Boy Troubles!!!!! Help me!! X(



Hey you gurls!!! I, Julie need your help BIG TIME. Today was the second of school and I was in my last period, French 2. So I walked in the class and noticed this really cute guy in the class that I never saw before. He was shy and very quiet, I thought it was really cute. Ok, I know it's only the second day of school and I'm already thinking about getting into a relationship, but I feel like it's my year to be invovled in one. The sad thing is that he sits on the other side of the classroom. But later when the people in the class that don't belong in there leave, I'll be able to sit near him. I really wanted to talk to him today, but I didn't get the chance to. He walked away before I could say anything. He makes me feel nervous around him. I don't know what to do. I need a way to try to get to talk to him without freaking him out. So can you gurls help me out?






P.S.   Please leave your advice for me in the comment box below, so that can try them out!!!! Bye!!!!!


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TheRandom #1
Get close to him first because you can judge how boys are on the first impression. I used to like this guy but he was just an airhead and arrogant. Be more observant of this boy and if you still like him than go for him girl:)
creolediva3 #2
oh, and think of what you want to talk to him about before you actually talk to him. doing this will help you to avoid awkward silences :))make a list, or just think up something last minute, before you talk to him, so its fresh in your mind. or if you're a fast thinker, improvise. but I don't recommend you do this because when you're around a guy you really like, you might end up having a brain fart while thinking of something say >_< thts the awkward silence tht you want to avoid.
creolediva3 #3
make an unforgettable first impression~! dont let him know that you're nervous! stay cool, and pull yourself together. making guys laugh is a good way of having them warm up to you :)
AbriMathos #4
I say you calm yourself down before you talk to him, then with your head held high and a sweet smile on your face, introduce yourself. Start with small talk like "hi, your name is "insert whatever his name is here", right? Oh, nice to meet you. I haven't seen you around before" and let him talk about himself. Since he's seems too shy to go up to anyone, he'll appreciate someone coming up to him and asking about him. It'll give him the confidence to talk to you and voila! There sparks a possible new friendship!
Guys love confidence. All you say is to go up with a smile to show off how nice you are and say hi. He'll love the confidence. Start off with small talk and ask him how his day was. And try to find a subject to talk about. Maybe about the class your in? If your too shy, just send him a note or have one of your mutual friend introduce you to him. If he just ignores you or give you some attitude then he isn't the one for you. Good luck :D
RainaTB #6
I'm actually a very shy person so I don't approach guys. But in my thoughts, I say you should first breath before you speak to him. The breathin will help calm you (maybe) and clear your thoughts a bit so you don't say anything odd. Second calmly try and say Hi. If you start with at least a Hey before class starts (like walk by him and say it) then at least he does know you exist. Then naturally you should introduce yourself when you get a chance to actually speak to him and maybe start up a small convo (like "do you like this class?") or something like that. Just be yourself though, your a sweet kid so your personality should help him feel comfortable a bit. Cheering you on!
First of all, I hope this doesn't sound mean or anything but.. If you want him to notice you, you have to talk to him like how everyone else says. Then just try to get comfortable with him (not like grinding wih each other comfortable like friends comfortable) I'm not much of a relationship person but I know guys and guys like confident girls. Show him that you can be nice and friendly, yet have a bold and spontaneous side.

But idk haha, I'm just trying to help out ><"
Tell me--I mean us-- what happens :D
SuNaByeol #8
I agree with Kpopluvr! Start of by introducing yourself. Just try to be friends with him first. Keep talking with him and see what happens. :):) Good luck! Hwaiting!
Maybe you can give him a note introducing doesn't hurt to try and it's the most innocent thing I could think of xD