♔ Superhero Academy » ❝Daughter of Starfire❞ ( wip )


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BACKGROUND + What that made them who they are today? did they have a bad past? did they have to live up to their expectations seeing as how their parents are famous superheros? any traumatic events? sob stories are nice - they are semi-encouraged cuz what's a superhero story without it's cliche traumatic childhood? Also remember that your character might've lived on the human grounds unless you live in a different planet or whever you choose, so your character would've went to middle school there - if so try to enclude something that has happened there, only if its important 

                tumblr_n2wcqwCgvo1st29fyo1_500.gif tumblr_m4fri0GzRt1qifcbi.gif 
POWER(S) + "i am sorry to disappoint you, but i am stronger than i look!
tamaranean physiology : this, as with all tamaraneans, is the basis of stella's powers. her physiology is designed to constantly absorb ultraviolet radiation.
energy absorbtion : stella is able to absorb ultraviolet radiation from other life forms, which can replenish her energy. that being said, stella cannot absorb her own self-generated energy and over-absorbtion can lead to incapacitation or death
starbolts : the ability to project and chanel ultraviolet radiation into dangerous blasts called starbolts. she also has the power to unleash all her stored energy into a psudeo-nova blast. it is as hot as the sun and is only to be used as a last resort.
in the case of her nova blast, which is an omni-directional attack, is not invincible to her own attack. stella will also be placed in an incredibly vulnerable near-death state if all her energy is used up, which tamaraneans refer to as "a star burning out". control is very necessary in order to avoid unnecesary destruction with stella's bolts.
flight : as the ultraviolet radiation is processed into converted into pure energy, stella is able to fly at supersonic speeds. flying leaves a distinct energy contrail behind, which looks as if it is coming out of her hair. however, stella is unable to fly without the effects of gravity, so she can't travel through space unaided.

enhanced durability : stella is able to withstand unnaturally high levels of physical harm. she's in no way invincible though and can still sustain damage from a sufficient source. she is unharmed by high levels of free falling, can take a powerful attack and feel the effect later, and generally stays healthy if there's an illness going around such as influenza or the cold.
superhuman strength : stella is capable of lifting or pressing volumes of mass that surpass than what is normal of a human being affected by gravity. she is classified as supernatural type 1, meaning she is able to lift up cars, buses, and large boulders. when she collides with the ground after a fall, a slight hole is made where she landed. stella is still susceptible to newton's three laws of motion, as well as gravity and mass and balance. and she has a tendancy to damage the environment or other people with meaning to.
linguistic assimilation : she is capable of learning other languages by coming into physical contact with someone who knows the language. like her mother, stella prefers to do this by kissing people because it really is more fun.
hand-to-hand combat : having had lessons from the warlords of okaara, stella is proficient in hand to hand combat.


PERSONALITY + Expand on the traits, they can be contradicting if you want - i mean, as a normal human being like myself, i'm pretty contradicting, so be as contradicting as you want just make sure it makes some sense





AGE + month, day, year format | 18

ALIAS + shooting star : because when she flies, she leaves a contrail behind, like a shooing star

PARENT + starfire
+ tamaran  

FACECLAIM + kimberly johansson
BACK-UP FACECLAIM + ashley moore

social circle

» Relation, name | age | occupation | personality | relationship with your character  
» Relation, name | age | occupation | personality | relationship with your character  
» Relation, name | age | occupation | personality | relationship with your character  


» Relation, name | age | occupation | personality | relationship with your character  
» Relation, name | age | occupation | personality | relationship with your character  
» Relation, name | age | occupation | personality | relationship with your character  


» Relation, name | age | occupation | personality | relationship with your character  
» Relation, name | age | occupation | personality | relationship with your character  
» Relation, name | age | occupation | personality | relationship with your character  


» write here
» write here
» write here


» write here
» write here
» write here


» write here
» write here
» write here


» write here
» write here
» write here


Is there a specific clothing they wear? is there something they'd always have to wear because it has special meaning? any specific colours? do they dislike a type of clothing? also try to add if they have a superhero costume they wear or whatnot. try to be detailed - don't have ta if ya don't wanna  



» stella anders | it is her "human" name and is just splitting her name apart

» dainty flame | stella is very very small compared to most tamaraneas, heck her mom is over 6 feet, while stella is barely over 5'0



» language, fluency | explanation
» language, fluency | explanation


PERSONALITY + doesn't have to be too long; if you'd like to have another applicant as a love interest, then try to fill this out as best as you can, if you can't then don't worry about it, I'll try to do the best that I can.    

RELATIONSHIP + What is their love story? How does it progress? How do they interact? how do they act around each other? are they like cats and dogs? or does one chase the other? make it interesting and unique   

HISTORY + Is there even a history between them? were they childhood friends? Did they know each other before coming to Superhero Academy? take note that the story will take place in the begining of the year and that Superhero just opened up.

OTHER + Include interesting quirks about the couple, if you'd like you can explain to me more about your character's love interest, if it's not an applicant. Also, if not an applicant, include the powers/weapons of love interest, just like above. 

+ -hatchin
+ ivy
+ group 2

love int name




AGE + month, day, year format | age
ALIAS + what does he/she go by? Y'know your superhero name 
PARENT + Superhero/side-kick/anti-hero parent
BIRTHPLACE in the human grounds or somewhere else?  


LOVE INT FACECLAIM + only if the name of love interest is different from faceclaim

BACK-UP LOVE INT + name here



lmao i just took her powers from starfire's dc wikia page


SCENE REQUESTS + go wild, literally 


PASSWORD + starfire



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