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The Independent Woman

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FULL NAME: lang mei xie | 郎没谢
xie | friends | it's cuter than mei
xiao mei / mei mei | used by her older siblings | because she's the youngest sister
robot | her mom | mei xie has a very analytic personality and a very consise, methodical way that she does everything with.
chun li | the guys working at her restaurant | because mei xie has very powerful thighs from dancing and wushu

dumpling | park | because she's cute and tiny and has chubby cheeks and looks just like a dumpling
baobei | ama | because she's ama's favorite grandchild

AGE: 21
BIRTHDAY: february 6th
BIRTHPLACE: taipei, taiwan
ETHNICITY: chinese
NATIONALITY: taiwanese

taiwanese mandarin | native
korean | fluent
mandarin | proficient
english | proficient

occupation | head dumpling maker at ama's taste of taiwan

BIOGRAPHY: a limited edition robot made in taipei, taiwan, lang mei xie is one of a kind. in indie pop, she's the powerhouse rapper and wushu extraordinnaire. she's been programmed with kick defensive abilities and also acts as indie pop's bodyguard, protecting them from bastard ex-boyfriends and anyone who tries to say what they're doing is wrong. she may be a bit cold on the outside, but the indie pop girls are some of the most important people to mei xie, and she'll always watch out for them.

FACE CLAIM: kang ji won

HEIGHT: 149cm
WEIGHT: 53kg

lang mei xie has skin the color of sun-kissed desert sands. mei xie is beautifully tan. she has a baby face and wide eyes that makes people think she's foreign or mixed. mei xie's nose is snubbed and very short and causes breathing problems when its too humid. weight wise, it may seem like xie has a lot on her bones, but rest assured it's almost all muscle baby. she has a very small frame. she has really small hands and feet and mei xie's skin is soft like clouds. she keeps her nails neatly trimmed and always paints them a color similar to her skin tone.

if there's anything special to note about xie's body is her legs and thighs. she has radish legs, where they're not very thin but especially thick near the thighs. its almost all muscle because of her years dancing and training and she loves them very much. she considers herself a taiwanese hwasa ( mamamoo ) because she's thick and hwasa's thick. her hair is a giant mane on top of her head. she has gentle curls that take shape towards the ends of her hair. she has a tattoo on her right ribcage that says "MADE IN TAIWAN" in english and chinese in an industrial font.

mei xie has a very particular fashion sense. she likes plain and oversized tops, vintage high waisted mom pants, linen and twill and cotton shorts and like no skirts at all. she usually wears her tiger claw feiyue martial arts shoes, but she'll occasionally wear her double strap heeled sandals. but sometimes when she's feeling lazy she'll just wear an oversized sweater. comfort is more important than appeal for xie because frankly she looks good no matter what she wears but if someone gives her y clothes in her size she might just wear them.

t o p s
p a n t s
s h o r t s
shoes sandals

Profile Picture

The Pop of Personality

mei xie is always looking at the big picture; her mind runs a mile a minute. she always keeps a leveled head and can solve complex and uncomplicated problems with ease. often times if an argument breaks out, mei xie plays the peacemaker and comes up with solutions that keep both parties relatively pleased; or at the very least, they won't hate the idea. if there is no imminent trouble, she'll often keep her findings to herself, encouraging the others to occasionally sort things out on their own. she's really good at reading the atmosphere and knows when to speak up and when to stay quiet. mei xie finds herself leaning towards the intellectual side of life, and is not the best in social situations. she just loves learning--especially about herself. life is a learning experience and she feels that one should find out as much as they can about themselves so they can live happily. mei xie is aware of almost every part of her: her strengths, her weaknesses, her limits, and speaks about herself very truthfully.

