celestial ⦿ The Passionate Stardancer

NA hOjuN ⦿ libra


JyinNa ⦿ yin ⦿ activity rate — 7-10

birthname: NA hojun

Other names:  



JUN (THE NAME HAS BEEN STUCK with HIM SINCE THE DAY HE WAS BORN. IT is a shorter version of his name hojun )
JUN-hyung/oppa ( thAT IS HOW THE YOUNGER members CALL HIM)
JUNBOT ( yu calls him this because he thinks jun acts like a robot)
— juntower ( inyoung calls him this because she likes to climb on his back for piggy back rides because he is tall)


birthday: october 3, 1993

age: 22

blood type: a

birthplace: daegu, s.korea

hometown: ibaraki, japan

ethnicity: korean


Japanese — native ( he lived and was raised in japan )
korean — fluent ( he was taught korean by his korean mother and grandparents who lived in japan with him; he speaks like a robot )
english — fluent ( he attend an international school )


stage name: jun (he refuses every stagename suggestions and says he likes his real name best)

fanclub name: jun's (he likes it simple)

fanclub colour: grey #9498a1


singing twin: v of bts

dancing twin: kyungil of HISTORY (jungkook of bts)

rapping twin: jungkook of bts 

training years: 4 months

social media: 
twitter - @ALPHAJUN_
instagram - @ALPHAJUN_

face claim: song kyungil, kyungi

back-up face claim: lee howon, hoya

height & weight: 187 cm and 70 kg 

appearance: for an asian, jun appeared to have a tanned skin, leaning more towards the dark side and with his muscular and well-build body, he always thinks of himself as someone y, even when he never tells anyone about it. jun also has a high nose, a pair of dark brown eyes with an intense gaze and eyesmiles that seldomly appear. he also has a small mole on the back of his right hand, which inyoung likes to draw flower petals out of it, or another eye to a bear or anything. He just lets her do whatever she wishes anyway. 

style: he likes to wear hoodie shirts and jeans on usual occasion, he also likes to wear suits as he thinks it looks manly.

personality breakdown: 

positive traits — self-disciplined, hard working, warmhearted, intelectual, 

negative traits — no self control, quick-tempered, stubborn, impatient


     "We all have dreams but one thing that differs me and you is my effort". like everyone else; Jun also has dreams, or what he calls 'goals in life'. He has an amazing motivation and self-discipline that he has built from a very young age, he draws line of the dos and the don'ts before anything, and claims them as his key to success. He also thought that without hard works, no one can be on top and success in life, so whenever he is onto something, it is very hard to stop him from doing it, whether it affects him or not. he adores his violist mother since he was still a child, and to keep up with her, he used to practice every single day and no days missed, even till today he is still practising his violin. contradicts to his strong look, he is actually warm-hearted. He always has that soft spot in his heart for everyone close to him, especially the younger ones. Although he usually acts all tough and tries to take care of his image, he secretly takes care of the entire celestian, and be one of them who panics most if anything happens. He is also quite the intellectual type of guy, as he thinks that a man without brain is not a man or some sort and so He likes to spend his time by reading and learning new things, which benefits him because he is also a fast-learner. 

     "You can't really blame me as everyone has the little devil in them". well no one can be perfect, and just like every single person ever lived, Jun also has flaws. Jun is the type of guy who doen't know when to stop, he sure do work hard but there is a limit for everything we do and Jun, he just doen’t know those. his no self-control self has always lead him to being rushed to the hospital. He also has a quick-temper, where he gets frustrated easily if things don't go his way or when he cannot achieve something, or if anyone crossed the do's and don'ts line. On the bright side, he takes no time to cool down, but that is, after he isolates himself from the members in the toilet (he likes to call it reflecting). He is also a stubborn guy who always wants and gets what he wants, and at times breaks the dos and don'ts without himself noticing to achieve what he wants and refuse to admit defeat, and by that He tends rush things, and this is why he is called impatient at times.


sleeping since he works too hard he needs time to recharge his batteries.
dance he loves to dance to almost everything and is very good at it, he also claims it as his passion
fashion maybe because he is his mom's son and his mom just loves and has great interest in fashion
skinship especially a hug, that's why he lets yu and inyoung hug him without saying much
coffee is needed for a smooth day
art he likes art as it converts different meaning on different time
eating food is life, although he has to work out, after all the food is worth it


when other invades his space since he needs his personal time
a mess he likes to keep it clean, and will throw things to inyoung's head (along with yu) whenever she makes messes
noise only when he is tired as sometimes the member can be too loud
jerky not fond of it
sour food he finds it as not his type
vanila perfume he likes vanilla but not the scent from the perfume
pink it looks weird on him, but his mom likes to convince him otherwise


