Who wants to read some damn y 2min?!!

Hey JUjuliet, your unnie, dongsaeng, chingu and LOVER. I'm here to let you know about a certain author I know personally, is writing this fic about 2min. Yes yes I know I know! Damn! Can I just talk? Everyone is like: So? Other writer write about 2min too, do what's so special about this one?- well LovelyBrii12 is my close friend I have been with when I was a senior in high school. SHE IS THE REASON WHY I KNOW ABOUT KPOP FANFICTION. SHE IS THE SOLE REASON WHY I READ AND WRITE, EAT AND SLEEP, DAYDREAM AND DREAM, fart and poop( I knw this sounds gross- I've been thinking if I should put that oh well I'm honest...ly gross... Ever tried farting tunes of Kpop? Random thought...) Anyshoe BRII IBTHE MAIN REASON WHY I GOT INTO FANFICTIONS OR KNOW ABOUT THEM. Ok this is getting long back to my point: her writing is absolutely extroidinary and ty. When I say ty I mean get down on you knees and beg dirty ty. I will post her link to her story the title is: because I am by lovelybrii12. ---> [] can you see it? She also does KEMARU! A very I mean VERY HUGE HUMUNGOUS FAN or supporter for kemaru. All her works are absolutely a must read for kemaru. I absolutely urge you to Check it out. Well peace I'm out. I feel like I just did a bio on her. Let me know okay?!


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LovelyBrii12 #1
Hahahaha! I love you~
Can't see :(