
Seriously, what is "trolling?"


LIKEE, all of a sudden it becomes the new "thing" and everyone starts using the word.

I MEANN, I use it too you know?

BUTTT, I don't exactly know what it means.


Anyone care to explain? I'm always like TROLOLOLOLOL, but I don't even know what I'm saying. XD


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Me too ! I never really understood that word :))

I don't think "trolling" and "TROLOLOL" relates. Or does it ?

I sound creepy somehow :))
Me too ! I never really understood that word :))

I don't think "trolling" and "TROLOLOL" relates. Or does it ?

I sound creepy somehow :))
trolling is annoying people with your smartness, or like... use urban dictionary XD trolling is a huge Tumblr thing. when someone sends me an anon message I "troll" them and correct all their grammar and such lol
Comatose-Bunny #4
It's like uh

annoying people in smart ways? :UU
Lol, I've never actually known the meaning to that -goes off to google it-