— sport
— composing (good genes from his father)
— playing the violin


tapping his feet lightly without noticing it whenever he's nervous
— dancing to music automatically
— nodding his head to music
— speaks like a robot when he is speaking Korean 
— making a poker face
— hugging someone who is close to him whenever they are near


— you can find him sleeping almost anywhere
—he surprisingly gets along well with Kwon IL sung the makeup artist ( Inyoung finds this weird as she even saw them together eating at a restaurant and laughing, weird)
— Jun and Rai do gets along well, but whenever there is dancing involved, they'll usually be a little or too competitve with each other
— he has won a solo dance competition before but he didn’t join any team as he wants to continue studying
—he came to Korea three year ago with his friend and now has graduated from Seoul University
—he has an amazing talent in composing songs although he can’t really sing
—if he is not asleep he is seen either dancing or doing something with his phone or practising violin
—he doesn't get along well with his brother since they contradicts each other's personality
—gym oppa, he loves to go to the gym as he thinks he must maintain his good body
—he loves to watch drama and is addicted to them (he seems to always have times to watch drama)
—he always bring a bottle of water, some books, headphone, a power bank, chocolate, vitamins, a botle of mist and perfume in his bag.
—he brings his neck pillow everywhere
—a good drinker (his limit is 5 bottle of soju), bu does't mean he is always drinking
—he is well-known to be extremely lucky, and always win almost all of the games he played
—he thinks of himself as someone manly, but sometimes he does act like a kid

how you were scouted:

It was a fine day, or so he thought it was his usual normal days where he went to meet his friends maru and hoseok at a dance studio to help maru train some kids for his part time job. The kids did so well, maru was satisfied and asked jun to perform to congratulate the kids. Jun agreed and started to show some moves and got a very big responds, hoseok then inserted some music and the solo performance turned to be a big showing of skills party by everyone in the studio, but of course, the one who stood out most was na hojun with his killer moves.They ended the class with going to lunch together after that, and jun swore he felt like someone was following him but he shrugged it off. After they spent the evening with chatting,  Jun headed home and picked up his violin before heading to the gym for some exercise and work out. At the gym, he saw a lady wearing a scarf, a sunglasses and a freaking moustache, with clothes that screamed out of place before she was dragged out by a man. After few moments, he met a guy and befriended him, he introduced himself as Sanghyuk and they had a nice chat together at a nearby cafe after working out.

About couple days after that, Jun headed out again without thinking much to the studio again, but then he he started to feel like someone was following him again, so he sped up until he felt secured. but as he was about to enter, he accidently bumped into someone, and turned out it was sanghyuk. he tried to help sanghyuk up, before he felt someone forcing a napkin to his nose and he ended up fainting without anyone else noticing other than the one responsibled for the accident.

he then woke up tied to a chair and he also saw sanghyuk standing in front of him with an apologetic face. Beside him was a strange lady he knew looked so familiar but couldn't put her where (let me tell you, the strange lady at the gym), who claimed herself as seo hyejin and forced himself to sign a contract, when jun refused, the lady again forced a thumbprint on a piece of paper which stated he will be part of the milky way entertainment. he was shocked by her action and threatened to report her to the police, but then she smirked at him and showed him her badge. he accused her of vandalising her title and after few bickering that didn't seem like it was going to end, sakura came up with an idea. the idea was if jun lose in a dance battle, he will become a trainee under milky way. Taking it as a challenge, he accepted. 

Haehyuk untied jun and brought him to hwan haneul or better known as rai, and explained the situation to her. the two had a dance showdown, and jun admitted that rai is definitely better than him, so as a man, he signed a contract under milky way entertainment.

training life:

jun is one of the first trainees so he considered himself as a sunbae to almost every members except some. he spent his training more on his vocal aspect and tried hard to memorize each members likes and dislikes, their important trivias such as birthdays and favourite foods and had been the members reference to know about each other. he also works real hard and quoted "if i'll ever debut under this crazy idea, i will definitely be on top" or something like that.


