50 questions about your ideal type (#BringingItBackTo2015)

This is actually a remake of my first blog entry on AFF, and I thought, since it's almost two years since I've been a part of AFF, why not? Here we go!

1. Do you need him to be good looking?
Tbh looks are not the most important thing, but it would be nice if he were fairly attractive.

2. Smart?
Well, I'm not smart so I don't have a particular preference, however, he's gotta have some common sense (I mean, really, it's not too much to ask for, right? Right...?)

3. Preferred age?
Ah okay, so I wouldn't mind dating someone a year younger than me, and around five to seven years elder than myself and I'm saying five to seven because I am so torn between Bang Yongguk and Min Yoongi

4. Preferred height?
Well, my height or taller. Preferably taller. For me the ideal height would be when we sit down next to each other, I can put my head on his shoulder, he can put his head atop mine and it would be hella comfortable.

5. How about sense of humor?
Honestly, I am sassy when I want to be and I have a pretty twisted sense of humour, so I need someone whose sense of humour will match mine

6. How about piercings?
I'm pretty chill with it. I'm getting piercings too, so it won't matter to me.

7. Accepts you for who you are?
I just want to say that I'm not going to be a porcelain doll for someone, I'm not going to be someone I'm not for anyone. I need someone who can accept me for all my perfect imperfections (John Legend doe...)

8. Pink hair?
I don't mind. 

9. Mushy or no?
Not really... I'm not that kind of person, so...

10. Thin or fat?
Well, I've never been in a relationship so I don't know what to look at in physical aspects but maybe someone in the middle? But to be honest, if he loves me the way I love him it won't matter

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
As long as he's a good guy, I don't care about his race.

12. Long hair or short hair?
Whatever suits him best

13. Plastic or metal?
... say wuuuuh-?

14. Smells good?
well that would be a nice thing to wake up to... so yeah I guess^^

15. Smoker?
I'd prefer a non-smoker... but if I can't force him out of it, then I'll just have to live with it

16. Drinker?
Yes. I mean, not hardcore, geez... but occasionally has alcohol... cause I know I'll be having some o' dat moonshine when I'm older (it was a joke... but I don't mind if he drinks occasionally)

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
I am inexperienced... so I don't know...

18. Muscular?
Eh idk... I'm not particular I guess...

19. Plays piano?
I'd be uber jealous but eh, I don't mind.

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
Actually that would be pretty hot, but then again, I'm not particular...

21. Plays violin?
Again, I am not particular...

22. Sings very good?

23. Vain?
Well a playful vain is alright but not anything too extreme or anything, nam sayin'? (chyeah...)

24. With glasses?
Well, I don't mind...

25. With braces?

26. Shy type?
That's so ing adorable yes I wouldn't mind that

27. Rebel or Good boy?
I'm a rebel, yes lmao
Nah, but jokes aside I don't want a goody two shoes but I don't want a hardcore delinquent either

28. Active or passive?
I'm passive agressive... so... passive...? #idk #iwokeuplikethis

29. Tight or bomb?
Tight I guess... (two years and I still haven't fully grasped the concept of this...)

30. Singer or dancer?
Dancer (they're good in bed... #dirtythoughts)
No, but really, I don't mind if they're both or neither...

31. Stunner? 

32. Hiphop?

33. Earrings?
We can wear couple earrings-
No. That's just sappy as .
But yes, I don't mind them ;)

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?

35. Dimples?
D'awweh that would be adorable <3<3<3

36. Bookworm?
That would be cute too... 

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
Corny... not really my cup of tea but maybe...

38. Playful?
Only with me ;)

39. Flirt?
Only with me too lmao

40. Poem writer?
Eh, doesn't matter

41. Serious?

42. Campus crush?
Maybe, maybe not ;p I'm not particular...

43. Painter?
It would be nice... :3

44. Religious?
tbh I'm not very religious myself so I would prefer someone who isn't religious either. However, I don't mind as long as he doesn't press his opinions on me and try to make me religious too...

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
Well, in a totally inappropriate sense, yes, I wouldn't mind...

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
That would be cute. Yes please.

47. Speaks 20 languages?
Lol I'd be hella proud and at the same time, hella disappointed with myself for not learning more languages than him... *pouts*

48. Loyal or faithful?
Isn't this the same thing...?

49. Good kisser?
Really good. Really, really, really good. I mean, I am inexperienced and I need the proper guidance ;D #I'dLikeToBiteThatLip

50. Loves children?
Yes, definitely. There's nothing more attractive than a man that gets along with kids :')
*well for me anyway*

And that's that... Feel free to steal this if you like ;D Cheers, y'all! <3<3<3


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I think I wanna do this. xD
Chiyakochan #2
how the hell am i supposed to copy and paste this . I wanna answer some questions tooooo
Lmao "Shy?" Yeya!!! "Bad boy?" Yeya!!!
Pick one Vi!!! xD
I think am gonna do this. :DD
I stole this and posted it already=).
Awww<3. You seem like a romantic! I love your answers...and agree with most of them. My biggest pet peeve is smoking. I dated a smoker and he tasted NASTY, so I won't do it again. I don't mind most of the others, as long as he's mature:D.
#idliketobitethatlip #idlikethattoo

And, don't deny the fact that you are a tease.

Fetus Haru has grown up a little... *wipes away tears*

Seriously, though, this is much different from your first post. ^^
Good different.