can you help me ?

what is the best plot for a story to have 12 people so in love with you ? I hae been try to figure out a good plot but it never hit me. mind to share some ideas ? I have been spending almost months to plot a good story.

yeah I know I shouldn't write something that I am not capable with but just be free to share. Can you ?


I would be glad if you want to help me :)


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you could cook! i mean,make people love you with foods...(basically it's cause I loooooove food. so like the comment below me,a cafe, a bakery... a maid sounds like a nice idea(but it's like EXO NEXT DOOR)hurmm...try it out
kyungielovev #2
Well I my opinion, why don't you do something related with backstages.. Means you make the heroin is one of the crew of backstage.. Haha my opinion thou. Another opinion of mine is .... Er... Cafe? My mind is blank rn.. How about maid? Campers? Composer? Bff?? Meh.. Idk it's up to you then..