Kim Bum is quite the hottie isn't he?

So, I just finished re-watching Dorian Gray, old and new versions. I have to say the one that I like the most is the one with Ben Barnes. That was my first time watching it and I got into it really fast. Now, the old version, which is narrated btw, has this amazing feeling to it. It seems more authentic even if it's in black and white. 

Now, I dunno if you guys know Penny Dreadful. It's an amazing horror show that has everything. Frankenstein, the Creature, werewolves, vampires, demons and mediums. And the way they film it and portray the story is just so beautiful and artistic. Watch it people. It also has a Dorian Gray and it's...pretty intense. 

The point is, while writing the Moonflower Hotel, I started to look for good portrayers and found Jonghoon at first. His image is good but I don't get the feeling anymore. That's why I changed him with Kim Bum. I think he would also make a great Dorian Gray Asian version. 

Now, what do you think? Do you guys know some asian actors that give you that mysterious vibe? 


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