Yesterday's Event

Hi everyone! It's been quite a while since I've posted, but I'm back now and I've got a really funny story to tell that happened yesterday.

I was gonna post this blog for yesterday, however, I still have an exam block (where all my subject exams are in one week), but I'll be taking only one exam for tomorrow so I can spare some time now.

Yesterday, I took the earlier train to get to school since we had to be at school earlier for our exams. This meant that I didn't get to see Miki during the morning, which was sad haha. I also didn't see him in the afternoon, which was also sad. Although he didn't attend school today, he kept messaging my sibling about homework and stuff. He kept asking so many questions while my sibling and I were trying to play a game together.

Miki asked for the work that my sibling done today and so my sibling told me to point with my finger at what he did. So I did that. I pointed to this one equation on my sibling's workbook while my sibling was trying to take a picture of it on his iPad.

During the time he took it I was still in my school uniform and there's a part in the picture where you can see my skirt.

When my sibling sent that photo he explained what it was and that he was still working it out and all.

Then Miki said: "y finger"

And my sibling and I were just laughing (but inside my head I was like yEAH THANKS I'M GLAD YOU NOTICED MY FINGERS I HOPE YOU AREN'T BEING SARCASTIC YOU'RE SO SWEET) so my sibling ended up saying that "that's my sister's finger".

This led Miki to reply so quickly saying:
"oh "
"why is she pointing"
" i look like a pedo"

The last part where he said that he looked like a pedo made me just sit there in silence and just reflect. We're just two years apart. I AM NOT THAT YOUNG AS HE PROBABLY THINKS I AM WEEPS. LOOK AT ME LIKE A GROWN PERSON. I guess he looks at me that way then....weeps. Nonetheless, I'm not sure if he knew about it being my hand and then covering it up by pretending he didn't know, or he genuinely didn't know it was my hand. Either way, he sounded a bit sarcastic about it, but whatever. He noticed my hand.

Anyways, that really boosted my mood up (and distracted me a lot from studying).

Other than that, another thing that happened today. I made a friend through the most weirdest way I possibly could make one (not really).

So, my friend and I were just chilling on the train and a friend from my Visual Arts class came by with a guy (who might be her boyfriend but who knows). I had eye contact with him and I was smiling a lot since my friend who I was chilling with just said something really funny.

He looked at me saying: "Why are you staring at me like that? It's weird" and I was just like oH SORRY I'M SO SORRY. We ended up introducing ourselves to each other. He put out his hand for a handshake and said his name and I was just nodding (then I realised I had to introduce myself too) then he let go because he was being stared down by my Visual Art classmate, let's just call her 'T'.

So yeah, he asked me if I was intimidated by her and I said no. He gave me a pouting look and told me that he's scared of her. My friend and I were just like "be strong", "you can get through it" and "you got this". We literally said all this while she was there in the middle of the conversation haha.

He also took his hand out again and then he just held my hand for quite a long time and I was trying to shake it off since my hands were getting sweaty from the heat and I was kinda getting nervous lol, so I hastily took it away and clung on 'T's arm and made up an excuse to him that she wouldn't like it if I touched you just to get my hand away.

Yeah, and we just looked at each other and he looked like he was suffering and I just gave him looks of pity until their station came by where they had to get off. I bid them goodbye.

And that's how I made a new friend from the boys' school next door! And guess what? He's in my grade! Finally someone I know in my grade from the other school.


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