〈 shadow :: 정 페넬로페。( wip )

ayo, i am shadow's penelope jung!
username :: -hatchin
nickname :: ivy
activity rate :: 4/5
birth name :: penelope jung
other name(s) :: 
nickname(s) :: 
>> instagram heaux ; penelope is always updating her instagram, just like top 
>> penelope pitstop ; her mom loves calling her this because growing up penelope's favorite tv show was 'the perils of penelope pitstop'
>> tiny pepper ; you know that saying 'tiny peppers are the spiciest'? that's basically penelope.
birthday :: july 27, 1995
birthplace :: madison, wisconsin
hometown :: madison, wisconsin
ethnicity :: korean
language(s) ::
>> english ; native
>> korean ; fluent
faceclaim :: crayon pop's soyul 1 2 3
backup :: gsd's sojin
height + weight ::
appearance + style ::

personality :: [at least 2 paragraphs]
"where is my supersuit?"
penelope jung needs to have everything neat and organized otherwise its gonna drive her insane. she has labels for everything, binders for school, binders on rap lyrics and techniques and lines that she particularly liked, she has a general fashion binder which is more like a look book. penelope just knows where everything is and she loves it because it makes her feel powerful and in control. she knows what she's gonna do when she's gonna do it. penelope has a rather 'do-it-now' attitude, rather than the extreme procrastination attitude she had when she was younger. organization just makes her life super duper simple and stress free and she loves it. she also has a planner where she has basically her whole life planned. penelope loves working closely with the manager so she can know the schedule like the back of her hand and jot it down in her planner.

"i'm a leo, i need love!"
penelope jung has a lot of love to give, and in return she wants like tenfold the amount of love all the time. she is a leo, and therefore her neediness is aligned with the stars. if she doesn't have someone to play with her hair or hold her hand or hold her in their arms, penelope will slowly begin to wilt. cuddling someone just lowers all of penelope's stress immediately and makes her feel warm and loved. just like she loves feeling loved, she loves making others feel loved too, hugs and smooches for everyone!! she will smooch anyone, even if she has 0 attraction to them because penelope jung is a firm believer in platonic making out. she also always coos about how cute everyone is and how she loves them all so much. she always uses terms of endearment when talking to people ranging from "bae" to "sugar pop" to "my sun my moon and all my stars". its really weird to see her not attached to someone's arm and its probably alarming her too. penelope also loves seeing people show each other affection, especially when its someone who isn't very affectionate, it makes her screech like a bird because its so so cute.

"i will never be able to carry on with my life unless i know for certain that chihiro and haku were reunited after the events of spirited away"
penelope jung is so easily distraught. if she drops her pen on the ground she will stand there with her palm over her forehead looking like she hates life and like everything goes wrong until some good samaritan picks it up. if she's eating some bomb mac n cheese, a peneloper will roll down her cheek and she'll whisper 'yaaaaaaas '. she will not be able to continue on with her life if a book or movie ending is unsatisfying. penelope jung exaggerates almost everything she does and says, and she says 'literal' a lot. "i am a literal goddess" okay penelope "this mac n cheese is my literal husband" penelope no its not. if penelope jung hears a noise at night, her first thought is "i'm gonna be murdered. goodbye world i lived a good life i hope heaven has hot angels to me up". if she gets shampoo in her eyes she thinks, "welp i guess i'm blind now i will never be able to see my first born child". if a cop walks past her she immediately goes "i guess i'm being arrested i probably murdered someone by servin up these looks". she goes off in a metal detector, "oh no they've detected my bomb i'm gonna be deemed a terrorist by the us government".