lang mei xie practically lives by the saying "if you've got it, flaunt it". her head is always held high, she never slouches, she smirks, she talks loudly and concisely so no one can drowned her out, she really knows how to strut, and oh my god mei xie can make the most ridiculous tasks look flawless and sassy. mei xie keeps connected to her mind, no filter. she isn't afraid to lash out at someone or call them fake or even get into a full-blown cat fight to be honest. its also physically impossible for xie to keep her opinions to herself. "i think cl is overrated", "shindong is a disgusting, misogynistic douchebag", "if i had a dime for every inch of your boyfriends , i'd be in debt", "tell your girlfriend if she says she's got beef, that i'm a vegetarian and i ain't in scared of her". mei xie would never willingly walk away from a fight, and would in fact be excited to be in a fight.

lang mei xie is not the type to express her emotions. in fact, most people don't even believe she has emotions. her face is almost always deadpan just like her voice. she does have emotions, at least she thinks she does, only she expresses them oh-so subtly that if you blink, you've missed it. lang mei xie practically speaks with her eyes. you'll see an occasional sparkle when she's excited, or fire burning when she's enraged, and she'll stare you down when she doesn't like you. mei xie is so sarcastic that it physically hurts and no one can ever tell if she's being serious or not ( just take everything she says with a grain of salt ). a woman of few words, mei xie strongly believes that silence is a virtue. her answers are usually short and very concise, with words so well thought out that there can be no misconceptions about anything she says. rather emotionally stunted, she also does not understand the emotions other people have. it is very hard to get sympathy from mei xie because she doesn't care and it doesn't affect her. she is not good with other people and finds talking with them to be rather difficult. though mei xie is not exactly a social creature, once she trusts you there is no going back. lang mei xie is very protective of people she likes. not just physically, although you never have to worry about being in danger with mei xie, but also emotionally. if one of her precious babies friends are having a bad day, she'll make them fresh dumplings and "leave them out" for them to find. mei xie is always there to listen, and she's there to talk about the people you hate.

if you called lang mei xie ugly, she would laugh in your face so hard that she'd double over. if you said she was a horrible actor, she would laugh even harder than that. lang mei xie is absolutely, positively in love with every aspect of herself, like even her flaws are perfect. she has a lot of confidence in herself and her abilities, and is able to tackle things head on thanks to her oozing arrogance. she's best described as a stuck up hoe, because her ego larger than jupiter makes her feel like she's better than literally everyone and that if everyone was like her, the world would be a very very wonderful place. if given the opprotunity, she could talk about herself for hours on end, especially about her accomplishments. insults literally roll of her back, there is no way to offend mei xie you just can't come at her. call her a , she'll smile and say "that's why your boyfriend and ya daddy ate my last night" say she's ugly and she will laugh in your face. call her a and she'll say "yup that's me". lang mei xie is 100% comfortable in who she is. she knows her strengths, her weaknesses, and she will always get things done.

unexpectedly, lang mei xie is the jealous type. she's so arrogant that she literally gets upset when someone's attention isn't on her. every time her gram-gram compliments her brother, mei xie smacks him upside the head. when someone says someone else's dumplings are better than hers, she has the urge to flip the pan with hot oil all over the kitchen floor. odds are, if you're with mei xie you will feel severe secondhand embarrassment 9 times out of 10 because she is shameless in just about every possible way. she openly tells just about everyone that she isn't ashamed to call a grown man daddy. she's very erse and will talk about everything from pubes to daddies to just about everything in between.

lang mei xie is just one of the guys. she's also a bit juvenile, and still finds jokes and farts really hilarious. she has no clue how to behave in a dress, be it casual dress, qipao, hanfu, or hanbok. she swears a lot. like, a lot. mei xie trying to paint her nails makes her wonder why anyone trusts her with anything. at the bar, she goes straight for the hard stuff: tequila and vodka. she also doesn't understand purses and has way too much stuff in it like seriously the weirdest things like a whisk and some chopsticks. she's like never concerned with her appearance because she always looks good. like she would show up to work in her pjs.

