Heechul cried when they cut his hair!

Heechul looks really upset as they’re cutting his hair. Poor thing looks like he’s crying a bit. :( I loved his long hair and I think he did too. Poor thing. Are you guys happy now? You made him cry! Oppa, it’s alright. You look handsome and it will grow back soon. Heechul Fighting!

(p.s. that’s not a wig in the 2nd gif. It’s just a graphic the show used to hide his new hair cut from the audience.)


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ELP1992 #1
That comments telling him to cut his hair were really annoying!I wish they would just stop ordering him around!
BTS_Rania_ARMY #2
If I were him , I'd be crying too .
I cried when my long hair was cut short. But I didn't really know why I was crying. I didn't know I was emotionally attached to my hair? Lol
lovecreation #4
Is there really no room for individuality in that country! “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”
― Bernard M. Baruch.
I seriously think even though Heechul seems like such a strong person, that when people constantly and call him words; He actually gets hurt, even though he chooses to not show it. People like him are often the kinds of people who have it the hardest in life, unfortunately... And why the do people all the time sit here and say he looks like an old lady with long hair?!?!?! He looks freaking perfect
That's so cruel
...stupid show trying to change heechul...
everything suits him but normcore is too plain!!
...he'll look good though *nods*
I honestly think he looked better with long hair! tbh, I cried when I cut my hair too, I had grown mine for years and had it super long then recently had to cut it super short :'( I can't wait to have long hair again XD
turyka #9
Yeah, I think he looks better with long hair too.. T.T