✖ 「데어 — the only misfits」「bitna」

bitna of dare.
full name: ryu bitna 류빛나 
( ❝ bit / nana / ryu ❞ ) these are just some nicknames that her family, friends and other members call her, coming from her name.
( ❝ queen b ❞ ) self given nickname, just because she's blood-typed b, claims that she's the greatest queen ever and thinks that the whole should be following her orders.
( ❝ cherry bomb ❞ ) a cherry bomb is a firecracker that explodes with a loud bang. this was given by the jo twins whom she's friends with, it just kind off regards her explosive personality as well as her deep obsession with cherries.
( ❝ ahjumma ❞ ) by everyone, because they think that when she gets mad she looks like an ahjumma. the little devil kwangmin started this nickname and bitna hates it with a passion (''im not hot-tempered, thank you very much'', she claims).
birthday: january 2, 1995
birthplace + hometown: seoul, south korea
ethnicity: korean
nationality: korean
( ❝ fluent korean ❞ ) being born and raised in korea and not knowing the language would be practically dumb, and bitna is not dumb (nah, she actually is, but not to that extent), so there ya have.
 ❝ crappy english ❞ ) despite having the language as a mandatory subject in high school, bitna's interest for the class was limited, so finding her sleeping during the lessons wasn't strange. she can only introduce herself and her vocabulary is limited to basics and 'yo man, what's up?'s. 
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face claim: model/actress lee sung kyung (gifhunt)
backup: the ark's jeon minju (gifhunt)
height + weight: 165cm & 49kg
( ❝ i'm totally hot ❞ ) if we talk about bitna's body strucutre, bitna is really skinny, standing at 165cm and 49kg. she´s even slightly out of the reccomended bmi, but still healthy enough to not look a a walking raw spaghetti. her weight is caused by her extremely fast metabolism, so no matter how much she eats, gaining weight is really difficult form bitna. bitna has a plain stomach and a really thin waist that oftne gets her lot and lots of compliments. bitna, like most korean girls, doesn't really have that much of a curvy body and her breats and lower part are considered small. however, even with her small and weak-looking body frame, bitna's face makes it up for that. the first thing you notice on bitna's face is probably her wide eyes and birght, slightly mischevious-looking smile (and smirk). despite looking slightly older than her age, bitna still manages to take advantage of this.
( ❝ everyone has a complex ❞ ) bitna's natural hair color is a really dark brown, almost reaching black. bitna didn't really like her ahir color before, so she has been dying her hair since she was 15 years old. she normally drifts between a dirty blonde or clear brown or clear borwn with some pink highlights at the end. like most of the asian people, bitna was born with a really pale skin that gained her a lot of compliments. but, again, she doesn't like that her skin is so pale, so at beach you'll often see her trying to get a tan. and also you'll often see her failing at that, because no matter how much she tries, she can't get tanned. so despite this complex, bitna is indeed a really pretty girl that has all the right to be confident in her looks. she considers herself the visual, even though she isn't (or maybe she is?).
( ❝ Cute style matching the cute face ❞ ) bitna claims that having the oh-so cute face that she has, she has to dress cutely to match her face. bitna's wardrobe consists principally of lots and lots of skirts, tank tops, cute blouses with random texts or patterns on them, denim shorts that she normally combines with sweaters and just a a complament, a big colection of Vans, Converse and any type of shoes you could imagine. Seunghee's style just gives you the aura of a cute, teenage girl who dresses accordingly to the Korean fashion trends. bitna normally preffers using sweaters and shorts practice wise, since she feels more comfortable with them yet she still manages to look stylish and cute. She really likes knee-lenght dresses that make her show off her long legs (despite her average height, her legs are pretty damn long), the pastel coloured ones are totally her favorite because they're simple yet sophisticated and give a 'lady' aura. On the dorms, bitna just wears whatever she pleases. She just takes the first thing she sees in her wardrobe an uses it. She doesn't really give a damn about their bandmates opinion, because, they're her bandamentes, why would they mind bitna being a secret fashion terrorist when she's at home? Also, bitna normally has her hair combed in a bun anytime she's at the dorm or pacticing, just to keep her long hair from annoying her face.)