mei xie is very particular about just about everything in her life. she has clear likes and dislikes and refuses to associate with anything she dislikes. she always does chores at 6pm. always. she'll only use certain ingridents in her dumplings. her shorts have to be a certain length. she'll only wear certain kinds of clothes, no obnoxious print, no florals, no ridiculous fluttery , 90s aesthetic, muted colors. if she wears heels, they must be chunky heels and not too far off the ground. her stuff has to be perfectly in place and easy for her to find. every hanging picture, poster, or decoration has to be straight. she has to take selfies at 45 degree angles. she can only listen to certain songs when sleeping, and she does need music to fall asleep. she only lets her ama and park and meifeng touch her hair. xie only washes her clothes with a specific brand of detergent and fabric softener. that being said, xie tends to get very frustrated and uncomfortable and irritable when something in her life is out of place. maybe someone moved her wushu shoes from their rightful place right by the door. maybe someone went through her room and didn't put anything back. maybe someone didn't wash her clothes with the right detergent. it doesn't matter because mei xie is upset and is gonna personally end someone.

all in all, lang mei xie is someone who hates being weak. she hates feeling helpless and she hates just not being in control. xie views any signs of weakness from herself as a fatal flaw in her programming that needs to be covered up with sass and arrogance. but deep down, mei xie knows she's not like other girls. she thinks about these kinds of things a lot, what her life would be like if she could socialize normally. what would happen if she opened up more and showed emotions, but those thoughts scare her because those kinds of things are the things that get people hurt. those things got xie hurt in the past by the people she was supposed to be able to trust. mei xie keeps everyone at a distance because she doesn't want anyone to hurt her. and even people like indie pop only know half of xie, the half that manifests outwardly. and she's completely fine with that. she also doesn't really think about things like fear and insecurities, and instead pushes those thoughts to the back of her head.

( + ) analytical, introspective, straightforward, protective, confident
( -- ) stoic, harsh, shameless, jealous, unladylike, finicky, guarded

