My life according to Arashi

They have to many songs, so it was actually more easy then I thought xD

Pick your Artist: Arashi
Are you a female: Yes? No? [Lol, I'm sorry xD]
Describe yourself: Himitsu
How do you feel: kitto daijoubu
Describe where you currently live: Furusato
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: mada minu sekai he
Your favorite form of transportation: Love parade [I'm sorry xD]
Your best friends are: re(mark)able
You and your best friends are: Welcome to our party!
What's the weather like: Wonderful [I hate this song though xD]
Favorite time of day: Magic Hour [Yes that is a thing xD]
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: bittersweet
What is life to you: Easy Crazy Break Down
Your relationship: Refrain [just the lyrics though xD] for title: kimi ga inai kara
Your fear: Monster
What is the best advice you have to give: Step and go
How I would like to die: breathless
My soul's present condition: hung up on
My Motto: Boku ga boku no subete



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