For Kaisoo Authors: Did You Know?

DId you know or noticed something that when you see the most subscribed in kaisoo tag they are almost all kaisoo centric with no other ship??? But if you see some story with most subscribed but with several ship, they are not kaisoo centric? 


Well, what i'm trying to say is you don't really have to put some other ship in your story just to make your story good. If you're really good at making story, you can keep the centric characters going without involving other ships. And because the reason you subscribed that story is beacuse you read the forword about that person or the centered character.


Sorry if i look like im ranting but, theres just some authors who says what is "kaisoo without baekyeol or hunhan or taoris" or whoever ship that is not really needed to make the story longer.


IF you want to write other ship then make another story for them and make them the center all around the story, it feels good when your only problem is the centric ship not other ships. And because some readers dont really care about other ships other than the centered character like in the first place.


Or maybe because im too loyal of a kaisoo shipper thats im ranting about this.


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Hmmm. Well, for me, I don't really plan on how other characters or ships will be portrayed whenever I write Kaisoo fics. I just go with my spontaneous thoughts and it could come out at a solely Kaisoo foc or the other characters are pretty much necessary for the plot to develop. :)

So I am actually guilty of putting too much weight on characters that aren't the main ship of my story. :p though I'm not really doing that to attract more readers and what not. :p

I may just be saying this because my writing style is on the spot and spontaneous. Lol. I just don't know with the others. :p