[ dark people are the kindest ] she loves dark skin its so beautiful and it just glows. she loves her dark skin.
[ divination hoe ] she's really into astrology and tarot card reading, and she's pretty good at it
[ magical starsign ] she's an aquarius and she has a bunch of leos and scorpios in her natal chart
[ bad es don't get shy ] when she's feeling shy or flustered she hides behind her hands
[ robot mr krabs ] xie has a very robotic laugh. its a cross between robot mr krabs and the count from sesame street
[ catchphrase ] "i killed a man" and "i will personally end you"
[ wushu princess ] mei xie is currently studying two forms of wushu, meihuaquan and zui quan ( drunken fist ). she's rather advanced in meihuaquan as she's been practicing it since she was young and is learning combat against multiple enemies. she also focuses on daoist zui quan which imitates the drunken eight immortals. mei xie is especially good at imitating lan ciahe and xiangu
[ my phobia ] lang mei xie is afraid of large bodies of water ( pools and oceans and rivers and lakes ) because her parents would always throw her into the deep end when she was younger to try and teach her how to swim
[ i hate seagulls ] mei xie is terrified of every bird besides ducks
[ a bunch of baby ducks, send them to the moon ] she loves ducks and her greatest dream is to have a bunch of baby ducks imprint on her
[ man i'm sick of y'all geeks ] she's a total mega nerd. she loves playing video games and loves dungeons and dragons, star trek, lord of the rings, and comic books.
[ my first love broke my heart for the first time ] mei xie was in love with leonard nimoy, who played spock in the original star trek. and the only time anyone has ever seen her cry was when he died. a single tear rolled down her cheek and she gave a vulcan salute to the sky and wistfully whispered "live long and prosper"
[ 3ds for lyfe ] she has a 3ds and she plays pokemon, animal crossing, and fire emblem on it pretty much all the time
[ good music ] mei xie listens to a lot of hip hop but she also listens to music groups. her favorite artists are hyukoh, busker busker, giriboy, mfbty, pinodyne, eluphant, and swings
[ for you ama ] mei xie wants to earn enough money to take her grandma on a trip back to taiwan because ama hasn't been there since she was a little girl
[ ama's a fan ] ama is a total exo fangirl and when mei xie told her she was gonna be in an idol group ama said "make sure you take pictures with exo!! and bring home the one with the dumpling cheeks for me"
[ college dropout in the house ] mei xie dropped out of college two weeks after she started.
[ whats important to me ] lang mei xie has a list of the things that are important to her. number one is ama. it will always be ama and no one can ever change that. number two is park because he gives her good and they've been friends since before xie could even speak korean. number three is indie pop and xie will up anyone who talks bad about them ( looking at you beenzino ). and number four is and always will be dumplings. no one knows why, but dumplings are always four.
[ ideal type ] her ideal type is a man who will only be around when she wants him to and won't talk when they cuddle and then leave when she's done.
[ i'm not even gonna try ] mei xie never brushes her hair because its a wild thick curly mess
[ no skinship ] lang mei xie is not a fan of being touched. she will duck, bob, weave, and bend backwards to get out of someone's touch. the only exception is park and even then, its only when they're not in public.
[ good night moon ] mei xie listens to hyukoh and busker busker to fall asleep
[ comeptetive is my middle name ] competes in wushu exhibitions for meihuaquan and zui quan
[ love through kicking ] her instructors for meihuaquan and zui quan are married to each other
[ talker ] she loves talking with ama
[ comfort food ] when she's upset she makes dumplings and eggrolls in large batches
[ i've killed a man ] if any of her friends get boyfriends, or if there's someone who bothers her, she'll just say "i've killed a man"
[ underachiever ] mei xie's sister majors in cosmetology and has her own beauty salon and her old brother is majoring in engineering. mei xie was gonna major is business and finances so she can take over the restaurant
[ my brand ] her favorite clothing brand is american apparel but she usually thrift shops, and her favorite makeup brand is 3 concept eyes by stylenanda
[ long term immigrant ] no one in her family has korean citizenship because they didn't give it to foreigners and now they only give it to foreigners who have made a dramatic contribution to korean society
[ okay maybe i'm a little not normal... ] although xie is normally confident, when she's alone late at night she thinks about how there's something wrong with her and how she wishes she could actually be reprogrammed to be better
[ kayee or jia er?? ] even though she's friends with mark tuan, her favorite got7 member is jackson
{ its only the tip of the iceberg, half of me ] mei xie keeps everyone at a distance, even her best friends. at first she did it on purpose but after a while it happened subconciously and not even park knows xie's deepest thoughts
[ a beach! / ...? ] has a resting face. has a face pretty much 24/7
[ mr. ambiguous ] mei xie has such a crush on mamamoo's hwasa like she's so pretty and hot and her thIGHS ARE SO POWERFUL THEY MAKE XIE EMOTIONAL
[ sunshine is all i need ] mei xie's favorite songs are gondry, i have no hometime, and ohio by hyukoh
[ contraception ] mei xie gets birth control shots every three months
[ beauty guru ] mei xie refuses to let anyone besides herself do her own makeup. and she only lets her sister wax her eyebrows.
[ parks and rec ] xie loves watching parks and rec and ron swanson is her real father

The Support System

mei xie was born in taipei, taiwan to her floor manager at a large company father and university teacher mother. they lived in a rather upscale neighborhood and lived comfortably. when mei xie was five things began taking a turn for the worse, her father's company went bankrupted and had to cut off many employees (him included), her mother's job didn't pay enough money for her to support the family's lifestyle on her own, and to top it all off her grandfather passed away and left her grandma all alone. her grandparents owned a restaurant in korea and the lang family decided to pack up and fly to korea to assist her grandmother. they ended up living in the cramped apartment above the restaurant.

primary school wasn't very easy for mei xie; since she didn't speak much korean and couldn't communicate with her classmates well she became the wang tta of the class. she was purposely excluded and picked on, and even though she couldn't understand what they were saying too well she clearly understood the disdain in their voices and she was lonely. when she would come home and try to talk about her day her father would shoo her away as he needed a break after being overworked at the restaurant, her mother could never listen for long because her older children needed to succeed, but her grandmother would always know exactly what to do, she would hold mei xie and make dumplings for her. her ama would always watch old school taiwanese films that her husband left after he died, and they would mostly be kung-fu films. mei xie would sit in her lap and watch for hours and hours and she felt very connected to her grandpa through those movies.

