funky mood I guess

I have been in a funky mood all day, this . heck even hubby noticed I wasnt my usual happy self. I dont know if it was just work the last few days that has been bugging me or what? plus a side note I think one of my pals doesnt like me anymore as a friend, it feels like I am losing a friend but hey this is just the way I feel you know? I know they like me as a friend but its like sometimes I feel like I bug them sometimes, which I am not trying to do it at all. I mean who doesnt vent to their pals? I listen to them when they are in need but when I need someone to listen to me, it feels like it falls on deaf ears sometimes you know? there is only a few peeps I trust to tell my too and they were one of the closest ones so it hurts a little. maybe I am just overreacting but I cant shake this feeling you know? it does . sorry for my rant. i will go now.


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don't keep anything in mind Mommy , we all have our worst days sometimes , just go out of the usual and do something fun with your fav people and i think it will get better !
i feel like i annoy people too sometimes ( like right now ) we all have those feelings !
you need a good friend and some fresh air ^^