[Again♦ WONDERGIRLS 원더걸스]— Dal♦Dream Girl (editing)



fayeyeonsong ♦ feifei

Moon Shinjui 문신즤


// plastic queen  name that were given to her in middleschool by those who hate her and bully her that she is made of plastic surgery even though she was just 14 that time
// GuleMoon걸레  is a shorter way to say gulehgateunyeonMoon or in english Moon, she was bullied in highschool people called her many things, that she had 10 abortions, that she passed school because she ed a lot of teachers, that she lives by being a e
// Ninja-Shin  her groupmates call her this because she is fond of sneaking out from the dorm,even at night they can't even notice her going out
// CF QUEEN even since she started modelling, she has been in numerous CF and a favorite brand ambassadors for known products, when you turn on the television expect to find her in at least one CF for the day. 
darling of the camera  her supermodel features and figures made her an instant favorite among photographers and paparazzi's alike, you see her in different magazines and billboards
bissan-jui  there's a saying among fashion designers that if you make Shinjui wear clothes made out of trash bags she will, she would make it look expensive. That's why she is blessed with the nickname "bissan-jui" as wordplay for the words bissan "expensive" and her name shinjui
sel-shin  she's one of those idols who always take a selca almost everyday whether they are in practice, eating or sleeping she will always take a selca and post it in her sns


// korean  born and raised in South Korea so it is pretty self explanatory that it is her Main Language
// Japanese  fluent: learned it since she was a child (it will be explained in her background)
// english  semi-fluent: currently studying it as of the moment


ETHNICITY, NATIONALITY [ ♦ ] half-japanese, korean
HEIGHT, WEIGHT [ ♦ ] 170 cm,50kg

FACE-CLAIM [ ♦ ] im nana
BACK UP [ ♦ ]jaekyung

FASHION STYLE [ ♦ ]  when she is not working she  is the type of girl who values practicality and comfort, more than fashion or looking good, she will never spend her money in buying expensive clothes..she is just comfortable wearing jeans and shirt. She is forced to wear high-end brands by a certain someone who gives them to her. (note: will be mentioned later ㅋㅋ)

But if she is at work she really knows how to dress up since she is one of the top models of korea even before debutting as a member of Wondergirls.

piercings: she has 2 normal piercings on each ear, and 2 extra earings near the normal piercing and one piercing on the top part of the ear.
tattoo:she has a tatoo on her back that says " master of my fate,captain of my seoul (Invictus)"
scars:she has different scars that healed through time, some are worn off by surgery (The company was kind enough to lessen them),her most noticable one was in her stomach area as if she underwent a C-section operation

oc1NAME [ ♦ ] Moon Shinjui 문신즤
D.O.B [ ♦ ] January 10,1993
BIRTHPLACE [ ♦ ] Gwanju,South Korea
HOMETOWN [ ♦ ] Suwon,Gyeonggi-do,South Korea

oc2STAGE NAME [ ♦ ]Dal
POSITION [ ♦ ] Visual,Main Dancer,Vocalist
SINGING [ ♦ ] Narsha DANCING [ ♦ ] Gain 
VARIETY [ ♦ ] Nana
ACTING[ ♦ ] Jiyeon

PERSONA [ ♦ ] Korea's Aphrodite

TRAINEE YEARS [ ♦ ] 5 years since 2010
TRAINEE BACKGROUND [ ♦ ] She stepped into JYP Entertainment and people there have absolutely no expectations of her, she looked like just another pretty face with no talents, someone who just want JYP as a means for them to be able to debut. But she shocked everyone in the room because she was all about power, her pretty face doesn't mean that she has no talent, because the girl could bust a move. When she became a trainee, she was always praised for her dance skills, but they don't know that she's also very frustrated because she lost the gentleness as a ballerina. But her greatest frustration was her singing, her voice is just too pitchy, the vocal coach would often scold her that she sounds like a chipmunk, she tried so hard, but it was enough, she wasn't just good enough. She knew that people will just take advantage of her face, not because she wanted to actually do music. and she was right at 2012 JYP let her join the casts of Dream High 2 to become Rian 


// write here if any
// write here


// write here if any
// write here


// write here if any
// write here

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] write here a list of qualities and flaws

// Develop on the personality. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vestibulum et dolor non rhoncus. Vivamus rutrum sem elit, at fringilla ex placerat a. Suspendisse pulvinar fermentum risus ut rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam eget risus condimentum, fringilla urna eget, congue sapien. Cras tempor augue tristique metus iaculis, a hendrerit tellus posuere. Nullam cursus ante ac est porttitor rutrum. Nullam porttitor vestibulum neque dictum aliquam. Sed non justo nisl. Ut ultrices est tortor, quis pretium mauris finibus vitae. Morbi ut ante id purus egestas pulvinar id luctus turpis. Nulla in mattis lacus, ac aliquam erat. Cras sed neque rhoncus, viverra ligula non, ultricies sapien. Aenean in facilisis purus, vitae placerat enim. Morbi malesuada ultricies vehicula.