lang mei xie was always a bit mistreated by her mother. while her siblings were much quicker to pick up korean and excelled in their classes, mei xie struggled a lot and her mom would always threaten her with abandoment and vague consequence that would shake mei xie up a lot. and mei xie always felt responsible for her mother's bad moods because the woman would always push her away when she was upset. whenever mei xie would feel sad or upset, her mother would always tell her she was overreacting. when it came to her mother, lang mei xie never had secrets. her mom would always open letters addressed to xie, she would always read through her diary, and after her mom read an entry xie wrote about a really nice boy in her class that always seemed to read but would always smile at her xie's mom even got forceful with her because she thought the boy was xie's boyfriend.

xie's mom knew very well that her daughter was very particular about all of her stuff and would go out of her way to make sure things were messed up. and when xie complained, she refused to apologize. her mom would always fail to give xie any explanation for things that went further than "because i said so" and would often send her up to her room for talking back. the very first time mei xie called her mom out on her crap, her mom slapped her directly across the face in front of the entire restaurant. xie felt so weak and humilated and lonely and she just wanted to run away. and that was the day xie vowed to never show any emotions and to keep things internalized.

her brother was just as bad as her mother. it was bad enough that since he was the first boy he was already the favorite kid, but he bullied xie a lot too. he would always tattle on her and make fun of her for being tan and liking wushu films. but at least when they were alone, xie's sister meifeng would always beat him up when he picked on xie. and ama would always fight with xie's mom because how dare her daughter in law mistreat her favorite grandchild? mei xie and meifeng were each other's quiet support system. when they were alone they would protect each other but when mom was around, they would be bystanders. and to this day meifeng is the only person mei xie doesn't despise for not supporting indie pop.

she found the cure to her loneliness: dancing and rapping with so much passion that her parents would yell at her to stop jumping; it wasn't exactly an orthodox way of fighting loneliness, but it was enough to keep her mind off the subject and she would imagine herself as an idol. eventually, she decided that she actually wanted to study kung fu. at first, her parents said no because it was unladylike, but ama convinced them to let her do so. ama suggested she learned meihuaquan because it had 'mei' in it and mei xie agreed. middle school and high school were way better for her, she could fluently speak korean and make friends which was exactly what she did; in middle school mei xie found her two best friends in the whole world: xiong lina and park kwon. in middle school, mei xie's passion for rapping grew as she and her friends would skip tutoring classes to go to underground rap battles.

immediately after graduation, mei xie's parents began nagging her about getting a business degree so she can take over the restaurant, which she said she didn't want to do. tension between mei xie and her parents rose, while her ama pulled her to the side and told her to pursue her dreams. lina, knowing mei xie's love of dancing, suggested she joined double x dance crew after seeing flyers at her school. xie went to the audition after begging park to cover her shift for her and was affectionately dubbed "baby dancer" by one of the members because of her face and height. after the audition she returned for the solo audition because if she missed another day of work her mom would throw her out. she danced to block b and stopped when a part she didn't like came on, bowed, and left her fate in the hands of nabi and the other members.

ama | yang mingzhu | 85 | living | benevolent, wise, loving, cool | relationship level : 5 | do they support indie pop : yes

muqin  | mei baozhai | 50 | living | perfectionist, naggy, manic, strict | relationship level : -5 | do they support indie pop : no

zi  | lang meifeng | 29 | living | impulsive, animated, exciteable, childlike | relationship level : 3 | do they support indie pop : no | even though not supporting indie pop is basically a death threat if you're in xie's life, her sister is the only expection mainly because xie respects her sister and because her sister can always give indie pop the hookup when it comes to hair and makeup.

a xiong  | lang meilin | 25 | living | cocky, spoiled brat, smart-alec, stubborn | relationship level : 1| do they support indie pop : no

best friend | lina xiong | 19 | living | sweet, silly, quirky, dreamer| relationship level : 5 | do they support indie pop : yes

indie pop friend | han nabi | 24 | living | optmistic, impulsive, over emotional, loyal  | relationship level : 4 | do they support indie pop : she's in indie pop!