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tumblr_inline_nn50wcPvTq1sc3ygs_500.gif this is so bitna btw tumblr_inline_nn514cLitm1sc3ygs_500.gif
positive. friendly, challenging, confident, honest, optimistic
neutral. loud, stubborn
negative. impatient, short-tempered, supersticious, narcissistic, impulsive

( ❝ i'm the dazzling girl that shinee sings about ❞ ) because of her face's features, you'd always think that bitna was that kind of girl who's all cold and y with everyone, and just hates life because she can. however, you'll soonly learn that nothing of this is actually accurate with her real aura. bitna does justice to her name, always being a really bright and cheerful girl with her bright smiles and loud voice, always yelling funny (maybe ridiciculous) things while doing some kind of weird gag with her body. bitna will never fail to make somebody laugh, and she's also extremely sociable, no dout why she has so many friends spread all over south korea (obviously exagerating) and why she has always been a popular one during all her school life. she's super friendly, and she's always in the search of new people to hang out with and ''spread her awesomeness'', as she likes to name it. bitna is a challenging person, and would not hesitate about any challenge that gets between her. as bitna likes to sees it, it's just one more oportunity to have an adventure.
( ❝ i'm still the best, you know... ❞ ) there's no secret about bitna being one of the most confident person ever, and that shows in her eyes' gaze everytime she's performing and in her smile everytime she talks about her strenghts. she probably doesn't have any insecurities about herself in the time being, and she plans to keep it that way. however, her condifence can sometimes become a negative trait to her side, but let's focus on the good side for now. bitna is a honest person, who will never hesitate to tell the thruth and will try to give you the best advise she can give, analyzing the situation and being as fair as she can be. you'll never see a lie coming out from , but this can become a problem sometimes, because let's say bitna's tongue can let out some pretty harsh words, so from time to time she end up being hurtful. now on a more bright side, bitna is the type of person who'll always see the good side of any bad situation and welcome with a big smile on her face. always the one to cheer up other members if they're feeling down.
( ❝ i want it, i get it, capisce? ❞ ) if there's somethign about bitna that can get pretty annoying, it'd be totally her loudness. bitna is always the type to speak out her thoughts in a voice that is maybe some decibels higher than what it was needed. people never hesitate to shut her up, but bitna never listens, and she just keeps being even more louder just to purposely annoy the latter party. another part of her personality that can get into people's nerves, it's the fact that bitna is way to stubborn. whe she wants something, she'll get it. no matter what. she'll pester everyone and everything until they get such thing for her. bitna has always been that type of person, being the queen of blackmailing and making tantrums at the middle of the street if she wanted her mother to buy her a new teddy bear or just wanted to ice cream. she's the type to heavily refuse to change her thoughts about certain topic. her opinion is unchangeable, and any sort of recommendations will be kindly ignored with a flip of her hair in her ''i'm an angry diva'' mode on. she's unveliabably greedy. bitna can get pretty darn annoying and obnoxious.
( ❝ oh my god is that a black cat?! ❞ ) there's surely something you always need to know about bitna: the girl is a hardcore time bomb, just waiting to blow up at people when they make her mad. when you provoke bitna's anger get ready to be shout at for at least 10 minutes, and being in the necessity of buying her ice cream to make her happy once again. bitna's angriness is pretty much related to how impatient she is, because when you make her wait, then she'll get extremely angry. bitna has an extreme averation for waiting, there's no doubt about that. yeah, she can wait for 5 minutes, but then make it 6 and she will get on her diva mode, and you have no scape but to get yellled at. friends have slowly reached a point where the know when bitna is going to totally blow up. however, bitna strongly denies being the hot-tempered girl she is. bitna is extremely supersticious, to the point where she believes truly in ghosts and still thinks that drinking soy milk will make her talelr (oh, the childhood lies of the jo twins...). she totally freaks out when she sees a black cat and protects the mirrors of the dorm because she loves to see her own face she doesn't wan tthe group to have 7 years of bad luck.
