This isn't even funny anymore

Hey, well around two weeks ago I started suffering from my hay fever the worst I've ever had it. I was so bad that I thought I had the flu but had to go to school because of exams, well I've just had a half term week off and I was going to use it to rest for the first half to sleep off whatever I had but it turns out I've used the whole bloody week to rest because it's getting worse not better. 

It is currently 3:58am here in England and I've been awake all night just laying there, I can't sleep and I feel like I'm going to be sick this isn't funny because I have an exam everyday this week on Friday I have two some of them are 2 hours long. I have been taking tablets nothings working, I've had to buy a nasal inhaler to help me breathe it's so bad. Urg I have been told it's hay fever but it's making me beyond ill and it's Sunday so I have to do some revision for this week but at this moment I'm just not going to bother I'm to ill. 

I'm also home alone which doesn't help this whole ordeal, I really want to sleep but I can't :( 


bye bye 


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