friend | mark tuan | 21 | living | shy, sweet, athletic, dorky | relationship level : 4 | do they support indie pop ; yes | even though taiwanese people hate each other when they're in taiwan, abroad they quickly become friends. xie first met mark at the restaurant and being taiwanese, they just hit it off.

rap buddy | rapmonster kim namjoon | 21 | living | responsible, hardworking, dedicated, goofball | relationship level : 3 | do they support indie pop : yes | they met through rapping during rapmons's pre-debut days and they hated each other at first. xie called his lyrics juvenile and he called mei xie's raps about dumplings horrible. they had serious beef and on the day they went to go roast each other in person, they ended up really liking each other

meihuaquan instructor | tsai changming | 40 | living | industrious, eccentric, adventurous, dependable | relationship level : 4 | do they support indie pop : yes

zui quan instructor | wang changchang | 43 | living | considerate, bold, inspriational, easy-going | relationship level : 3 | do they support indie pop : yes

zui quan exhibition partner | baixing bolin | 20 | living | coarse, sly, foolish, materialistic | relationship level : 1 | do they support indie pop : no

busboy at ama's taste of taiwan | wu yun | 18 | living | helpful, lovely, shy, naive | relationship level : 4 | do they support indie pop : yes


Profile Picture

LOVE INTEREST: park kwon : first name park, last name kwon
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST: jackson wang ; got7

RELATIONSHIP STATUS: [ ual man servant ]

park kwon is literally prince charming. he's so bright and generous and warm, he'd give the shirt on his back to help someone. he loves lavishing people in well thought out gifts and he gives and gives and gives to the point where mei xie has to remind him she doesn't need a gift for literally every occasion. park kwon is very gentlemanly and when he and mie xie walk down the street, he's always on the right with his hand on the small of xie's back. he holds open doors and pulls out chairs and would lay down his jacket so xie doesn't step in a puddle. he's really romantic and is a er for candle lit dinners and love letters and sensual perfumes. he's like a very fancy and luxurious cat and always wants to pet and scratched and always on his owner's lap. and like cats, he can't help but get a bit lonely and jealous when he's left alone. even sending a playful wink at another man will shatter his heart into pieces.

and on top of that, park kwon is such a drama queen. and he speaks in prose! if park hears a noise at night, his first thought is "i'm gonna be murdered. goodbye world i lived a good life i hope heaven has hot angels to me up". if he gets shampoo in his eyes he thinks, "welp i guess i'm blind now i will never be able to see my first born child". if a cop walks past him he immediately goes "i guess i'm being arrested i probably murdered someone by servin up these looks". he goes off in a metal detector, "oh no they've detected my bomb i'm gonna be deemed a terrorist by the korean government". park kwon is never unprepared for anything.  park has a huge dose of self-confidence and an insatiable passion for life and its luxuries. a very hard worker, he usually has little problem affording said luxuries.

park kwon is a very sweet talker, yet the words he says are sincere, and he loves being goofy. generally, he's a rather shy guy. he likes talking and needs to be listened to otherwise he'll feel unwanted and probably cry. park requires a lot of attention and love and he tries showing courage no matter what.

they met through school when park was a feminie-looking, mousy boy with a bad stutter and a love for books. park would always read aloud in the library  and mei xie appraoched him and said "you learn me korean?" and park was like "o-okay!" and they've been friends ever since.

with mei xie's starsign being aquarius and park's being leo, these two are a very dynamic duo. she's the brains to his brawn ( even though she has enough of both ). she's the science to his love. park has a thing for writing cheesy poems about lang mei xie like the ballad of the broken bot and 128√e980. park is always there for mei xie. he's there to listen about mom problems, there to bring her tampons when its that time of the month, there to cuddle her without talking for a few hours, there to make sure her hair doesn't get matted because she never brushes her hair, there to make sure she's sleeping enough and eating enough. and mei xie is there to protect park. she will literally jump kick anyone park tells her to. they have a system built off of great trust and care. mei xie helps park and park helps mei xie. one without the other is like a setup for failure.