"doing squats so my matches my sass"
penelope jung practically lives by the saying "if you've got it, flaunt it". her head is always held high, she never slouches, she smirks, she talks loudly and concisely so no one can drowned her out, she really knows how to strut, and oh my god penelope jung can make the most ridiculous tasks look flawless and sassy. penelope keeps connected to her mind, no filter. she isn't afraid to lash out at someone or call them fake or even get into a full-blown cat fight to be honest. its also physically impossible for penelope to keep her opinions to herself. "i don't believe in ideal types as they force unrealistic standards onto women and everyone takes them too seriously like you're seriously not gonna date someone who's forehead is more than 8 cm in diameter? get outta here" "girl groups work ten times as hard as boy groups for only a quarter of the recognition", "the tabloids and the media are brainwashing you. one minute they call you fat and then they are outraged when you drop 10 kg at once and frankly, its stupid". penelope is a bit of a gossip, but not an overtly obnoxious gossip. she won't spread rumors for the sake of spreading rumors, but she will gladly give her input on scandals and incidents. penelope would never willingly walk away from a fight, the last word always has to belong to her. if she feels backed into a corner, she'll drop a crazy awesome one-liner and just walk away.

"its just so hard for me to comprehend how i am literal perfection. i am a goddess, i don't deserve to live on earth" / "getting called ugly is so weird... i'm literally sitting here beautiful as hell, skin glowing and everything like whats up with the baltant lies?"
if you called penelope jung ugly, she would laugh in your face so hard that she'd double over. if you said she was a horrible rapper, she would laugh even harder than that. penelope jung is absolutely, positively in love with every aspect of herself, like even her flaws are perfect. she has a lot of confidence in herself and her abilities, and is able to tackle things head on thanks to her oozing arrogance. at times, she's best described as a stuck up hoe, because her ego larger than jupiter makes her feel like she's better than literally everyone and that if everyone was like her, the world would be a very very wonderful place. if given the opprotunity, she could talk about herself for hours on end, especially about her accomplishments. insults literally roll of her back, there is no way to offend penelope you just can't come at her. call her a and she'll say "yup that's me". penelope jung is 100% comfortable in who she is. she knows her strengths, her weaknesses, and she will always get things done.

background :: [relevant info only]

trivia :: [include likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies, etc. but be realistic]
>> if penelope died and had to be reborn, she would want to be reborn as her mother's daughter again

family :: 

madre × ibul jung × 44 × primary school english teacher
ibul jung is the best mother penelope could ask for. ibul is so tremendously important to penelope, she's shaped who penelope is and everything about her. penelope wants to do everything to make her mother happy. the two are very, very close and open with one another, and their relationship only improved as they both got older. ibul likes going on random family trips just for the hell of it, "penelope!! let's go to daegu this weekend!". she really loves her daughter and tried her best to raise her and be there for her. she holds tea close to her heart and is very understanding. she wants her to do the best she can, but she also wants her to be happy and successful in life. ibul lets penelope be the grown woman she is, but can't always surpress the urge to pick up his little girl and hold her till morning comes. plus, they enjoy throwing shade and talking about everyone together. ibul always tries to fight anyone who talks bad about penelope. literally anyone. netizens say something bad 'square up then weak hoe'. an emcee says something rude, they gonna get an angry call. some old lady on the bus tries talkin smack 'why you so quick to talk but so slow to walk? you on ya way out anyway, lemme help you get there faster'.

friends :: [idol friends are allowed but please do not go overboard — same layout as family's]

love interest name :: cho seungyeon ; uniq
faceclaim :: -- 
backup :: jackson wang
meeting ::
interactions ::
personality :: [traits are fine but include positives and negatives]
ending :: [together, broken up, one sided love, etc.]
stage name :: ibul ; after her mom
persona  :: try to be creative and also put a meaning if needed
position :: lead rapper
speaking twin ::
talent twin :: kisum
fanclub name ::
fanclub color ::
training years ::
trainee life ::
pre-debut experiences :: opt
outside activities :: opt

social media ::
instagram ; @pnlpjung

comments ::
requests :: the girls on snl korea
penelope doing 'to mom' as a solo bc her mom means so much to her



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hommage #1
i think? heh
hommage #2
jung is 정 btw!