lady avenger

  cautionary tales。

Please delete every hint and don't leave anything blank. Make sure you read and follow the plotline you're applying for, aswell as the cheatsheet. You can add more picture if you want.
  Kim Eunhee。
NICKNAMES list each on a new line and explain who calls them it and how they got it. copy and paste the format below for as many as you need.
— nickname / explanation

AGE 20
BIRTHDAY (July 4, 1994 )


ETHNICITY Agathoran (Korean)
LANGUAGES Korean~ fluent~ To blend in with society English~Fluent~ To blend in with american society. Hunter~Native~ It's her mother tongue and uses it around Thor or her family.
— Korean / fluent / explanation
"Live as if it's your last, you don't know when it's your final breath"
  i'm not a beauty queen. I 'm just beautiful me。 
   people are going to stare. make it worth their wonder...

tumblr_nlezdsLGXf1rswar7o2_250.gif tumblr_nldfp499kA1sz5nx0o5_400.gif tumblr_nldfp499kA1sz5nx0o5_400.gif 


APPEARANCE Eunhee has a small birth mark on her thigh which thor

STYLE a brief description of how your character usually dresses, her overall type of style, stuff like that. links or incorporating images directly into the app are fine as long as you don't mess up the coding.
  beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself。 
   be who you are, not who the world wants youto be...


— list at least 6 personality traits that summarize who your character is as a person

then expand on those traits starting here. at least 2 paragraphs are recommended for this section but more is welcome. writing less than 2 paragraphs is also acceptable if you can do it properly (some can) but if you don't, then you risk getting penalized for not elaborating more.



— [ list: 5 min - 8 max ]
— [ list: 5 min - 8 max ]

— [ list: 3 min - 5 max ]
— [ list: 3 min - 5 max ]
— [ list: 3 min - 5 max]

TRIVIA  — [ 5 min]
start  here

  you were born to be real, not perfect。
   stars can't shine without darkness...
PAST here is where you write about what happened to your character in the past that is important for us to know. if something happened that shaped her into what she is today, then include that. the rest is up to you but make sure it's relevant information and that you have at least 1 paragraph.

PRESENT now you need to tell us about how your character lives now. basically clarify what her lifestyle is like, her daily schedule, things like that. a minimum of 1 paragraph is encouraged.

FAMILY tell us all about your character's family whether they be her parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and whatever else you think falls under this category. don't forget to copy and paste the format below as many times as you need to! there's no limit to how many family members you include but please only include those who you think are relevant and important.
relation / last name, first name / age / personality traits
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a parent, a sibling, etc.

FRIENDS like above, this is for your character's friends and only those! if your character has enemies, rivals, acquaintances, etc that goes below. don't forget to copy and paste the format below as many times as you need to! there's no limit to how many friends you include but please only include those who you think are relevant and important.
relation / last name, first name / age / personality traits
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a best friend or just a friend.

OTHERS and now you can tell us about those who your character might not be particularly close enough to consider some sort of friend. don't forget to copy and paste the format below as many times as you need to! there's no limit to how many people you include but please only include those who you think are relevant and important.— relation / last name, first name / age / personality traits
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a best friend or just a friend.
  throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack。
   I'm capable of doing anything...

tumblr_nlezdsLGXf1rswar7o2_250.gif tumblr_nldfp499kA1sz5nx0o5_400.gif tumblr_nldfp499kA1sz5nx0o5_400.gif 

PLOTLINE [ Ex: The Heroic ]
CODE NAME  [ it can be her real name  ] [ EX: Ironman, Black Widow ]
POWER/ABILITIES  [ EX: Hand to hand combat or power over fire ]
STATUS  [ EX: Avenger, Goddess, SHIELD, Human. ]

LADY AVENGERS  [ how did you join? ] [ Recruit or were you already apart of it? ]

OCCUPATION  [ what is she doing besides saving the world. ] [ EX: working for SHIELD, a teacher, CEO, going back to Asgard or whever you came from. ]

  love interest name。


NICKNAMES list each on a new line and explain who calls them it and how they got it. copy and paste the format below for as many as you need.
— nickname / explanation

PERSONALITY give us a rundown of who your character's love interest is. things to include can include but are not limited to: their background, likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits, other trivia. you can also replace this section with personality instead, if you'd like. this is a scroll box so don't worry if you write too much!
place a quote here that your character's love interest firmly believes in, follows, or just likes
  you were made for me。
   what i have with you, i don't want with anyone else...
FIRST MEETING how did your character and her love interest meet? was it love at first sight? hate at first sight? stuff like that!

RELATIONSHIP explain here how your character and her love interest act around each other. how do they treat the other? how do others see them? things like that.

CONCLUSION and now inform us of the ending you want for your character and her love interest to end up with. pretty self explanatory, i think.
  I'm off to save the world。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS if you have any comments, questions, or whatever, then put that all here. if there's anything you wanted to add about your app that wasn't ask for/include in this or just something else you want us to know about your character, you can do that here too.

SCENE SUGGESTIONS there's no guarantee that they will all be used, if any at all, but they do help inspire other ideas so go crazy. you never know what might be used or what might help!

PASSWORD you know where to find it


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