in public, mei xie is still mei xie and park is still park. they make sure they seem like two separate beings. but that doesn't stop park from following her around like a lovesick puppy. he puts up with the criticism from her mother. he cut his hair so he wouldn't look so girly and he's been trying to bulk up to have less of a waifish figure. in public they are simply friends that maybe look a little too close for comfort making juvenile jokes and talking about really weird topics and each other's family.

but when they're in private, park's buring affection for mei xie is enough to make the robot's fan whirr. she lets herself be vulnerable so park can feel like a man. they like to lie together and just stare at each other because no words are needed for them to express their feelings. they also have a lot of , and they always have weird conversations during . like full on philosophical discussions or political debates or they tell really bad jokes. and whenever park falls asleep, mei xie lets him use her as a pillow and she always plays with his hair. mei xie always tells park the things she can't say when he's awake like "thank you", "you're so important to me" and maybe even "i love you".

mei xie always finds herself returning to park's embrace because it's warm and familiar and makes her feel safe.

DO THEY SUPPORT INDIE POP: park kwon would follow lang mei xie to the ends of the earth. he would help her get away with murder. he'd help her rob a bank. 

of course he supports indie pop.


STAGE NAME: xiemei

PERSONA: [ the taiwanese terminator ]

SPECIALITY: [ wushu ] it shouldn't be much of a surprise to anyone that the gal who grew up with kung fu films and started meihuaquan at a young and tender age would be the residential wushu princess.

VOICE CLAIM: cheetah







>> mei xie has the aura of a rapper. she has the stoic attitude and she can write vulgar and intense lyrics
>> she learns dance moves very quickly
>> often revises the lyrics other memebers write
>> xie has a ton of stamina

Profile Picture

straight to the top

f(x) milk
a.kor always
mamamoo & esna gentleman

cheetah expectation & coma 07 & crazy diamond ( as a xiemei solo )
risso omg 
crayon pop songs

>> i challenge you to a duel :: xie, sick of beenzino or beanzico or whatever his name is not support indie pop, challenges him to a rap battle, show me the money style. if xie wins, he has to support indie pop. if he wins, mei xie will leave indie pop.
>> show me the money :: mei xie going on the next season of show me the money or unpretty rapstar to gain publicity for indie pop
>> reality check :: ama getting sick or injured in some sort of accident and having to be sent to the hospital
>> support system :: one of the girls says something really mean to xie and mei xie just leaves and heads over to park's house without a word and like stays there for a week until the other girl apologizes
>> night breezes seem to whisper "i love you" :: park serenading mei xie with the classic song "dream a little dream of me" and xie can't stop smiling and giggling
>> giving myself to you :: mei xie opening up to park and just talking to him about everything that worries her and scares her and how she feels about her self and park supporting her and thats when she realizes that she feels for park as more than just a friend attached to a
>> i'm not supposed to be feelin some type of way :: mei xie having an existential crisis after she realizes she likes likes park
>> i'd do anything for you ama :: going along w ama getting hurt, mei xie decides to take over the restaurant after all and then feels like she has to choose between indie pop and the restaurant before coming to a nice middle ground
>> the key is me :: if doing cheetah's expectation as a xie solo, i could really see it as a really cheesy and prosy poem written by park to xie
>> blondie :: mei xie going blonde bc blonde kang jiwon is a blessing
>> jesus tap dancing christ :: xie and park having a pregnancy scare
>> exo leggo :: mei xie inviting baekhyun and the rest of exo for dinner at ama's taste of taiwan because ama likes exo a lot. indie pop uses this as a chance to rub elbows and make a good impression on top idols and ama uses the chance to raise publicity for ama's taste of taiwan

minhyun? more like manhyun. i'msorryihadto
anyway park's fc is jo guenhyeong


PASSWORD: [indie] [pop]


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