// Duis elementum purus ligula, at auctor quam elementum et. Cras mauris massa, dapibus in magna sit amet, hendrerit condimentum leo. Donec gravida ornare commodo. In bibendum orci vitae enim porta pulvinar. Sed in vestibulum massa. Suspendisse iaculis sagittis lorem eu dictum. Sed ut enim eu orci ullamcorper aliquam eget nec justo. Cras nec cursus metus, viverra hendrerit nisi. Phasellus nec ornare nisl, in vehicula orci. Ut lacus lorem, pretium vel arcu a, molestie dapibus elit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed nunc orci, imperdiet vitae tincidunt eu, eleifend et elit. Etiam tincidunt egestas libero, sed placerat dolor tincidunt ac.

// Pellentesque eu malesuada nisi, in mattis massa. Vestibulum fermentum blandit arcu vel ullamcorper. Nullam facilisis, metus vel porta rhoncus, sem justo congue turpis, a blandit libero nisl tempor felis. Pellentesque nisi purus, pulvinar placerat pulvinar ut, auctor eget massa. Mauris condimentum elit euismod tincidunt euismod. Cras tincidunt purus eget efficitur blandit. Donec non nunc vitae ipsum commodo mattis. Mauris varius congue varius. Mauris convallis laoreet malesuada. Suspendisse nec varius orci, tincidunt iaculis nisl. Mauris et ligula elementum, lacinia arcu in, iaculis turpis. Aenean aliquam dictum elementum.

BACKGROUND [ ♦ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo. Curabitur id imperdiet augue, interdum auctor libero. Mauris fermentum justo turpis, id accumsan tellus gravida at. Sed porta viverra lacus, eget blandit est faucibus at. Ut id venenatis magna, sit amet tincidunt nibh. Suspendisse semper sit amet erat eu facilisis. Ut posuere eros sed magna hendrerit mollis. Proin sit amet accumsan augue. Mauris tempor laoreet auctor. 

FAMILY [ ♦ ]

// Relation, name age alive or dead occupation personality relationship with your character
// Relation, name age alive or dead occupation personality relationship with your character
// Relation, name age alive or dead occupation personality relationship with your character

FRIENDS [ ♦ ]provide at least one non-idol friend

// Relation, name age occupation  personality  how they met  relationship with your character
// Relation, name age occupation  personality  how they met  relationship with your character

OTHERS [ ♦ ]

// Relation, name age occupation  personality  how they met  relationship with your character
// Relation, name age occupation  personality  how they met  relationship with your character

LIKES [ ♦ ]at least 5

// write here
// write here
// write here

DISLIKES [ ♦ ]at least 5

// write here
// write here
// write here

HABITS AND HOBBIES [ ♦ ]at least 3 each

// write here
// write here
// write here

TRIVIA [ ♦ ] unlimited

// write here
// write here
// write here


RELATIONSHIP [ ♦ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo. Curabitur id imperdiet augue, interdum auctor libero. Mauris fermentum justo turpis, id accumsan tellus gravida at. Sed porta viverra lacus, eget blandit est faucibus at. Ut id venenatis magna, sit amet tincidunt nibh. Suspendisse semper sit amet erat eu facilisis.

HISTORY [ ♦ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo. Curabitur id imperdiet augue, interdum auctor libero. Mauris fermentum justo turpis, id accumsan tellus gravida at. Sed porta viverra lacus, eget blandit est faucibus at. Ut id venenatis magna, sit amet tincidunt nibh. Suspendisse semper sit amet erat eu facilisis. 

their ending [ ♦ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo. Curabitur id imperdiet augue, interdum auctor libero. Mauris fermentum justo turpis, id accumsan tellus gravida at. Sed porta viverra lacus, eget blandit est faucibus at. Ut id venenatis magna, sit amet tincidunt nibh. Suspendisse semper sit amet erat eu facilisis.

lo1NAME [ ♦ ] write here
OCCUPATION [ ♦ ] write here
D.O.B [ ♦ ] write here

lo2NAME [ ♦ ] write here
OCCUPATION [ ♦ ] write here
D.O.B [ ♦ ] write here


RELATIONSHIP [ ♦ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo. Curabitur id imperdiet augue, interdum auctor libero. Mauris fermentum justo turpis, id accumsan tellus gravida at. Sed porta viverra lacus, eget blandit est faucibus at. Ut id venenatis magna, sit amet tincidunt nibh. Suspendisse semper sit amet erat eu facilisis.

HISTORY [ ♦ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo. Curabitur id imperdiet augue, interdum auctor libero. Mauris fermentum justo turpis, id accumsan tellus gravida at. Sed porta viverra lacus, eget blandit est faucibus at. Ut id venenatis magna, sit amet tincidunt nibh. Suspendisse semper sit amet erat eu facilisis. 

their ending[ ♦ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo. Curabitur id imperdiet augue, interdum auctor libero. Mauris fermentum justo turpis, id accumsan tellus gravida at. Sed porta viverra lacus, eget blandit est faucibus at. Ut id venenatis magna, sit amet tincidunt nibh. Suspendisse semper sit amet erat eu facilisis.

ANY LAST COMMENTS [ ♦ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo. Curabitur id imperdiet augue, interdum auctor libero. Mauris fermentum justo turpis, id accumsan tellus gravida at. Sed porta viverra lacus, eget blandit est faucibus at. Ut id venenatis magna, sit amet tincidunt nibh. Suspendisse semper sit amet erat eu facilisis.


// write here
// write here

PASSWORD [ ♦ ] refer to cheatsheet



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