( ❝ should we go back to the topic of me being the best damn thign that your eyes have ever seen? ❞ ) bitna's most remarkable flaw is the fact that she's extremely narcissistic, she's always bragging about herself, telling everyone how awesome she is and asking everyone to practicaly worship her. bitna is practicallly in love with herself, with her boasting confidence and endless rants about her beauty. this can get really annoying for some, because she'll end up saying things like ''oh, you have a cute smile. but mine's cuter, isn't it?!'' or''oh my god, why am i always so pretty? seriously, i'm actually surprised my face doesn't hurt'', causing lots of groans and rolling of eyes. bitna has never been the type to think about waht she's going to do or say twice, and she just lets everything flow out of , let it be negative or positive thing. mostly negative, being completely honest. she has no control over her actions or words. this is often leading to her being being shutted by her other members because she's being irrespectful, to which she'll jus give a shrug and continue saying any nonsense that is crossing through her mind at that one moment, gaining more and more facepalms of those around her.
( ❝ not that special ❞ ) bitna was born in hongdae, seoul, south korea. nothing really needs to be said about her early years, she just spent her time like any other toddler or little kid would spend theirs, palying around with mud, being friends with half of the neighbpurhood, be crazy about some random kid's show that was broadcasting on tv, pretending being princesses, and sort of things. despite being an only child, she always found the way to have all the fun that was necessary, and she was always being up-beat and random, being one of the most popular kids at her shcool and neighbourhood. she was good friends with practically everyone, but mostly with jo kwangmin and jo youngmin, the cute twins that lived across the street. bitna and them hung out together a lot and usually played with leggos and watched pokémon together. bitna gained an interest in music when she went to a concert with her mom when she was 7 years old, and requestedkeyboard and guitar classes, which were granted to her. she was quite good on both instruments and manged how to master them after some years, and even composing her own songs.
( ❝ music is my life ❞ ) she didn't have interst on being an idol at first, she just did music as a hobby, but after she discovered infinite with their very first song 'come back again' and the jo twins became trainees at jyp, she started to imagine how good the stage would feel. bitna realised mastering keyboard and guitar wouldn't be enough, so she started teaching herself how to sing through youtube videos, as well as dancing. the result was quite good. she kept this practicing for 2 years, and in 2012, she made her first audition to apple of my eye entertainment entertainment, with all the support of her parents obviously. bitna had to do a few rounds before being accepted in the company, but after that, she formally became a trainee under star entertainment. her training life was the best, she recalls. despite hectic schedules, she felt like she was one step closer to her dream, so she didn't let herself down and always kept positive thoughts on her mind. during her trainee days, she usually still hung out with youngmin and kwangmin in secret, and they also introduced her to btob's sungjae, who ended up being a good friend of her.
father  Ryu Sejong • 49 • Lawyer • Over-protective, Hardworking, Humorous
mother  Lee Yoohee • 49 • Lawyer  Strict, Caring, Short-tempered
childhood friend  Ahn Minjoo  20 + University Student  Out-going, Funny, Loud
Best friend  Jo YoungMin  20  Idol (BOYFRIEND)  Extroverted, Charismatic, Funny
best friend  Jo KwangMin  20  Idol (BOYFRIEND)  4D, Unpredictable, Serene
daughter figure  im yewon  17  idol (dare)  talkative, cheerful, stubborn
her crack partner • jeon raekyung • 21 • idol (dare) • eccentric, outgoing, defensive
her gang • 95-line members (namjoo, chaejin, hyuk, t.k, ricky, minwoo, sungjae) • 20  idols (apink, myname, vixx, c-clown, teen top, boyfriend, btob)  variates, but they're mostly extroverted cutie pies

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( ❝ one ❞ ) she's the biggest fan of infinite ever. seriously. she also really likes royal pirates, hence why she's so happy being under the company where she is.
