Back for good

Hey guys!

Your favourite author  Yours truly is back, for good! First thing first, let me apologise again for not updating the story for so long. Thank you for not abandoning me T.T (even  though I don't know if you guys still read my story or not. If you do please respond by commenting? THANKS!!!!!!!)

Secondly, I am finally done with college! It seems like it was just yesterday that I wrote a blog entry about orientation week and booom! Now I finished college already. I'm always amazed at how time flies! It was really sad to leave my friends and lecturers and even the cute dogs there but so far I'm enjoying myself home. Ahhh the luxury of being able of sleep in! XD

Anyway I'm still a bit busy at the time being as I have to for interviews for several universities. Will only be really free from next week onwards so yeah just stay tune!


Starridius <3


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nana4ever #1
Welcome back my dear .....I hope your interviews goes well. Looking forward to your story updates.
