I'm Weird

So in my last post, not only did it fail badly but it was my first and...yeah ;-;

Anyway it was mainly about my love for k-pop and stuff (I can't be bothered to go check it now) and so I thought I'd say more about...me (?).

So I'm British, if you haven't already noticed by my spelling XD I am not technically English by blood though, I live in England, but in my blood I am half Welsh, quarter Scottish and quarter Malaysian (yeah I know, the Malaysian part is a bit random XD) and totally dissing the other two, my Asian quarter has seemed to have took over me XD.

I'm in High School, and I'm not popular, in the social status at school, I am at the lowest of the low. Maybe it's because I wear trousers, maybe it's because it only take me a few seconds to do my hair, maybe it's because I don't shovel make-up on my face or maybe it's because I'm weird? But me and my friends, ever since the beginning of Middle School, have been labelled 'unpopular'.

It's a little bit strange though isn't it? How one title can effect you a lot. Of course, I just shrug of the bullying, my emotions are literally stainless steel, you can't break through them, but I have to admit being laughed at day by day does do your confidence down a bit, and the fact my parents have split up recently and stuff doesn't help XD But, of course, they don't know that, so -3-

But recently there has been a musical at school, and I love singing, dancing and acting, but this musical came and I had the oppertunity and I just...let it pass by.

So I write a lot, writing is like my sort of fantasy I've always wanted to be in, and before I joined AFF I had lots of writing blocks and I got sort of depressed, that is as it piled on top of all the other rubbish things in my life, until finally, just to relax all my writers block out, I made some fanfictions, and I got a load of subscribers and it really helped me continue writing on my other projects.

So mainly, I want to say a big THANK YOU! ^.^ ~

Bubblegum+T ~


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Sorry for the bullying though...
Ive got lots to say but something caught my interest and i forgot everything.. YOU'RE QUATER MALAYSIAN???!! ME TOO, BUT IM FULL PURE BLOOD MALAYSIAN LOL AND MAYBE A LIL JAVANESE?..