❝ two ❞ ) she hates doing aegyo, claiming that she doesn't have to act cute since her face is already cute enough.
❝ three ❞ ) she's the oldest member of the 95-line, as well as the mother figure to the rest of the members fram said line.
❝ four ❞ ) carries a topper full of cherries everywhere she goes, and she eats one when she feels hungry.
❝ five ❞ ) claims that infinite's sungyeol and royal pirates' james are ''the most perfect human beings that have ever stepped this world''. they're her ultimate biases.
❝ six ❞ )can spend entire hour looking at herself in the mirror.
❝ seven ❞ ) can often be seen teasing her members abou who they like and so on, or just general teasing.
❝ eight ❞ ) her favorite girlgroup is girl's day, and she's a big fan of sojin, seeing her as her role model and thiks of her as a goddess.
❝ nine ❞ ) likes reading fanfics of boyfriend in tumblr because yeah, bullying material. she ships youngwoo, jeonseong and dongmin/kwanghyun. youngkwang is just a no-no.
❝ ten ❞ ) her favorite song are infinite's shower and hysterie along with girl's day's don't let your eyes wander.
❝ eleven ❞ ) she preffers more up-beat songs over ballads.
❝ twelve ❞ ) likes pansori and trot, and wants to try singing them one day.
❝ thirteen ❞ ) she can imitate b.a.p's bang yongguk's voice and can do an impersonation of pterodactyls.
❝ fourteen ❞ ) her favorite color chould be totally pink, but more like a salmon-ish kind of pink more like the 'oh hi i wanna make you blind' kind of pink.
❝ fifteen ❞ ) bitna is a hardcore ice cream freak. despite loving all the flavors, she precissely likes the mint one and the cherry one.
❝ sixteen ❞ ) despite most of the extremely girly girls to have a deep fearign for snakes, she finds snakes extremely cute and would have one as a pet without hesitation. she would also have a ferret.
❝ seventeen ❞ ) bitna really likes acting, she says it feels great being able to portray personalities that are completely different to hers. she wishes to have a badass type of girl in a drama on a near future.
❝ eighteen ❞ ) bitna is addicted to cherries is an almost spiritual level. she loves them and have always been her favorite fruit.
❝ nineteen ❞ ) bitna has to take a selca everywhere she goes. no exceptions. dislikes.
❝ twenty ❞ ) bitna doesn't like black colors. she claims that they don't have a good contrast with her, i quote, ''totally dazzling and stunning presence''.
( ❝ twenty one ❞ ) bitna has always had this averation towards blackc ats, just claiming that they bring bad luck and she doesn't want any sort of bad luck.
( ❝ twenty two ❞ ) she hates cleaning and would always nag at someone to it instead. usually the maknae, cause the maknae would probs get lots and lots of teasing from bitna.
( ❝ twenty three ❞ ) bitna hates pick-up lines. god, who does even like pickup lines? she extremely hates their cheesiness and if someone ever dares to say them to her she'll puch them right in the face.
( ❝ twenty four ❞ ) bitna has a deep hatred toward sasaengs too, but then again, does anyone like sasaengs? they're horribly creepy and their actions are always stupid. she wouldn't mind having a fight with them in a future.
( ❝ twenty five ❞ ) she dislikes having to use make-up every single hour of th day. she claims of having a perfect face that doesn't need make-up, but company doesn't seem to agree with that so there she goes. nagging all the time.  
( ❝ twenty six  ❞ ) she can play guitar and piano, but preffers guitar because it's relaxing.
( ❝ twenty seven ❞ ) despite beign completely awful at writing lyrics, bitna loves composing her own music, principally on her guitar.