Jun was born into the world on the October 3rd, 1993. He has a loving parents and an older brother. At that time, Jun’s father was a professor at a university in France while his mother was teaching at a local music academy in Japan. His brother is a smart yet a cheeky guy. As for Jun, he is the quite type of kid who likes to observe everyone around him. Thankfully, both brothers grew up well. Jun's brother Hojung, is now a fashion designer stationed in London, UK. His father transferred into a local university in japan as he say he was too old now and just wanted to spend times with his family. As Jun and his brother grew up, they didn’t get along very well with each other anymore because of the difference in their personality. Jun's brother loves to draw and sketch while Jun loves to play sport, adventure, and playing around. But both of them, however, show common interest in reading books as their mother thinks that study is important and they were raised to love reading.

Born into a family who loves music, Jun also fell deep in love with music, but in a different way which is dancing- just like his grandma. Jun loves to move his body to music as he says he can express himself comfortably that way.  Jun is now graduated from Hanyang University with a dance major. He also has a certified on ballet and Contemporary dance. Jun loves skinship especially hugs, so you can find him constantly hugging someone and also has issues on controling his anger, so you can find him either making faces or trying to kill someone but don't worry, he never actually kills anybody and he actually loves kids and animals.



father / na JUNGHO / 53 / witty, friendly, busy-bee

na jungho is a typical busy father. he is a proffesor at one of a france music college before he returned to Japan. he is now working with a music agency at japan. na jungho is witty and friendly man that you find it easy to be around him. na jungho was born and raised all his life at japan, he also studied in france before, so he is fluent in both french and english. he is also an effectionate father to both of his sons.

mother / jung yesul / 51 / elegant, chic, stuborn

jung yesul is a lady that is very chic and elegant. she used to be a violinist before marrying jungho, but now she is just teaching violin at a local music acedamy. her mother is a dancer while her father is a violinist. both of her parents are now living with her in japan. she is also stubborn at times and she always thinks she is right. she loves art and has a great interest in fashion.

sibling / NA HOJUNG / 27 / friendly, talkative, nosy 

na hojung is na hojun older brother. they both have a similar frames but a totaly opposite personality. unlike hojun, hojung tends to be talkative and kinda nosy. he likes to make friends and is open to everybody. he is curently working as a fashion designer. 


best friend/ natsumi Maru / 22 / friendly, talkative, quirky

maru and jun are childhood friends who were neighbours next to each other and had been close since they were kids. maru is different than jun as he is more talkative while jun tends to be more ears, so maru will do all of the talking parts. unlike jun and his brother, he clicks well well with maru, and both of them are highly interested and talented in dancing. when maru decided to continue his study in korea, he asked jun to follow him as a companion and because jun is a half-korean who knows how to speak korean, so it would be easier for him. jun agreed, and both then flied to korea together.

best friend / kang hoseok / 22 / sarcastic, open minded

maru and jun met hoseok when he was performing underground. they clicked well because of their passion in dancing.

love interest: N/A

group: N/A

age: N/A

personality: N/A

how you met/meet: N/A

interactions: N/A

relationship: SInGLE, HE HAS NO THOUGhT OF DATING YET [note= he has a dating experience tho]

Back-up: N/A

Hope you like him. Please tell me if you need me too fix anything. good luck for your applyfic.

scene requests:
- they each receive a symbol like a ring which indicates they are a member of Celestial, like Seventeen's ring

special stage for the dancers, and rai makes a special appearance 
- members discover how jun lost to rai, and demand another showdown, which rai wins again.

- jun is offered to enter we got married, but he declines because he thinks of it as stupid, fake relationship. 
- he accepts to be on shows like running man, 2 days 1 night and the likes.
- the members of celestial play games where they'll sing others' part, and he gets yu's
- inyoung climbing on his back, he ignores and lets her, yu being a paranoid and asks inyoung to step down because it is dangerous
- a female idol confessed to him via a text, he almost replies a cold no before he replace it with a polite way to refuse
- he explodes once and everyone, including the very playful and talkative members stop anything they are doing
- the former milky way's idols ans staffs are invited to their debut stage and showcase
- a scene where he bickers with rai when it comes to dancing, because both have their own opinions.
- a special stage he performs with his violin
- members competing with each other on who have the most followers on their social medias

sorry for the long requests.


password: SUPREME or divine.


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