im so pissed off and slightly scared

When i was on my lunch break at work, there were a few guys at the other table who were talking about a bunch of random . 2 of the guys i would kinda consider a work friend? Like well talk at work but we dont have eachothers phone numbers or anything. 

But idk how, the topic of bisecuality came up. So i turned my music down cause i wanted to hear what was being said. 

Yeah kinda bad idea on my part. Cause wow they were not saying anything good. It was the whole 'bi people are just really / they grow out of it/ its for attention'. 

I didnt say anything cause i have like no spoons left and i just wanna go home, not argue with biphobic s. 

But its so frustrating. Like none of that is true. And bi people get so much from everyone. 2 friends of mine within 1 yeah have been kicked out of their houses cause they came out to their parents. And Almost everyone else ive known has gotten from their parents and friends that know. 

Im panromantic aual, so I'm kinda worried? I havent actually told anyone at work about my ex girlfriend. Ive mentioned that i have an ex, but its really easy to not use pronouns. 


On a slightly unrelated note, i really want to buy a binder but i have a fairly large chest and idk people would notice if it was flat all of a sudden and i dont wanna answer the kinds of questions people would ask. 


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ThoughtToLive_012 #1
Yeah, there's really no point in trying to change their mindsets/views anymore. Leave them be and just limit your overall contact with them. Just keep being your awesome self and I'm sure the people who don't feel treated well (by society) will thank the world for accepting people like you.
Lol normally,if i were u...i would ignore em.
closed minded ppl seems to think belittling gays/bis & asians are the best thing to do to boost their ego.
they're not worth it cuz karmas gonna bite them in the 1 day