( ❝ twenty eight ❞ ) She's particularly addicted to weekly idol, idol school and the good old sesame player. however, if there's a how she doesn't like, it's running man. she doesn't get why it has such a big hype. 
( ❝ twenty nine ❞ ) although it was obvious already, bitna's name means 'shining' in korean. soemtime she exagerates with the meaning of her name and uses it for endless bluffing.

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love interest: btob's yook sungjae gong taekwang 
birthday: may 2, 1995
❝ mango pudding is very delicious ❞ ) sungjae, oh, sungjae... he's kind of a complicated person, to be honest. okay, you know what? the kid is just plainly insane. yeah, that's it. he's ing insane. sungjae's mind is still a mistery for most people, and he gives a vibe that screams nothing but weird and crazy. he's a really eccentric fellow who's favorite hobbie is to break watermelons with his head and trying to learn english from his dear shin peniel, often failing at the attempt. sungjae's persoanlity doesn't fit his age at all, seriously. he's already 20 years old but he still acts like he's 5 (not like it's different from any other btob member to be honest). sungjae, despite his craziness and endless shenanigans, is a really caring anf affectionate person, never fearing to show his love for people. however, this side of him makes him turn out somewhat clingy and cheesy from time to time, because he's not known as the ''kissing monster'' in btoB for anything.
first meeting:
❝ first meeting? not quite, but yeah. ❞ ) bitna and sungjae's first meetingi a bit complicated. because they didn't really meet each other, but they did... oph well, let me explain it to you; they met at late 2012 through the jo twins and minwoo. they met sungjae through some music shows, and they thought that they should introduce sungjae to bitna along with other 95-line members like namjoo, hyuk and chaejin. however, because of the packed schedules, they decided to just add bitna to their kakaotalk groups (are there groups on kakaotalk?). like this, bitna and the other 95-line members started talking to each other through kakaotalk and bitna actually managed to be good friends with them through the texts. bitna talked mostly to namjoon and sungjae apart from the jo twins and minwoo whom she already knew since before. however, she started texting privately with sungjae and they actually managed to become great friends if it's texting we're talking about. most of their tects were utter crack and it seemed like texts shared between two druggies. the first time they actually saw each other was actually unexpected, because bitna just happened to go to the same hair salon sungjae went once. they recognized each other and talked for a bit. 
❝ would you please stop sending me those stickers? you're lagging my phone yook sungjae. ❞ ) sungjae and bitna's relationship is oftenly shortened to texting, having phonecalls or skyping because of sungjae's status as an idol and bitna's somewhat busy trainee life. they only had a few casual encounters at the salon withing 2012 and 2013, but these stopped happening due to sungjae moving salons along with the whole btob. they practically haven't seen each other in person since those times. however, despite not really seeing each other at all, sungjae and bitna are still pretty damn close judging from their conversations and their endless playful bickering when they're skyping or talking via cellphone (bitna's voice egts extremely loud when talking to sungjae, seriously. specially whens he yells angrily ''yook sungjae!''). sungjae and bitna enjoy teasing a little bit too much, to the point where they know the breaking points of each other and make the other loose their head (bitna's probably the first one to loose her patience, because, well, ryu bitna). soemtimes sungjae will get in his annoying mode and send endless cute kakotalk icons to bitna that tend to lag her phone. bitna and sungjae talk about practically anything, they can be arguing about rainbow unicorns being real at one second and at the next one they'll be opening to each other their insecurites and hardships. seriously, sometimes they get way too deep into their conversations that they seem like socrates and aristotle got into an argument with each other about life. they text each other practicaly 24/7, except that sungjae's being quite busy lately so their time is limited. now, if we're talking about romantic feelings between each other, they seem like rather a fake couple with their endless quantities of bitna's 'i love you's and sungjae's stupid pick-up lines that annoy the hell out of bitna. the friends from both halves sweat that they have a crush on each other because of the way they look at the phone when they're texting (shining eyes, idiotic smile, dozing off while waiting for an answer to their texts). however, they deny having any sort of romantical feelings towards the other, but they don't even knw themselves. specially bitna, cause she's starting to blush with sungjae's pick-up lines and that didn't happen in the last 3 years of texting and phoning each other. BITNA HATES FEELING THIS WAY, BUT SUNGJAE'S EFFECT IS GETTING ON HER DAY BY DAY AND SHE'S STARTING TO FEEL HELPLESS. ON THE OTHER HALF, SUNGJAE TRULY FEELS JUST FRIENDSHIP TOWARDS BITNA, NOTHING MORE. HE DOESN'T BLUSH AT HER LOVE CONFESSIONS, HE JUST GETS A LITTLE GIDDY ABOUT THE THOUGHT OF BITNA.
