim would be surprised by his sudden clingy-ness. They do skinship a lot like arm-linking, Jaehwan's arm over Yerim's shoulder, backhug or cuddles. Jaehwan always hold her hand and intertwine together together whenever they have time to be on each other's side. He will also steal kisses from her either in her cheeks or her lips. Since he is taller than her, Jaehwan will always grab the opportunity to surprise her by backhug, whispering to her ears or covering her eyes. When he gives backhug, Jaehwan rests his head above her head or shoulder. Lastly, when they are bidding goodbye to each other, Jaehwan will hug her tight and kiss her head before waving goodbye.
in the future, if there is one — they would end up together even if they we're faced into a lot of issues and scandal especially when dispatch/korean websites exposed that yerim is jaehwan's ex-girlfriend.
extras — 

+  jaehwan's nickname to yerim is mimi, while yerim calls him hwannie or jaehwan.
+  they have son named jaerim, it's a huge white teddy bear.
+  they have a couple ring during their high school days, and they still keep it until now.
+  vixx's song " don't want to be an idol " is actually for jaehwan who secretly dedicates it for yerim.


questions — none.  ^^
comments — i hope you like her. if there's anything you want to know more about yeri, feel free to ask me. ^^
scene requests —
» a date in the amusement park, yerim got lost when it's raining and there's a thunder, jaehwan is going crazy as to where he can find her knowing she's afraid of thunder. jaehwan found her hiding in somewhere dark and yerim after hearing his soft-spoken words, she went to his embrace just as another thunder strikes.
» girls will have an argument few hours before their performance
» girls will have a special stage with other boy group
» yerim will have an argument with other member
» during their interview/guesting, everyone was asked to the an aegyo. she isn't fond of aegyo so when it's her turn she just said "oppa, keopi juseyo~" and did bbuing bbuing that made everyone laugh while she was super embarrased
» yerim was stranded in an elevator in MBC/SBS/any building you prefer with strangers and she tries to calm herself but eventually broke down to tears due to her claustrophobia
pd — lee jaehwan


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