example conversation:

sungjae: what did you eat today?
bitna: the sprinkles i left behind me while walking today. you know, i'm a shining person.
sungjae:  are you a cannibal then?! heol!
bitna: yah! don't ruin my bluff time. and respect me, i'm still older than you.
sungjae: you're 5 months older.
bitna: it's almost the middle of a year, so shut up.
sungjae: anyways. can i have directions?
bitna: to where?
bitna: no. wait. i swear, if this is another pick-up line i will hunt your .
sungjae: to your heart! peiniel taught me that one!
bitna: that's it. i'm going to cube to hunt you and peniel's .
sungjae: you still love me though!
bitna: yeah, i do.
ending: i'll leave it to you because i don't even know what the hell did i just write seriosuly. MAYBE BITNA ACCEPTS HAVING FEELINGS FOR SUNGJAE, CONFESSES AND GETS REJECTED? AND THE DRAMA AFTER THAT YAAY, I'M A DRAMA-ER.
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stagename: bitna
persona: the obnoxious cherry bomb
position: lead vocals, sub rap
fanclub name: cherry knots (from the typical 'tie a cherry stem in a knot')
fanclub color: light pink, #ffbeca
speaking twin: after school's park ''lizzy'' sooyoung
singing twin: bestie's kang hyeyeon
rapping twin: exid's park junghwa
dancing twin: apink's jung eunji
training years: 3 years
trainee life:
( ❝ the obnoxious trainee ❞ ) bitna entered the company through an open audition they were having. she got knowledge of said audition thorugh her bestfriend minjoo, since she saw the announcement on internet. bitna luckily got into the company after few auditions and she practically didn't even know why. bitna's trainee life wasn't as hardcore as she expected it to be. practically, she just went around runing though all the company while yelling senseless stupidity, being all annoying and obnoxious to the trainees that didn't know in depth. training wise, she always felt that she was less talented than the rest and her narcissistic side couldn't deny that, but she knew that deep inside, she had a talent that was yet waiting to burts, as well as having over-the-top guitar and keyboard playing skills. bitna was chosen to be a sunday member at almost the last minute, just because she had achieved to . the dare members were the same trainees that were annoyed by her, but they came to know bitna and saw that she wasn't as and as they thought she was.
social networking: 
comments: hello there! firstly, i used lee sung kyung as a face-claim since she's a model and an actress, and yet has a somewhat younger feels as well as a lot of gifs (and she's bae af). but if she's not suitable,  then minju is completely okayi did my best though /shot. so, hope you guys liked bitna, eveb though this is done crappily. please tell me about any errors and i'll fic them asap! good luck with everything author-nims!<3
pd: lots of love and blessings to mint! hope you'll recover soon honey<3
- spica's ghost or i'll be there
- fiestar's hello or turn off the lights
- f(x)'s toy, ending page and just the whole pink tape album tbh
- 4minute's domino
- kara's pandora and step
- girl's day's don't let your eyes wander and hug me once
- chocolat's i like it
- clc's caffe mocha please of sharalala
- a.kor's always
- after school club
- weekly idol
- hello counselor 
scene requests: none atm. i'll update this when i get some ideas lel.
password: this guy is hot af and such a cutie on asc ;u;


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